Though it’s had its share of flaky behavior since being introduced in Windows 8, the Windows Store has gotten more reliable over time. It still has the occasional problems, though. One of the more irritating issues is when an app update (or install) gets stuck. Here’s how to fix that.
尽管自Windows 8引入以来,它就具有一些易变的行为,但Windows Store随着时间的推移变得越来越可靠。 不过,它仍然偶尔会出现问题。 较烦人的问题之一是应用程序更新(或安装)卡住了。 解决方法如下。
The Windows Store offers a pretty solid collection of apps, even if it doesn’t offer desktop apps just yet. For the most part, the store works well, but you’ll still run into occasional problems like downloads and updates getting stuck. We’ve got a few handy solutions for you to try. Before getting into them, however, take some time to address a few potential issues that can sometimes interfere with the Windows Store.
Windows应用商店提供了相当不错的应用程序集合,即使它尚不提供桌面应用程序也是如此。 在大多数情况下,该商店都可以正常运行,但是您仍然会偶尔遇到诸如下载和更新卡住的问题。 我们有一些方便的解决方案供您尝试。 但是,在深入探讨这些问题之前,需要花一些时间来解决一些可能会干扰Windows应用商店的潜在问题。
- Make sure your system clock is set properly. Especially if you sync apps with another Windows computer, the Windows Store relies on your time, date, and time zone being accurate. 确保系统时钟设置正确。 特别是如果您将应用程序与另一台Windows计算机同步,则Windows应用商店将取决于您的时间,日期和时区是否准确。
- It’s rare, but sometimes third-party antivirus programs can get in the way of app updates. Try disabling your AV temporarily to see if it fixes the problem. 这种情况很少见,但有时第三方防病毒程序可能会妨碍应用程序更新。 尝试暂时禁用AV,看看它是否可以解决问题。
- Some third-party firewall programs can block the Windows Store, as well. While Windows Firewall already has a built-in exception to allow the Windows Store to communicate, but third party firewall programs may not. You’ll have to create that exception yourself. 一些第三方防火墙程序也可以阻止Windows应用商店。 尽管Windows防火墙已经具有允许Windows应用商店进行通信的内置例外,但是第三方防火墙程序可能没有。 您必须自己创建该异常。
If none of those work, it’s time to pull out some bigger guns. Give the procedures in the following sections a try. Before you get started, though, you should create a system restore point. None of these procedures are really risky or destructive, but if you like playing it safe, go ahead and back up your computer, too.
如果这些都不起作用,是时候抽出一些大枪了。 尝试以下各节中的过程。 不过,在开始之前,您应该创建一个系统还原点。 这些过程都不是真正危险或具有破坏性的过程,但是如果您喜欢安全玩耍,请继续进行操作并备份计算机。
从命令提示符中清除Windows应用商店缓存 (Clear the Windows Store Cache from the Command Prompt)
Windows includes a small utility for clearing the Windows Store local cache from the Command Prompt. To open Command Prompt, right-click the Start menu (or press Windows+X), choose “Command Prompt (Admin)”, and then click Yes to allow it to run with administrative privileges. At the Command Prompt, type (or copy and paste) the following command and then hit Enter to clear the cache.
Windows包含一个小型实用程序,用于从命令提示符处清除Windows应用商店本地缓存。 要打开命令提示符,请右键单击“开始”菜单(或按Windows + X),选择“命令提示符(管理员)”,然后单击“是”以使其以管理权限运行。 在命令提示符处,键入(或复制并粘贴)以下命令,然后按Enter键以清除缓存。
When you run the command, it will process for 30 seconds or so, and then the Windows Store window will open automatically. Check your updates to see if they work.
当您运行该命令时,它将处理30秒钟左右,然后Windows Store窗口将自动打开。 检查您的更新,看看它们是否有效。
使用Windows Store Apps疑难解答修复Windows Store (Repair the Windows Store with the Windows Store Apps Troubleshooter)
If clearing the cache doesn’t solve your problem, you can try the Windows Store Apps troubleshooter. Windows includes a number of built-in troubleshooters that help find and repair various problems. The Windows Store Apps troubleshooter is not built into Windows, but you can download it from Microsoft for free. They have both a Windows 10 version and a Windows 8 version, so make sure you grab the right one.
