
Last year I found myself in an interesting conversation about which copy to use for a website’s sign up journey. And it wasn’t the first time. Often this devolves into an opinion-based discussion among stakeholders of the ‘what-I-like-based-on-no-evidence’ variety.

去年,我在一次有趣的对话中发现自己适合在网站注册过程中使用哪个副本。 这不是第一次。 通常,这会演变成利益相关者之间基于观点的讨论,涉及“我在无证据基础上喜欢什么”。

I ended up writing a small piece of best practice guidance, based on approximately 12 years’ experience of user testing private and public sector products.


(TLDR: yes, it depends)

(TLDR:是的, 这取决于 )

登录,登录,注册 (Sign in, log in, register)

The key to choosing terminology is intent — what are you communicating about the experience?

选择术语的关键是意图 -您在体验中传达的是什么?

初次使用 (First use)

When you want to capture user data for the first time, the way you ask communicates what the website or app is for. This is because you are using words that the user will already associate with other experiences throughout their lives, not just digital products —so you need to be aware of the connotations and mental models that already exist.

当您想首次捕获用户数据时,您的询问方式会传达该网站或应用程序的用途。 这是因为您所使用的词语是用户一生中将已经与其他体验相关联,而不仅仅是数字产品-因此您需要了解已经存在的内涵和思维模式。

Yes, you should do research to understand users and yes you should user test however there are also some patterns that I’ve seen over the years that can help you form your initial hypothesis:


Sign up — is pretty generic and appropriate for most products and services. The only time I’ve seen users hesitate on this phrase is when the website is super secure and ‘sign up’ has been perceived as slightly frivolous.

注册 -非常通用,适用于大多数产品和服务。 我唯一一次看到用户对这个短语犹豫不决是当网站超级安全并且“注册”被认为是轻浮的时候。

Register — is slightly more formal and potentially appropriate to a government website, for example you ‘register’ to vote. Users tend to associate this with an almost legal meaning. One person, one registration. It is a claiming of one’s own identity in relation to a product.

注册 -稍微正式一些,可能适合政府网站,例如您“注册”投票。 用户倾向于将此与几乎合法的含义相关联。 一个人,一个注册。 它是关于产品的个人身份声明。

UK government income tax website using “sign in” and “register”
Example: UK government income tax website

回访 (Return visit)

Log in — I’ve seen this used in conjunction with both ‘sign up’ and ‘register’ however again, there are connotations of this term to consider.

登录 -我已经看到它与“注册”和“注册”结合使用,但是,再次考虑到该术语的含义。

  • Older (legacy) software uses ‘log in’ as this was the industry standard for experiences for many years.

  • Enterprise software with secure areas often requires users to ‘log in’ in order to gain access

  • For a lot of internal systems or intranets today the user is provided with ‘a login’ by the organisation.

  • Secure tools such as banking and finance app often use ‘log in’

Natwest banking app using “log in”

Because of this, the connotations of ‘log in’ may be that the system is more secure than ‘sign in’.


So ‘log in’ can be appropriate if you are designing a highly secure system or wish to make the user feel safe in that environment, however if you are designing a more casual experience such as a news app or game (where security may be less of an issue) then this can be overkill and end up feeling weird or archaic/old fashioned to users.


Sign in — can make the most sense to users if they have previously ‘signed up’. This is the quickest and simplest way to achieve experience consistency across the product. However, as above, ‘sign in’ doesn’t communicate the highest level of security.

登录 -如果用户先前已“注册”,则对他们来说最有意义。 这是在整个产品中实现体验一致性的最快,最简单的方法。 但是,如上所述,“登录”不能传达最高级别的安全性。

Duolingo language app using “sign in”

The question therefore is simply — what level of security are you trying to communicate to your users?


一致性 (Consistency)

The most important thing however, whatever you end up going with, is to pick your terminology and stick with it throughout the experience.


So if you choose ‘sign up’ as your main CTA, then users always ‘sign in’ or ‘sign out’. You don’t suddenly switch to “log in” on some pages. Equally, if you are going to ‘log in’ then you are going to ‘log out’ everywhere as well. Yes this sounds obvious, but inconsistencies can creep in on projects where there is a large team working on multiple simultaneous user stories.

因此,如果您选择“注册”作为主要的号召性用语,则用户总是“登录”或“退出”。 在某些页面上,您不会突然切换为“登录”。 同样,如果您要“登录”,那么您也将在所有地方“注销”。 是的,这听起来很明显,但是在大型团队同时处理多个用户故事的项目中,不一致可能会蔓延。

This is why taxonomy should be part of your IA stage— to ensure not only that you are using consistent product and brand terminology, but that your microcopy is consistent.


If you are lucky enough to have a UX Writer on your team they will be all over this. Even if the final content is not written until you are into UI, the content principles, experience principles, product language and tone-of-voice should already be in progress before you even start wireframing in greyscale.

如果您有幸在团队中拥有UX Writer,那么他们将一路过关斩将。 即使最终的内容直到您进入UI才被编写,内容原则,体验原则,产品语言和语调也应该已经在进行中,甚至在您开始使用灰度线框图时 。

It is generally agreed that asking users to re-learn how to use each part of your experience is a bad idea. This is the whole point of what we do — we solve the problems so our users don’t have to.

通常认为, 要求用户重新学习如何使用您的体验的每个部分是一个坏主意。 这就是我们所做的全部工作-我们解决了问题,因此我们的用户不必这样做。

翻译自: https://blog.prototypr.io/sign-in-sign-up-log-in-log-up-6b1b3dec3dea





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