
Next to some of your Snapchat friends, you’ll see little emoji.

Each of these emoji has a specific meaning. Let’s look at what they are.
这些表情符号都有特定的含义。 让我们看看它们是什么。

This person is your #1 Best Friend. You send them more Snaps than anyone else and they send you more Snaps than anyone else.
此人是您的#1最好的朋友。 您向他们发送的快照数量比其他任何人都多,而他们向您发送的快照数量也比其他任何人都多。

You’ve been #1 Best Friends with this person for two weeks in a row.

You’ve been #1 Best Friends with this person for two months in a row.

This person is one of your Best Friends. For someone to be a Best Friend, you need to regularly send them Snaps.
此人是您最好的朋友之一。 为了使某人成为最好的朋友,您需要定期向他们发送快照。

The Fire emoji always appears with a number. This is the amount of days in a row you’ve send them a Snap and they’ve sent you a Snap. It’s called a “Snapstreak”.
Fire表情符号始终显示为数字。 这是您连续几天向他们发送快照,而他们已向您发送快照的天数。 它被称为“ Snapstreak”。

If you don’t send a Snap within the next four hours, your Snapstreak will end.

You’re not Best Friends, but you’re both Best Friends with the same person.

Your #1 Best Friend is their #1 Best Friend too.

You’re one of their Best Friends but they’re not one of yours.

You recently added this person to your Friends list.

This person replayed one of your Snaps in the last 24 hours.

It’s this person’s birthday.
如何自定义默认朋友表情符号 (How to Customize the Default Friend Emojis)
Many of the default emoji in Snapchat are customizable. If you want a cactus to represent your Best Friends instead of a smiley, you can do that.
Snapchat中的许多默认表情符号都是可自定义的。 如果您希望仙人掌代表您的“最好的朋友”而不是一个笑脸,那么您可以这样做。
From the main Snapchat screen, swipe down and then tap the settings icon. Next head to Manage Preferences > Friend Emojis and select the emoji you want to change. Select an emoji from the list and tap the back button to save it.
在Snapchat主屏幕上,向下滑动,然后点击设置图标。 接下来转到“管理偏好设置”>“朋友表情符号”,然后选择要更改的表情符号。 从列表中选择一个表情符号,然后点击“后退”按钮将其保存。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/290761/what-do-the-emoji-next-to-my-snapchat-friends-mean/