icloud 购买存储空间_如何释放iCloud存储空间

icloud 购买存储空间

icloud 购买存储空间


Apple offers 5 GB of free iCloud space to everyone, but you’ll run up against that storage limit sooner than you’d think. Device backups, photos, documents, iCloud email, and other bits of data all share that space.

Apple为每个人提供5 GB的免费iCloud空间,但是您将比预期的要早达到该存储限制。 设备备份,照片,文档,iCloud电子邮件和其他数据都共享该空间。

If you have multiple iOS devices, you’ll run out even faster. That free 5 GB is per Apple ID, not per device, so it’s a good idea to free up wasted space before paying for more.

如果您有多台iOS设备,则用光更快。 可用的5 GB是每个Apple ID,而不是每个设备,因此最好在支付更多费用之前释放出浪费的空间。

To see how much you currently have, open the Settings app, select “iCloud”, and find where it says “Storage” to view how much space you have left in your iCloud account.

要查看当前有多少,请打开“设置”应用程序,选择“ iCloud”,然后在显示“存储”的位置查找以查看iCloud帐户中剩余的空间。


You can also view your available iCloud storage space by navigating to “General” > “Storage & iCloud Usage”.



If things are starting to get low, here are a few things you can do.


管理您的备份 (Manage Your Backups)

Each iPhone or iPad you own automatically backs up data from your installed apps to your iCloud account. This happens when it’s plugged in, locked, and connected to Wi-Fi—so it will generally back up whenever you’re charging it. This ensures you’ll never lose your app data. If your device dies or you need to reset it, you can restore the backup and get all of that data back. However, you’ll still need to back up your device through iTunes in order to back up the apps themselves, as well as music, videos, and other media.

您拥有的每个iPhone或iPad都会自动将数据从已安装的应用程序备份到iCloud帐户。 当它插入,锁定并连接到Wi-Fi时会发生这种情况,因此通常在充电时都会备份它。 这样可以确保您永远不会丢失应用程序数据。 如果设备死机或需要重置设备,则可以还原备份并将所有数据取回。 但是,您仍然需要通过iTunes备份设备,以备份应用程序本身以及音乐,视频和其他媒体。

To see your iCloud backups, navigate to iCloud > Storage > Manage Storage in Settings. This screen shows how much space everything is using in your iCloud account, including backups and app data. iCloud only keeps the latest backup for each of your devices. Tap a device at the top to view more details about the backup.

要查看您的iCloud备份,请导航至“ iCloud”>“存储”>“设置”中的“管理存储”。 此屏幕显示您的iCloud帐户中所有内容正在使用多少空间,包括备份和应用程序数据。 iCloud仅保留每个设备的最新备份。 点击顶部的设备以查看有关备份的更多详细信息。


To use less space for backups, look at the apps in the list under “Backup Options” and disable apps you don’t think need to be backed up. For example, you might disable backups for apps like Pocket, Twitter, and Evernote, since those apps automatically sync their data online anyway. When you disable backups for an app, the data will be deleted from your iCloud storage online and won’t be part of future backups.

要使用更少的空间进行备份,请在“备份选项”下查看列表中的应用程序,并禁用不需要备份的应用程序。 例如,您可能会禁用Pocket,Twitter和Evernote等应用程序的备份,因为这些应用程序始终会自动在线同步其数据。 当您禁用应用程序的备份时,数据将从在线iCloud存储中删除,并且不会成为将来备份的一部分。


If you have an old device you no longer use and it appears in the backups list, you can tap on it, scroll down, and select “Delete Backup” to delete the entire backup. If you’re really desperate for space, you can go back to the main iCloud screen, select “Backup” toward the bottom, and then disable “iCloud Backup”.

如果您有不再使用的旧设备,它会出现在备份列表中,则可以点击它,向下滚动,然后选择“删除备份”以删除整个备份。 如果您真的很想节省空间,则可以返回iCloud主屏幕,在底部选择“备份”,然后禁用“ iCloud备份”。


After that, your device won’t automatically back up to iCloud, but you can always manually back up whenever you want by tapping on “Back Up Now”. Or, alternatively, you can back up with iTunes by plugging your iPhone or iPad into your computer with a USB cable—that way, it’s taking up space on your PC or Mac, not your space-starved iCloud account.

之后,您的设备将不会自动备份到iCloud,但是您随时可以随时通过点击“立即备份”来手动备份。 或者,您也可以通过使用USB电缆将iPhone或iPad插入计算机来备份iTunes,那样一来,它占用PC或Mac上的空间,而不是占用空间不足的iCloud帐户。

在其他地方备份照片 (Back Up Photos Elsewhere)

Photos can eat up a lot of space. With iCloud Photo Library, iCloud can automatically back up any photos you take to your iCloud account and have them accessible from any of your Apple devices. This can be convenient, but it also means that your iCloud storage can quickly fill up.

