mac photoshop_我讨厌Photoshop…

mac photoshop

It probably sounds odd to hear a visual designer say they hate Photoshop. It’s sort of like hearing a writer say they hate Word. It’s sort of a given that Photoshop is the medium within which visual designers work their magic. It’s also one of the goliaths of digital democratization — and has been an industry standard since the early days of the internet. It’s kick ass — and it kicks ass.

听到视觉设计师说他们讨厌Photoshop听起来很奇怪。 这有点像听到作家说他们讨厌Word。 某种程度上说,Photoshop是视觉设计师发挥其魔力的媒介。 它也是数字民主化的魔鬼之一-自互联网诞生以来就一直是行业标准。 它是屁股-它是屁股。

Now don’t get me wrong, when it comes to image editing, Photoshop is super powerful.


It’s unparalleled in bringing to life concepts for clients to see and fall in love with. I use it for this on a daily basis. If one can use it to bring a famous Hollywood villain into our living rooms to promote high end TV sales, well then It’s pretty cool.

它无与伦比地将概念带入生活,让客户看到并爱上它。 我每天都用它。 如果有人可以用它把一个著名的好莱坞小人带到我们的客厅,以促进高端电视的销售,那真是太酷了。

Image for post
Ad concept I did for the Samsung QLED 8K
我为Samsung QLED 8K做的广告概念

But when it comes to designing a website, and in light of tools designed specifically for that task, it totally sucks. No amount of photo editing will help alleviate that. For web design, I’ve fallen out of love with Photoshop. And fallen out hard.

但是,在设计网站时,并根据专门为该任务设计的工具,这完全是糟透了。 没有大量的照片编辑可以帮助减轻这种情况。 对于网页设计,我不喜欢Photoshop。 并陷入困境。

Here’s the thing, for the past 15 years or so — since about version 8.0 — I’ve been designing massive web experiences with a combination of Photoshop and Illustrator. I’ve sifted through like a bajillion layers; updated like a quadrillion layer comps. At the end of each project, when client approvals came in and we were about to release files to the development team, I would dutifully optimize them, stripping out all unnecessary layers, renaming and reorganizing everything so that it made sense to anyone coming upon the file for the first time.

在过去的15年左右的时间里-从8.0版本开始-我一直在结合Photoshop和Illustrator设计大量的Web体验。 我像个亿万富翁的层层筛选。 更新像四层图层的复合。 在每个项目结束时,当获得客户的批准并且我们即将向开发团队发布文件时,我会尽职地优化它们,剥离所有不必要的层,重命名和重新组织所有内容,以使任何对它感兴趣的人都可以理解。文件第一次。

Occasionally through the years I’d proclaim that I was going to work clean, optimizing my files as I went. But — you know how it is. In the frenzy of divergent iteration, and not wanting to delete layers that might later become useful, my files would bloat to the point of being unmanageable. If you’re a visual designer, you know the game.

多年来,我偶尔会宣称自己将保持工作整洁,并在进行过程中优化文件。 但是-您知道如何。 在发散迭代的狂热中,又不想删除以后可能有用的图层,我的文件会膨胀到无法管理的地步。 如果您是视觉设计师,那么您就会了解游戏。

In 2010 I heard about Sketch. At the time I didn’t care to learn a new program, but was content to go about my merry way with my first love, Photoshop. A couple of years later I tried XD. I liked it a lot, but all the developers in my company required designs in Photoshop. Then in 2016 I put a solid effort around trying to get my company to switch to Figma. Aside from the ease of use and great prototyping capabilities, it’s cloud based. There’s no need to download software or dedicate server space for your files. It’s all online.

在2010年,我听说了Sketch。 当时我并不在意学习一个新程序,但是很满足于与我的初恋Photoshop一起快乐地生活。 几年后,我尝试了XD。 我非常喜欢它,但是我公司中的所有开发人员都需要在Photoshop中进行设计。 然后在2016年,我全力以赴,努力使我的公司改用Figma 。 除了易于使用和强大的原型制作功能外,它还基于云。 无需下载软件或为文件分配专用的服务器空间。 全部在线。

That’s when the light bulb went on for me, and my love affair with Photoshop as a tool for web design ended.


Fast-forward to yesterday — the day my hatred for Photoshop as a tool for web design began.


One of our clients has asked for substantial updates to their website. In pulling down and sorting through the PSDs from the launch in 2018 and the revisions in 2019, I could clearly see the quagmire before me. I will need to merge the 2018 files with the 2019 files, then update them with the 2020 content. To do this in Photoshop will be a drag.

我们的一位客户要求对其网站进行实质性更新。 从2018年的发布和2019年的修订中拉下并整理PSD,我可以清楚地看到摆在我面前的泥潭。 我需要将2018文件与2019文件合并,然后用2020内容更新它们。 在Photoshop中执行此操作会很麻烦。

Knowing what I know about XD and Figma, and how easy they are to use, all I can say is — Ugh!


I toyed with screen-grabbing all the pages that we will not be touching, but the client wants the whole site design, all pages updated with the new navigation, copyright line and job codes before we send them to the dev team. It’s incredibly frustrating because I know I can lay out the whole site, from top to bottom, using Figma or XD in less time than it would take to merge the three PSD files and update the half dozen pages with the new content in Photoshop. My internal team is up for the shift, but the client has their own dev team that will only accept PSDs.

我嘲笑了我们不会接触的所有页面,但是客户希望整个网站设计,所有页面都使用新的导航,版权行和工作代码进行更新,然后再将其发送给开发团队。 令人沮丧的是,因为我知道我可以用Figma或XD从上到下布局整个网站,而不用合并三个PSD文件并用Photoshop中的新内容更新六页页面。 我的内部团队正在为这一转变做准备,但是客户有自己的开发团队,他们只会接受PSD。

And so, on this job, I’m biting the bullet. I’m grudgingly going to do this job in Photoshop. But my heart is somewhere else. The love that I pine for — that I can’t stop thinking about, that I can’t wait to get back to, that I will champion in all future endeavors — is Figma.

因此,在这项工作中,我很吃力。 我很想在Photoshop中完成这项工作。 但是我的心在别的地方。 我热爱的爱情-我不能停止思考,我迫不及待地想要回到我的世界,我将在未来的所有努力中全力以赴-是Figma。


mac photoshop




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