什么是Adobe Lightroom,我需要它吗?


Adobe Photoshop Lightroom confuses a lot of new photographers. It has Photoshop in the name, but it isn’t Photoshop? What gives?

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom使许多新摄影师感到困惑。 它的名称是Photoshop,但不是Photoshop吗? 是什么赋予了?

Lightroom is a really important piece of software for photographers, so let’s look at what it does and why it’s useful.


Lightroom is available on Windows, macOS, iOS and Android (although the mobile versions aren’t quite as powerful) as a standalone app for $149 or as part of the Adobe Creative Cloud Photography Plan which comes with Photoshop for $9.99 per month.

Lightroom可在Windows,macOS,iOS和Android(尽管移动版本功能不那么强大)上作为独立应用程序以149美元的价格提供,或者作为Adobe Creative Cloud Photography Plan的一部分提供,Photoshop附带的服务为每月9.99美元。

Lightroom为您的照片编目 (Lightroom Catalogs Your Photos)

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First and foremost, Lightroom is a catalog for every image you shoot. Think of it less like Photoshop and more like Picasa or Apple Photos—but made for professional and serious amateur photographers. It’s designed to help you import, process, review and store tens of thousands of photos.

首先,Lightroom是您拍摄的每个图像的目录。 您可以将其想象为不太像Photoshop,而更像Picasa或Apple Photos,但它是为专业且认真的业余摄影师而设计的。 它旨在帮助您导入,处理,查看和存储成千上万张照片。

Whenever you shoot new images, you import them from the camera or SD card into your Lightroom catalog. They’re stored as normal on your hard drive so you can access them from any program. While you’re importing them, you can add keywords, titles, captions, the model’s name, and other image specific metadata.

每次拍摄新图像时,都将它们从相机或SD卡导入Lightroom目录中。 它们通常存储在您的硬盘上,因此您可以从任何程序访问它们。 导入它们时,可以添加关键字,标题,标题,模型名称以及其他图像特定的元数据。

Once you’ve got the images imported, Lightroom makes it easy to go through and pull out the best images. You can flag them as picks or rejections, or rate them between 1 and 5 stars. You can then filter the photos by rating, or any other metadata. I can instantly find all the best photos I shot last year just by filtering by 5 stars and 2016.

导入图像后,Lightroom可以轻松浏览并提取最佳图像。 您可以将它们标记为精选或拒绝,或将它们评为1到5星。 然后,您可以按评分或其他任何元数据过滤照片。 通过筛选5星和2016年,我可以立即找到我去年拍摄的所有最佳照片。

Lightroom sets itself apart with the depth and power of its cataloging tools. While other apps like Picasa or Apple Photos can store your photos, they don’t have as many options when it comes to sorting, categorizing and finding them. For example, in Apple Photos, you can only Favorite pictures. There’s no way to give them star ratings or flag them as rejected.

Lightroom凭借其编目工具的深度和强大功能而与众不同。 尽管其他应用程序(例如Picasa或Apple Photos)可以存储您的照片,但是在排序,分类和查找时,它们没有太多选择。 例如,在Apple Photos中,您只能收藏照片。 没有办法给他们星级或标记为已拒绝。

If you shoot a lot of images, Lightroom is invaluable for keeping track of them all.


RAW图像处理 (RAW Image Processing)

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Second, Lightroom is a very powerful RAW image editor.


RAW images are photos captured in a lossless file format. Rather than just saving enough information to make an acceptable JPEG, DSLRs and other high quality cameras can write all the information they can record to a RAW file. All the extra data gives you a lot more room to post-process your photos. If your photo is underexposed, a JPEG will be useless, but a RAW file will probably still have the information you need to make it work.

RAW图像是以无损文件格式捕获的照片。 DSLR和其他高质量的相机不仅可以保存足够的信息以生成可接受的JPEG,还可以将其可以记录的所有信息写入RAW文件。 所有额外的数据为您提供了更多处理照片的空间。 如果您的照片曝光不足,则JPEG将没有用,但是RAW文件可能仍具有使工作正常所需的信息。

For comparison, my Canon 5D III saves photos as (approximately) 4 MB JPEGs or 25 MB RAW files. That’s a big difference in the amount of data you have to use when you edit.

为了进行比较,我的佳能5D III将照片保存为(大约)4 MB JPEG或25 MB RAW文件。 在编辑时必须使用的数据量有很大的不同。

If you get things perfect in camera, you may be able to get away with using JPEGs, but professionals and anyone serious about photography use RAW files, since they are much more flexible and give you a better chance at nailing the shot. We’ve dug deeper into the advantages of RAW files before, so check out this article for more information.

如果您用相机拍摄出完美的照片,也许可以摆脱使用JPEG的束缚,但是专业人员和任何对摄影认真的人都可以使用RAW文件,因为它们更加灵活,可以为您提供更好的拍摄机会。 之前,我们已经深入挖掘了RAW文件的优点,因此请查看本文以获取更多信息。

Of course, Lightroom can also perform the usual simple edits, like fixing the color, contrast and cleaning up any dust spots. Unless you want to do really complex editing, Lightroom is often the better app to use. It’s simpler and more intuitive than Photoshop, and much more powerful than apps like Picassa or Photos.

当然,Lightroom还可以执行通常的简单编辑,例如固定颜色,对比度和清理任何灰尘点。 除非您想进行真正复杂的编辑,否则Lightroom通常是更好使用的应用程序。 它比Photoshop更简单,直观,并且比Picassa或Photos等应用程序功能强大。

If you’re shooting RAW files (and you should be), Lightroom is the best app for editing them. It’s easy to use, and makes it possible to get the most from the photos you took.

如果要拍摄RAW文件(应该如此),Lightroom是编辑它们的最佳应用程序。 它易于使用,可以最大程度地利用您拍摄的照片。

导出,打印等 (Exporting, Printing and More)

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Finally, Lightroom is a great export tool. It can convert your massive RAW files to JPEGs to upload to your favorite social networks, save them to your hard drive, print your images properly, or even turn a collection of them into a web gallery or book.

最后,Lightroom是出色的导出工具。 它可以将大量的RAW文件转换为JPEG,以上传到您喜欢的社交网络,将它们保存到硬盘中,正确地打印图像,甚至将它们的集合转换为Web画廊或书籍。

Lightroom is basically a complete digital darkroom. Anything photographers used to do while locked in a cupboard under their stairs surrounded by funny spelling chemicals, they can now do with Lightroom. If you’re serious about digital photography, it’s a program worth having.

Lightroom基本上是一个完整的数字暗室。 摄影师将自己锁在楼梯间的橱柜中,用有趣的拼写化学剂包围着,以前做过的任何事情,现在都可以用Lightroom完成。 如果您对数码摄影很认真,那么这是一个值得拥有的程序。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/288921/what-is-adobe-lightroom-and-do-i-need-it/






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