照片会占用很多空间。 借助iCloud照片库,iCloud可以自动将您拍摄的所有照片备份到iCloud帐户,并可以从任何Apple设备访问它们。 这可能很方便,但是这也意味着您的iCloud存储可以快速填满。

To free up space, you can disable iCloud Photo Library and Photo Stream by tapping on “Photos” from the main iCloud screen and disabling these features.



Instead of using iCloud Photo Library, try another app like Google Photos, Dropbox, or Flickr that can automatically back up your photos. They will back up your photos to a separate pool of cloud storage that’s often bigger than iCloud. You’ll have a backup copy of your photos stored online, but you get to keep all that precious iCloud storage for other functions.

可以使用其他可以自动备份照片的应用程序(例如Google Photos , Dropbox或Flickr)代替使用iCloud照片库。 他们会将您的照片备份到通常比iCloud大的单独的云存储池中。 您将在线存储照片的备份副本,但可以保留所有宝贵的iCloud存储用于其他功能。

删除文件和资料 (Delete Documents & Data)

iCloud’s “Manage Storage” screen also allows you to manage “Documents & Data.” These are documents, settings, saved games, and other bits of data that iCloud syncs between all your devices. They count toward your iCloud storage, so you may want to delete any files you don’t care about.

iCloud的“管理存储”屏幕还允许您管理“文档和数据”。 这些是iCloud在您所有设备之间同步的文档,设置,保存的游戏以及其他数据位。 它们会计入您的iCloud存储空间,因此您可能要删除不需要的任何文件。


Tap an app under the “Documents & Data” section to view files that are taking up space. Swipe a file to the left and tap “Delete” to delete it from your iCloud storage. Be careful when doing this, though, as you could delete important documents and other files you might want to keep.

点按“文档和数据”部分下的应用程序以查看占用空间的文件。 向左滑动文件,然后点击“删除”以将其从iCloud存储中删除。 但是,在执行此操作时请务必小心,因为您可能会删除重要的文档和其他想要保留的文件。

修剪您的iCloud邮件 (Prune Your iCloud Mail)

If you’re using Apple’s iCloud Mail, your email also counts toward your iCloud storage usage. Free up space by deleting emails, especially emails with large file attachments.

如果您使用的是Apple的iCloud Mail,则您的电子邮件也计入iCloud存储使用量。 通过删除电子邮件(尤其是带有大文件附件的电子邮件)来释放空间。


If you have “Mail” enabled in iCloud, then you can delete emails in the Mail app to free up iCloud storage space. Otherwise, you can visit the iCloud website, open the Mail app in the web browser, and delete emails within the web interface. However, when you delete emails, remember to empty the trash afterward to truly delete them and free up storage space.

如果您在iCloud中启用了“邮件”,则可以在“邮件”应用程序中删除电子邮件以释放iCloud存储空间。 否则,您可以访问iCloud网站,在Web浏览器中打开Mail应用程序,然后在Web界面中删除电子邮件。 但是,当您删除电子邮件时,切记之后要清空垃圾箱以真正删除它们并释放存储空间。

Note that this only applies if you’re using the Mail app and have it enabled for iCloud access. If you have another email account like Gmail, Outlook, or Yahoo, deleting emails won’t free up space in your iCloud account, since email from other services aren’t stored in iCloud, but rather within that email service itself.

请注意,这仅在您使用邮件应用程序并将其启用以进行iCloud访问时适用。 如果您拥有另一个电子邮件帐户(例如Gmail,Outlook或Yahoo),则删除电子邮件不会释放iCloud帐户中的空间,因为来自其他服务的电子邮件不是存储在iCloud中,而是存储在该电子邮件服务本身中。

If none of the above are options you’re willing to consider, then you’ll want to buy more iCloud storage. You can tap on “Buy More Storage” on the “Storage” screen. Apple currently offers four paid plans: An additional 50 GB for $0.99 per month, 200 GB for $2.99 per month, 1 TB for $9.99 per month, or 2TB for $19.99 per month. This is in addition to your 5 GB of free space, so the plans actually give you 55 GB, 205 GB, 1.05 TB, and 2.05 TB of storage space, respectively.

如果以上都不是您愿意考虑的选择,那么您将需要购买更多的iCloud存储。 您可以在“存储”屏幕上点击“购买更多存储”。 苹果目前提供四种付费计划:额外的50 GB,每月0.99美元; 200 GB,每月2.99美元; 1 TB,每月9.99美元;或2 TB,每月19.99美元。 这是5 GB可用空间的补充,因此计划实际上分别为您提供55 GB,205 GB,1.05 TB和2.05 TB的存储空间。

Image Credit: John Karakatsanis on Flickr

图片提供: Flickr上的John Karakatsanis

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/191340/how-to-free-up-icloud-storage-space/

icloud 购买存储空间







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