windows 停止nginx

1、查找进程 tasklist | findstr nginx
windows 停止nginx
2、杀死进程 taskkill /pid 6508 /F
windows 停止nginx
taskkill /pid 6508 /pid 16048 /f






有些情况接口需要返回的是xml数据&#xff0c;在springboot中并不需要每次都转换一下数据格式&#xff0c;只需做一些微调整即可。 新建一个springboot项目&#xff0c;加入依赖jackson-dataformat-xml&#xff0c;pom文件代码如下&#xff1a; <?xml version"1.0&quo…

orange 数据分析_使用Orange GUI的放置结果数据分析

orange 数据分析Objective : Analysing of several factors influencing the recruitment of students and extracting information through plots.目的&#xff1a;分析影响学生招生和通过情节提取信息的几个因素。 Description : The following analysis presents the diffe…


普里姆从不同顶点出发绘制大流行时期社区的风险群图&#xff1a;以布宜诺斯艾利斯为例 (Map Risk Clusters of Neighbourhoods in the time of Pandemic: a case of Buenos Aires) 介绍 (Introduction) Every year is unique and particular. But, 2020 brought the world the …

荷兰牛栏 荷兰售价_荷兰的公路货运是如何发展的

荷兰牛栏 荷兰售价I spent hours daily driving on one of the busiest motorways in the Netherlands when commuting was still a norm. When I first came across with the goods vehicle data on CBS website, it immediately attracted my attention: it could answer tho…

Vim 行号的显示与隐藏

2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> Vim 行号的显示与隐藏 一、当前文档的显示与隐藏 1 打开一个文档 [rootpcname ~]# vim demo.txt This is the main Apache HTTP server configuration file. It contains the configuration directives that give the s…


结对作业搭档&#xff1a;童宇欣 本篇博客结构一览&#xff1a; 1&#xff09;.前言(包括仓库地址等项目信息) 2&#xff09;.开始前PSP展示 3&#xff09;.结对编程对接口的设计 4&#xff09;.计算模块接口的设计与实现过程 5&#xff09;.计算模块接口部分的性能改进 6&…


第一题&#xff1a; 输出月份英文名 设计思路: 1:看题目&#xff1a;主函数与函数声明&#xff0c;知道它要你干什么2&#xff1a;理解与分析&#xff1a;在main中&#xff0c;给你一个月份数字n&#xff0c;要求你通过调用函数char *getmonth&#xff0c;来判断&#xff1a;若…


1 Python简介 1.1 什么是Python Python是一种面向对象的解释型计算机程序设计语言&#xff0c;由荷兰人吉多范罗苏姆&#xff08;Guido van Rossum&#xff09;于1989年发明&#xff0c;第一个公开发行版发行于1991年。目前Python的最新发行版是Python3.6。 Python是纯粹的自由…


如何成为数据科学家Data science is one of the new, emerging fields that has the power to extract useful trends and insights from both structured and unstructured data. It is an interdisciplinary field that uses scientific research, algorithms, and graphs to…




南京信息工程大学实验报告 实验名称 linux 常用命令练习 实验日期 2018-4-4 得分指导教师 系 计软院 专业 软嵌 年级 2015 级 班次 &#xff08;1&#xff09; 姓名王江远 学号20151398006 一、实验目的 1. 掌握 linux 系统中 shell 的基础知识 2. 掌握 linux 系统中文件系统的…


个人项目api接口Public APIs are awesome!公共API很棒&#xff01; There are over 50 pieces covering APIs on just the Towards Data Science publication, so I won’t go into too lengthy of an introduction. APIs basically let you interact with some tool or servi…

咕泡-模板方法 template method 设计模式笔记

2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> 模板方法模式&#xff08;Template Method&#xff09; 定义一个操作中的算法的骨架&#xff0c;而将一些步骤延迟到子类中Template Method 使得子类可以不改变一个算法的结构即可重定义该算法的某些特定步骤Template Me…


如何评价强gis与弱gisTL;DR — A Geographic Information System is an information system that specializes in the storage, retrieval and display of location data.TL; DR — 地理信息系统 是专门从事位置数据的存储&#xff0c;检索和显示的信息系统。 The standard de…


第四次冲刺任务 团队分工 成员&#xff1a;刘鹏芝&#xff0c;罗樟&#xff0c;王小莉&#xff0c;沈兴艳&#xff0c;徐棒&#xff0c;彭康明&#xff0c;胡广键 产品用户&#xff1a;王小莉 需求规约&#xff1a;彭康明&#xff0c;罗樟 UML&#xff1a;刘鹏芝&#xff0c;沈…


机器人影视对接A simple question like ‘How do you find a compatible partner?’ is what pushed me to try to do this project in order to find a compatible partner for any person in a population, and the motive behind this blog post is to explain my approach…

mysql 数据库优化之执行计划(explain)简析



自我接纳现实世界中的数据科学 (Data Science in the Real World) Students are often worried and unaware about their chances of admission to graduate school. This blog aims to help students in shortlisting universities with their profiles using ML model. The p…


python中knnk最近邻居 (k-Nearest Neighbors) k-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) is a supervised machine learning algorithm that can be used for either regression or classification tasks. KNN is non-parametric, which means that the algorithm does not make assumptions …


unity第三人称射击游戏Previous article上一篇文章 The economics literature distinguishes the quality of a game’s information (perfect vs. imperfect) from the completeness of a game’s information (complete vs. incomplete). Perfect information means that ev…