一 官方说明
To achieve this, add the following to your base.user.css or [theme].user.css in the theme folder.
/** initialize css counter */
#write {counter-reset: h1
}h1 {counter-reset: h2
}h2 {counter-reset: h3
}h3 {counter-reset: h4
}h4 {counter-reset: h5
}h5 {counter-reset: h6
}/** put counter result into headings */
#write h1:before {counter-increment: h1;content: counter(h1) ". "
}#write h2:before {counter-increment: h2;content: counter(h1) "." counter(h2) ". "
}#write h3:before,
h3.md-focus.md-heading:before /** override the default style for focused headings */ {counter-increment: h3;content: counter(h1) "." counter(h2) "." counter(h3) ". "
}#write h4:before,
h4.md-focus.md-heading:before {counter-increment: h4;content: counter(h1) "." counter(h2) "." counter(h3) "." counter(h4) ". "
}#write h5:before,
h5.md-focus.md-heading:before {counter-increment: h5;content: counter(h1) "." counter(h2) "." counter(h3) "." counter(h4) "." counter(h5) ". "
}#write h6:before,
h6.md-focus.md-heading:before {counter-increment: h6;content: counter(h1) "." counter(h2) "." counter(h3) "." counter(h4) "." counter(h5) "." counter(h6) ". "
}/** override the default style for focused headings */
h6.md-focus:before {color: inherit;border: inherit;border-radius: inherit;position: inherit;left:initial;float: none;top:initial;font-size: inherit;padding-left: inherit;padding-right: inherit;vertical-align: inherit;font-weight: inherit;line-height: inherit;
4.1、Auto-Numbering in TOC
If you want TOC entities to be displayed auto-numbered, you could try http://pastebin.com/NYugSbXk posted by a Typora user.
/*************************************** Header Counters in TOC**************************************//* No link underlines in TOC */
.md-toc-inner {text-decoration: none;
}.md-toc-content {counter-reset: h1toc
}.md-toc-h1 {margin-left: 0;font-size: 1.5rem;counter-reset: h2toc
}.md-toc-h2 {font-size: 1.1rem;margin-left: 2rem;counter-reset: h3toc
}.md-toc-h3 {margin-left: 3rem;font-size: .9rem;counter-reset: h4toc
}.md-toc-h4 {margin-left: 4rem;font-size: .85rem;counter-reset: h5toc
}.md-toc-h5 {margin-left: 5rem;font-size: .8rem;counter-reset: h6toc
}.md-toc-h6 {margin-left: 6rem;font-size: .75rem;
}.md-toc-h1:before {color: black;counter-increment: h1toc;content: counter(h1toc) ". "
}.md-toc-h1 .md-toc-inner {margin-left: 0;
}.md-toc-h2:before {color: black;counter-increment: h2toc;content: counter(h1toc) ". " counter(h2toc) ". "
}.md-toc-h2 .md-toc-inner {margin-left: 0;
}.md-toc-h3:before {color: black;counter-increment: h3toc;content: counter(h1toc) ". " counter(h2toc) ". " counter(h3toc) ". "
}.md-toc-h3 .md-toc-inner {margin-left: 0;
}.md-toc-h4:before {color: black;counter-increment: h4toc;content: counter(h1toc) ". " counter(h2toc) ". " counter(h3toc) ". " counter(h4toc) ". "
}.md-toc-h4 .md-toc-inner {margin-left: 0;
}.md-toc-h5:before {color: black;counter-increment: h5toc;content: counter(h1toc) ". " counter(h2toc) ". " counter(h3toc) ". " counter(h4toc) ". " counter(h5toc) ". "
}.md-toc-h5 .md-toc-inner {margin-left: 0;
}.md-toc-h6:before {color: black;counter-increment: h6toc;content: counter(h1toc) ". " counter(h2toc) ". " counter(h3toc) ". " counter(h4toc) ". " counter(h5toc) ". " counter(h6toc) ". "
