

It’s not a secret that most designers procrastinate on their portfolios whether it is to update them or to create them in the first place.

大多数设计师在更新产品组合时还是拖延产品组合并不是秘密。 首先创建它们

Hopefully, by the end of this blog, you’ll be able to finally publish your portfolio instead of taking twice the time or continuing on the procrastination wagon.


我的简历很丰富; 为什么我需要一个投资组合? (I have an extensive resume; why should I need a portfolio?)

Old man on his home office working on his computer with an open book in front of him
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
Pexels的Andrea Piacquadio 摄

Well, you might already have extensive experience in the field which makes it easy for you to find work whenever you decide to move up and take a new professional challenge as a designer.


On the other hand, updating your portfolio can be very beneficial for your career as it can push you to reflect on the latter.


Let me explain; by taking some of your time to update that old and dusty portfolio of yours, you will be forced to ask yourself a few crucial questions:

让我解释; 通过花一些时间来更新旧的,尘土飞扬的投资组合,您将被迫问自己几个关键问题:

  • Does my portfolio showcase the type of work I want to be doing in the near future?

  • Have I done anything in the past year that deserves being shown in my portfolio?

  • Have I been working on the right design projects that will lead me towards where I want to be in the future?

  • Have I…


All those questions will improve the way you see and think about your career by putting things into perspective and pushing you to further reflect on this matter.


我的履历不多。 为什么在经历之前我需要一个投资组合? (I don’t have a great resume; why should I need a portfolio before experience?)

Young kid rising his hand while watching his personal computer with a closed book on the desk.
Photo by Rohit Farmer on Unsplash
Rohit Farmer在Unsplash上的照片

Well, if you’re just starting or want to get started in the exciting field of design; it is to be expected that you have very little or no experience to put into your resume.

好吧,如果您只是刚刚开始或想在激动人心的设计领域入门,那么您可以; 可以预料,您很少或没有经验可放入简历中。

For this very reason, a portfolio is essential for you as it’s the only or, one of the only ways that a recruiter can understand your design process and evaluate your capacity to come up with solutions to design problems.


Having a well-thought design portfolio where to document your process and projects will be key for that role you’re applying for.

拥有周到的设计资产组合来记录 您的 过程和项目,对于您要申请的职位至关重要。

您的投资组合仅仅是开始 (Your portfolio is just the beginning)

Black man in running position with stick on right hand
Photo by Braden Collum on Unsplash
Braden Collum在Unsplash上拍摄的照片

“The end is never the end. It’s always the beginning of something.”― Kate Lord Brown

“终点永无止境。 这总是东西的开始。” -凯特·洛德·布朗

One of the main reasons why most of us tend to take way too much time to launch our portfolios is that we look at the launch as the closing step when in reality is just the beginning of the journey.


Having this outlook can put too much pressure and boundaries on ourselves prolonging the launch further.


That’s why I think that changing your vision on the portfolio launch and avoiding the following pitfalls will help you update/finish your portfolio and launch it in no time:


#1完美主义 (#1 Perfectionism)

Man measuring grass holding sizors in one hand and a ruler in the other hand
Credit- Andrey Popov — stock.adobe.com
信贷-安德烈·波波夫(Andrey Popov)-stock.adobe.com

“If your fidelity to perfectionism is too high, you never do anything.” — David Foster Wallace

“如果您对完美主义的忠诚度太高,您将一事无成。” —大卫·福斯特·华莱士

Perfectionism is one of the major problems I see in the design community, a design community that won’t hesitate to slap you for not making things pixel perfect.


This is a phenomenon that I know most of us designers suffer from when working in our portfolios. We tend to aim too high, we set ourselves unrealistic standards because we feel that once we launch our portfolio we can’t go back but, this is not true.

我知道这是我们大多数设计师在投资组合中工作时遭受的一种现象。 我们的目标往往太高了,我们为自己设定了不切实际的标准,因为我们认为一旦启动投资组合就无法回头,但这不是真的

Attaching yourself to an idealistic standard such as perfectionism is only going to make you feel unworthy and slow us down. It’s only after freeing yourself from perfectionism that you’ll start moving forwards.

坚持完美主义等理想主义标准只会使您感到不配,并拖慢我们的步伐。 只有从完美主义中解放出来,您才能开始前进。

#2比较 (#2 Comparison)

Old rusty retro car besides new retro car in front of yellow garage
Photo by Dietmar Becker on Unsplash
Dietmar Becker在Unsplash上拍摄的照片

“A game of pick-up basketball against someone far taller and more skilled than you may leave you feeling a bit low’’.




It might happen that, while looking for inspiration, you stumbled on a “top 10 design portfolios of 2020'’ article showcasing designers working at top companies reputed for their design practices.

可能会发现,在寻找灵感的同时,您偶然发现了“ 2020年十大设计投资组合”文章,其中展示了在以其设计实践着称的顶级公司工作的设计师。

This will consciously or unconsciously trigger your “comparison muscles’’ making you measure your projects to the projects of those designer’s which, very often, have way more experience and cooler projects than you.


As a fellow designer, I greatly discourage you from doing so as even those designers you admire tend to compare themselves with other designers. This is a never-ending loop from which I encourage you to get out.

