figma 安装插件_我制作Figma插件的经验

figma 安装插件

Since Figma released the Figma Community (Beta), I’ve been working on Figma plugins in my free time while I study the code. With the help of an engineer friend of mine, I’ve developed four small plugins so far. As I continue to update these, I’m also planning new plugins.

自从Figma发布Figma社区(测试版)以来,我在业余时间研究代码时一直在研究Figma插件。 到目前为止,在我的一个工程师朋友的帮助下,我已经开发了四个小插件。 在继续更新这些内容的同时,我也在计划新的插件。

In this article, I will introduce some practical tips and resources for beginners of plugin development, based on my experiences with Figma plugins.


Let’s take a look!👀


我的插件简介 (Introduction to my plugins)

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Figma Exporter lets you select the naming convention you want for your exported files. The available conventions are kebab-case, snake_case, and camelCase.

Figma Exporter使您可以为导出的文件选择所需的命名约定。 可用约定为kebab-case,snake_case和camelCase。

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Aspect Ratio is a Figma-optimized aspect ratio calculator.


  • Inspect — When you select any layer, the aspect ratio value of the layer will be displayed in the inspector area.

  • Calculate — Enter the value you want to calculate in the middle input field, and the value will be calculated.

  • Resize — Click the Resize button to apply the calculated value to the selected layer.

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Golden Spiral is a plugin that calculates a sequence of golden ratios and creates layers. It was developed for use in logo design.

Golden Spiral是一个插件,可计算一系列黄金比例并创建图层。 它被开发用于徽标设计。

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Figma Finder is a launcher utility plugin. It gives you quick access to all your essential things.

Figma Finder是启动器实用程序插件。 它使您可以快速访问所有必需的东西。

从制作到发布的实用技巧和资源 (Practical tips and resources from crafting to publishing)

1.使用Figma用户熟悉的设计系统 (1. Use design systems that Figma users are familiar with)

In the design phase, I use Figma’s UI2 as a reference point for my design. You can get a lot of inspiration from Figma’s design system.

在设计阶段,我将Figma的UI2用作设计的参考点。 您可以从Figma的设计系统中获得很多启发。

You can also download the Inter font that Figma uses for free.


In the development phase, I use Thomas-lowry/ Figma Plugin DS to implement the UI. Other design system packages for frameworks such as React and Vue are also available.

在开发阶段,我使用Thomas-lowry / Figma插件DS来实现UI。 也可以使用其他框架设计系统软件包,例如React和Vue。

  • Vanilla / JavaScript: figma-plugin-ds

    香草/ JavaScript: figma-plugin-ds

  • React: react-figma-plugin-ds, figma-styled-components

    React: react-figma-plugin-ds ,图像figma-styled-components

  • Vue: figma-vue-boilerplate

    Vue: figma-vue-boilerplate

2.提供访问插件的简便方法 (2. Provide easy ways to access plugins)

There are several ways to launch plugins.


  • Click on the Plugin in the Menu to launch it from your list.

  • Press Command+/and quickly type in the plugin to launch it faster.

    Command + /并快速键入插件以更快地启动它。

  • Press Command+Option+P to relaunch the previous plugin

    Command + Option + P重新启动以前的插件

However, when you have a lot of plugins, it can be difficult to find them, or you may forget the plugin name. This is where setRelunchData is useful.

但是,当您有很多插件时,可能很难找到它们,或者您可能会忘记插件名称。 这是setRelunchData有用的地方。

setRelunchData (setRelunchData)

By adding setRelunchData to manifest.jsontthe commands of the plugin will be displayed in the Plugin section of the Properties panel.Users can quickly launch the plugin from here.


// manifest.json
"relaunchButtons": [{"command": "open", "name": "Open Figma Finder", "multipleSelection": true}]

If you want practical tips on how to improve the UX of FigmaPlugin, this article is a must-read.

如果您想获得有关如何改善FigmaPlugin UX的实用技巧,则必须阅读本文。

3.制作清晰诱人的插件页面 (3. Make a clear and attractive plugin page)

  • Icon (128x128):A look in harmony with Figma

  • Cover Art (1920x960) :Displays the UI that shows how the plugin works

  • Name:A short, unique, and clear name for your plugin.

  • Tags (up to 10 tags): Use tags that are easily findable by users.

  • Support contact:Github, Twitter, etc.


Here’s a recommended template for creating a plugin page.


Figma plugin promotional template ― A small template for building out and previewing assets for publishing and promoting your Figma Plugin.

Figma插件促销模板 ―一个用于构建和预览资产以发布和推广Figma插件的小模板。

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Figma Community — Plugins

Recently, Figma Community’s UI was improved greatly. The most popular categories are now organized. Including this tag will ensure that your plugin is featured.

最近,Figma社区的用户界面得到了很大的改进。 现在组织了最受欢迎的类别。 包含此标记将确保您的插件具有特色。

4.关于从提交到发表的时间 (4. About Time from Submission to Publication)

Based on my observations and experience with plugin submissions, it seems that new plugins are released mainly on Fridays.


In the past, it has taken about ten days to go public, but that was when it coincides with Figma’s new feature release.However, when I submitted a request on a Friday morning, it was released within 2–3 hours of submission.


Figma Community continues to be updated. Recently, you can create a FigmaProfile, follow creators, and search for new creators. I’m sure more and more creators will be coming to Figma in the future.

Figma社区继续更新。 最近,您可以创建FigmaProfile,关注创建者,并搜索新创建者。 我相信将来会有越来越多的创作者来参加Figma。

Stay tuned for more articles on new plugin development and updates.


Thank you for reading!


If you enjoyed this article, follow me on Twitter, LinkedIn, Medium, or Figma.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请在 Twitter LinkedIn Medium Figma 上关注我


figma 安装插件





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