}.md-toc-h6 .md-toc-inner {margin-left: 0;
}/*************************************** Header Counters in Content**************************************//** initialize css counter */
#write {counter-reset: h1
}h1 {counter-reset: h2
}h2 {counter-reset: h3
}h3 {counter-reset: h4
}h4 {counter-reset: h5
}h5 {counter-reset: h6
}/** put counter result into headings */
#write h1:before {counter-increment: h1;content: counter(h1) ". "
}#write h2:before {counter-increment: h2;content: counter(h1) "." counter(h2) ". "
}#write h3:before, h3.md-focus.md-heading:before { /*override the default style for focused headings */counter-increment: h3;content: counter(h1) "." counter(h2) "." counter(h3) ". "
}#write h4:before, h4.md-focus.md-heading:before {counter-increment: h4;content: counter(h1) "." counter(h2) "." counter(h3) "." counter(h4) ". "
}#write h5:before, h5.md-focus.md-heading:before {counter-increment: h5;content: counter(h1) "." counter(h2) "." counter(h3) "." counter(h4) "." counter(h5) ". "
}#write h6:before, h6.md-focus.md-heading:before {counter-increment: h6;content: counter(h1) "." counter(h2) "." counter(h3) "." counter(h4) "." counter(h5) "." counter(h6) ". "
}/** override the default style for focused headings */
#write>h3.md-focus:before, #write>h4.md-focus:before, #write>h5.md-focus:before, #write>h6.md-focus:before, h3.md-focus:before, h4.md-focus:before, h5.md-focus:before, h6.md-focus:before {color: inherit;border: inherit;border-radius: inherit;position: inherit;left: initial;float: none;top: initial;font-size: inherit;padding-left: inherit;padding-right: inherit;vertical-align: inherit;font-weight: inherit;line-height: inherit;
4.2、Auto-Numbering Outline panel
To show auto-numbering in Typora’s Outline panel, disable the collapsable outline panel in the preferences panel and then try https://pastebin.com/XmYgBbaz.
.sidebar-content {counter-reset: h1
}.outline-h1 {counter-reset: h2
}.outline-h2 {counter-reset: h3
}.outline-h3 {counter-reset: h4
}.outline-h4 {counter-reset: h5
}.outline-h5 {counter-reset: h6
}.outline-h1>.outline-item>.outline-label:before {counter-increment: h1;content: counter(h1) ". "
}.outline-h2>.outline-item>.outline-label:before {counter-increment: h2;content: counter(h1) "." counter(h2) ". "
}.outline-h3>.outline-item>.outline-label:before {counter-increment: h3;content: counter(h1) "." counter(h2) "." counter(h3) ". "
}.outline-h4>.outline-item>.outline-label:before {counter-increment: h4;content: counter(h1) "." counter(h2) "." counter(h3) "." counter(h4) ". "
}.outline-h5>.outline-item>.outline-label:before {counter-increment: h5;content: counter(h1) "." counter(h2) "." counter(h3) "." counter(h4) "." counter(h5) ". "
}.outline-h6>.outline-item>.outline-label:before {counter-increment: h6;content: counter(h1) "." counter(h2) "." counter(h3) "." counter(h4) "." counter(h5) "." counter(h6) ". "
二 具体操作
1 打开主题文件夹
2 修改主题文件
- 在此路径下新建“base.user.css”,将上面三份代码复制到到文档里面,保存后退出。
3 重启Typora
三 注意
1. 开始编号标题必须是一级标题格式。否则编号出错
2. 有几个数字代表几级标题。如1.代表一级标题。1.1.1代表三级标题
3. 设置为标题格式后输入内容即可对标题编辑
1. typora设置标题自动编号_落花逐流水的博客-CSDN博客_typora标题自动编号
2. 设置typora标题、目录、大纲自动编号_MTpanda酉生的博客-CSDN博客_typora标题自动编号