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Chamberlain’s MyQ technology is great for opening and closing your garage door remotely with your smartphone, but you can also receive alerts whenever your garage door opens and closes (as well as receive alerts when it’s been open for an extended amount of time). Here’s how to enable them.

Chamberlain的MyQ技术非常适合通过智能手机远程打开和关闭车库门,但是只要车库门打开和关闭,您也可以收到警报(以及在车库门长时间打开时也会收到警报)。 启用它们的方法如下。

If you don’t have MyQ set up on your smartphone yet, check out our guide on how to set it all up so that you can be up and running in no time. Once you have the app all set up, it’s time to enable the alerts. Here are a few different alerts that you may want to create.

如果您尚未在智能手机上设置MyQ,请查看有关如何全部设置的指南,以便立即启动并运行。 设置好所有应用程序后,就可以启用警报了。 这是您可能想要创建的一些不同的警报。

当您的车库门打开时 (When Your Garage Door Opens)

Open up the MyQ app and tap on the menu button in the top-left corner of the screen (I’m using the Liftmaster MyQ app. It might be slightly different than the Chamberlain MyQ app, but overall it should be very similar).

打开MyQ应用程序,然后点击屏幕左上角的菜单按钮(我使用的是Liftmaster MyQ应用程序。它可能与Chamberlain MyQ应用程序略有不同,但是总体上应该非常相似)。


Select “Alerts” from the list.



Tap on the “+” button in the top-right corner.

点击右上角的“ +”按钮。


Tap on “Garage Door” (or whatever you named your garage door when you set it up).



Start by giving the alert a name.



Next, tap on the toggle switch to the right of “Garage door is open” to receive an alert when your garage door opens. Do the same for “Garage door is closed” if you want to receive an alert when your garage door closes.

接下来,点击“车库门已打开”右侧的拨动开关,以在车库门打开时收到警报。 如果要在车库门关闭时收到警报,请对“车库门关闭”执行相同的操作。


Make sure that “As soon as it happens” is turned on so that you receive the alert right when your garage door opens.



Further down, tap on the toggle switch next to either “Push notification” or “Email”. A push notification will alert you on your phone.

再往下,点击“推送通知”或“电子邮件”旁边的切换开关。 推送通知会在手机上提醒您。


Next, tap “Save” in the top-right corner to save your alert and enable it.



The new alert will appear on the Alerts screen where you can disable it and re-enable it at any time.



当车库门在特定时间内保持打开状态 (When Your Garage Door Has Remained Open for a Specific Amount of Time)

If you want to receive an alert right when your garage door opens but also another alert whenever it remains open for a specific amount of time, you’ll need to create a second alert on top of the one you just created in the previous section.


For this kind of alert, toggle all of the same options except for “As soon as it happens”. This will need to turned off.

对于这种警报,请切换所有相同的选项,但“一旦发生”。 这将需要关闭。


Doing this will show a new option called “For longer than”. Simply select the amount of time your garage door would have to remain open before you receive an alert about it, and then hit “Done”.

这样做将显示一个名为“ For than than”的新选项。 只需选择车库门在收到警报之前必须保持打开状态的时间,然后单击“完成”即可。


如果您只想在特定时间范围内接收警报 (If You Only Want to Receive Alerts Within a Specific Time Window)

If you’re at home, then you probably don’t care about receiving garage door alerts—it’s really only useful when you’re at work or on vacation, so you can specify certain times and days when you want to receive alerts.


Like the previous alerts, everything will remain the same, but you’ll simply turn off the toggle switch next to “All times and days”.



After that, a new section will appear where you can specify a certain time window, as well as certain days that you want the alert enabled.



When you’re done, hit “Save” up in the top-right corner to create your alert. You’re all set!

完成后,点击右上角的“保存”以创建警报。 你们都准备好了!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/288465/how-to-receive-alerts-when-your-garage-door-opens-using-myq/




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