如果清除缓存不能解决问题,则可以尝试使用Windows Store Apps故障排除程序。 Windows包括许多内置的疑难解答程序,可帮助您查找和修复各种问题。 Windows并未内置Windows Store Apps故障排除程序,但您可以从Microsoft免费下载它。 它们同时具有Windows 10版本和Windows 8版本,因此请确保您掌握了正确的版本。
After you download the troubleshooter, double-click the file to run it. In the Windows Store Apps troubleshooter window, click Next to start scanning for problems.
下载疑难解答后,双击该文件以运行它。 在“ Windows Store应用程序疑难解答”窗口中,单击“下一步”开始扫描问题。
The troubleshooter works through its process and then lets you know whether it could identify and fix the problem. Most of the time, the troubleshooter can successfully repair a stuck update. Go ahead and open the Windows Store and try updating your app. Even if the troubleshooter says it couldn’t identify the problem, it’s possible that the actions of starting and stopping the service and clearing out the cache did the trick.
故障排除程序将贯穿其整个过程,然后让您知道它是否可以识别并解决问题。 大多数情况下,疑难解答程序可以成功修复卡住的更新。 继续并打开Windows应用商店,然后尝试更新您的应用。 即使疑难解答程序表示无法识别问题,启动和停止服务以及清除缓存的操作也有可能成功。
If the Windows Store Apps troubleshooter doesn’t fix the problem, another troubleshooter might. A stuck app can sometimes result from a problem with Windows Update. You should also try running the Windows Update Troubleshooter while you’re at it. It doesn’t take much time and may help.
如果Windows Store Apps故障排除程序不能解决问题,则可能是另一个故障排除程序。 Windows Update有时会导致应用程序卡住。 您还应该尝试在运行Windows Update疑难解答时使用它。 它不需要很多时间,可能会有所帮助。
使用PowerShell重新注册Windows应用商店 (Re-Register the Windows Store with PowerShell)
If all else fails, you can try re-registering the Windows Store, which is as close as you can get to reinstalling it. To do this, you’ll need to use PowerShell, a powerful scripting language built into Windows. It’s a bit different from the Command Prompt, but it’s not too hard to figure out.
如果所有其他方法均失败,则可以尝试重新注册Windows应用商店,该应用商店与重新安装Windows应用商店的距离非常近。 为此,您需要使用PowerShell ,这是Windows内置的功能强大的脚本语言。 它与命令提示符有些不同,但是并不太难发现。
To perform these steps, you’ll need to start PowerShell with administrative privileges. Click Start, type “powershell”, right-click on the PowerShell icon in the search results, and then click “Run as administrator.” Click Yes to allow it administrative privileges.
要执行这些步骤,您需要使用管理特权启动PowerShell。 单击“开始”,键入“ powershell”,右键单击搜索结果中的PowerShell图标,然后单击“以管理员身份运行”。 单击“是”以授予其管理特权。
If you’re running Windows 10, type (or copy and paste) the following command and then hit Enter:
如果您运行的是Windows 10,请键入(或复制并粘贴)以下命令,然后按Enter键:
"& {$manifest = (Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.WindowsStore).InstallLocation + '\AppxManifest.xml' ; Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $manifest}"
Since the Windows Store can be installed to different folders in Windows 10, that command tells PowerShell to find the location of the Windows Store installation and then re-register it.
由于可以将Windows应用商店安装到Windows 10中的其他文件夹中,因此该命令告诉PowerShell查找Windows应用商店安装的位置,然后重新注册。
If you’re running Windows 8, the Windows Store will only be installed in one location, so the command is simpler. Windows 8 users should type the following command instead and then hit Enter:
如果您正在运行Windows 8,则Windows应用商店将仅安装在一个位置,因此命令更简单。 Windows 8用户应改为键入以下命令,然后按Enter键:
Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $Env:SystemRoot\WinStore\AppxManifest.XML
And that’s pretty much it. Those procedures usually work to clear a stuck update. If you’re still having trouble with the Windows Store, you might want to try scanning for corrupt system files or restarting into Safe Mode and using some of the procedures in this article again.
就是这样。 这些过程通常可以清除卡住的更新。 如果您在使用Windows应用商店时仍遇到问题,则可能要尝试扫描损坏的系统文件或重新启动进入安全模式,然后再次使用本文中的某些过程。