作为一名资深设计师,我非常不鼓励您这样做,因为即使您欣赏的那些设计师也倾向于将自己与其他设计师进行比较。 这是一个永无止境的循环,我鼓励您摆脱困境。

Don’t let this discourage you; whats’s important for you is to launch your portfolio asap, you can always iterate on it and add more interesting projects.

不要让这让你沮丧。 对您来说重要的是尽快启动您的投资组合,您可以随时对其进行迭代并添加更多有趣的项目。

#3信息超载 (#3 Information Overload)

A pile of paper documents
Tim Hawley | Credit: Getty Images
蒂姆·霍利| 信用:盖蒂图片社

Your portfolio is not an archive, don’t show all of your projects in it.


As designers, a big part of our job is to ensure that just the right amount of information appears the user interfaces we are designing for.


Nevertheless, when it comes to their portfolios, some designers forget this crucial aspect. Instead of overloading your project’s list page with numerous past projects, keep it simple by showcasing a maximum of 4 to 6 projects.

然而,谈到他们的产品组合,一些设计师忘记了这一关键方面。 不要过多显示过去的多个项目而使项目的列表页面超载,而最多可以显示46个项目,从而使其变得简单

Focus on the projects that are the most relevant to the goal you’re trying to accomplish with your portfolio.


对于刚开始在野外工作的人* (For those just starting in the field *)

I’m just starting as a designer, I don’t have client work yet


Well, this is normal, just remember that there is always a problem out there waiting for you to solve it. You can design or redesign a local non-profit or neighborhood business website, a product you are already using, a logo, etc.

好吧,这很正常,只要记住那里总是有问题在等待您解决。 您可以设计或重新设计本地非营利性或社区商业网站,您正在使用的产品,徽标等。

As long as you follow design methodologies and document how you came up with the final solution you can showcase it in your portfolio.

只要您遵循设计 方法记录如何提出最终解决方案,就可以在您的产品组合中进行展示。

#4选择悖论 (#4 Paradox of Choice)

Man watching vending machines in the dark
Photo by Victoriano Izquierdo on Unsplash
Victoriano Izquierdo在Unsplash上的照片

“Tools are just tools. They work, or they don’t work.’’-Steve Jobs

“工具只是工具。 他们行得通,或者不行 .''-史蒂夫·乔布斯

Thanks to the internet it’s now easier than ever to research products and services and alternatives for each of those options.


Unfortunately, this can be a double-edged sword as a simple search query can make you fall into the rabbit hole of link clicking that can end hours later with you more confused than before.


By experience, I know that this often happens when you’re searching for the “right’’ content management systems (CMS’s) to use for our portfolio.


For this reason, I encourage you to stop worrying about the pros and cons of each CMS and focus on whether your tool of choice offers the basic features you need, stick to this and you’ll get closer to getting that portfolio ready for publishing.


You’re designing a portfolio, not an e-com platform…


#5截止日期 (#5 Deadline)

An analog timepiece
Photo by Djim Loic on Unsplash
Djim Loic在Unsplash上拍摄的照片

“Goals are dreams with deadlines.”― Diana Scharf

“目标是有期限的梦想。”- 戴安娜·沙夫 ( Diana Scharf)

DEADLINE! a word that very often gets associated with stress and anxiety. There is nothing worse than looking at the calendar and seeing that you only have a couple of days, or worst, a couple of hours to finish a project.

最后期限! 一个经常与压力和焦虑相关的单词。 没有什么比查看日历并看到您只有几天甚至更糟的几个小时才能完成一个项目更糟糕的了。

On the other hand, deadlines can act as a catalyst that can drive you to throw away all of your doubts and just get the work done.


This is why you should consider setting a deadline for your launch and get ready to launch your portfolio no matter what; even if it’s not perfect, even if some projects are missing. You have to launch it!

这就是为什么您应该考虑设置发布截止日期并准备好发布投资组合的原因,无论如何; 即使它不完美,即使缺少一些项目。 您必须启动它!

The key is to ship fast and keep iterating on it over time to make it better.

关键是要快速 交付产品 ,并不断对其进行迭代以使其更好。

这是一段旅程…… (It’s a journey…)

Image for post
Photo by Matt Howard on Unsplash
Matt Howard在Unsplash上的照片

Hopefully, by now your outlook has changed and you realize that the launch of your portfolio is not the closing step but, the beginning of the journey.

希望到现在,您的看法已经改变,并且您意识到推出投资组合不是最后的一步, 而是旅程的开始。

The reality is that our portfolios are never finished.

现实情况是我们的 投资组合永远都不会完结。

Similarly to our careers, our portfolios are constantly in progress. As your career progresses, so should your portfolio. Now, it’s time for you to get to work and finally launch that portfolio.

与我们的职业相似,我们的投资组合也在不断发展。 随着职业发展,您的投资组合也应随之发展。 现在,您该开始工作并最终启动该产品组合了。

3, 2, 1, 0…🚀


If you want to see the video version of this blog, click here 🎥

如果您想查看此博客的视频版本, 点击 这里 🎥

Thank’s for reading!


👋 Feel free to say hello! Instagram, Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube

👋随时问好! Instagram , Linkedin , Facebook , Twitter , Youtube

💻 My UI/UX design work: Portfolio

UI 我的UI / UX设计工作 :产品组合

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/how-to-finally-launch-your-design-portfolio-98a63b999c7e






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