
四川做网站有哪些公司,网站制作公司高端,做电影网站怎么赚钱,华强北做电子网站建设简介 页面中用 clipboard 可以进行复制粘贴&#xff0c;clipboard能将内容直接写入剪切板 安装 npm install --save clipboard 使用方法一 <template><span>{{ code }}</span><iclass"el-icon-document"title"点击复制"click"co…


页面中用 clipboard 可以进行复制粘贴,clipboard能将内容直接写入剪切板


npm install --save clipboard


<template><span>{{ code }}</span><iclass="el-icon-document"title="点击复制"@click="copyActiveCode($event,code )"/>
// methods
copyActiveCode(e, text) {const clipboard = new Clipboard(e.target, { text: () => text })clipboard.on('success', e => {this.$message({ type: 'success', message: '复制成功' })// 释放内存clipboard.off('error')clipboard.off('success')clipboard.destroy()})clipboard.on('error', e => {// 不支持复制this.$message({ type: 'waning', message: '该浏览器不支持自动复制' })// 释放内存clipboard.off('error')clipboard.off('success')clipboard.destroy()})clipboard.onClick(e)}


<template><span>{{ code }}</span><iid="tag-copy" <-- 作为选择器的标识使用用class也行 -->:data-clipboard-text="code"  <-- 这里放要复制的内容 -->class="el-icon-document"title="点击复制"@click="copyActiveCode($event,code)"/>
// methods
copyActiveCode() {const clipboard = new Clipboard("#tag-copy")clipboard.on('success', e => {this.$message({ type: 'success', message: '复制成功' })// 释放内存clipboard.destroy()})clipboard.on('error', e => {// 不支持复制this.$message({ type: 'waning', message: '该浏览器不支持自动复制' })// 释放内存clipboard.destroy()})}





数据驱动开发Data driven means that your decision are driven by data and not by emotions. This approach can be very useful in stock market investment. Here is a summary of a data driven approach which I have been taking recently数据驱动意味着您的决定是由数据…

前端之sublime text配置

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python 时间序列预测_使用Python进行动手时间序列预测

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Faster-RCNN&#xff08;RPN CNN ROI&#xff09;概念 Faster RCNN可以分为4个主要内容&#xff1a; Conv layers&#xff1a;作为一种CNN网络目标检测方法&#xff0c;Faster RCNN首先使用一组基础的convrelupooling层提取 image的feature maps。该feature maps被共享用于…


算法偏见是什么在上一篇文章中&#xff0c;我们展示了当数据将情绪从动作中剥离时会发生什么 (In the last article, we showed what happens when data strip emotions out of an action) In Part 1 of this series, we argued that data can turn anyone into a psychopath, …


2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> 复习: 1.clear清屏 2.vi vi xxx.log i-->edit esc-->command shift:-->end 输入 wq 3.cat xxx.log 查看 --------------------------- 1.pwd 查看当前光标所在的path 2.家目录 /boot swap / 根目录 起始位置 家…


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朴素贝叶斯和贝叶斯估计Note from Towards Data Science’s editors: While we allow independent authors to publish articles in accordance with our rules and guidelines, we do not endorse each author’s contribution. You should not rely on an author’s works wi…


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Keras框架:实例分割Mask R-CNN算法实现及实现

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github gists 101使代码共享漂亮

If you’ve been going through Medium, looking at technical articles, you’ve undoubtedly seen little windows that look like the below:如果您一直在阅读Medium&#xff0c;并查看技术文章&#xff0c;那么您无疑会看到类似于以下内容的小窗口&#xff1a; def hello_…