mac 防火墙禁止程序联网_如何允许应用程序通过Mac的防火墙进行通信

mac 防火墙禁止程序联网

mac 防火墙禁止程序联网

If you use a Mac, chances are you might not even realize that OS X comes with a firewall. This firewall helps ensure unauthorized app and services can’t contact your computer, and prevents intruders from sniffing out your Mac on a network.

如果您使用的是Mac,您甚至可能没有意识到OS X带有防火墙。 此防火墙有助于确保未经授权的应用程序和服务无法与您的计算机联系,并防止入侵者嗅探网络上的Mac。

In this article, we will show you how to allow or prevent apps and services access through your OS X firewall. If you don’t know what a firewall does, check out our primer first, then come back here.

在本文中,我们将向您展示如何允许或阻止通过OS X防火墙访问应用程序和服务。 如果您不知道防火墙的作用,请先查看我们的入门知识,然后再回到这里。

By default, your Mac’s firewall is off. If you’re connected to the Internet through a router (most people are), then you may not even need it–but it’s still nice to have. Moreover, OS X’s firewall won’t prevent apps and services from connecting to the Internet. It only blocks incoming connections. That firewall becomes much more important if you’re testing a webserver and you don’t want anyone else to be able to access it.

默认情况下, Mac的防火墙处于关闭状态。 如果您通过路由器连接到Internet(大多数人是),那么您可能甚至不需要它,但是它仍然很不错。 而且,OS X的防火墙不会阻止应用程序和服务连接到Internet。 它仅阻止传入连接。 如果您正在测试Web服务器,并且您不希望其他任何人能够访问它,则该防火墙变得更加重要。

If you’re wondering where to find the firewall, open the System Preferences, then click “Security & Privacy”. Once you’re in the Security & Privacy preferences, click the “Firewall” tab.

如果您想在哪里找到防火墙,请打开“系统偏好设置”,然后单击“安全性和隐私”。 进入“安全性和隐私”首选项后,单击“防火墙”选项卡。

Before you can make any changes, you need to click the lock icon in the lower-left corner and then enter you admin password.


The first thing you will want to do is to turn the firewall on (if it’s not on already).


Once the firewall is on, you can access the “Firewall Options”. Let’s discuss what all these options entail.

防火墙打开后,您可以访问“防火墙选项”。 让我们讨论所有这些选项的含义。

Blocking all incoming connections will “prevent incoming incoming connections to nonessential services and apps.” This means that the firewall allows your Mac to find authorized services provided by other computers on your network, but prevents connections to all other sharing services.

阻止所有传入连接将“防止不必要的服务和应用程序进入传入连接”。 这意味着防火墙允许您的Mac查找网络上其他计算机提供的授权服务,但阻止连接到所有其他共享服务。

This means things like screen sharing and file sharing won’t be available on your computer. Blocking all incoming connections is pretty strict and will disable a lot of legitimate network services, so unless you’re sure you really need this, it’s best to leave it off.

这意味着屏幕共享和文件共享之类的内容将在您的计算机上不可用。 阻止所有传入连接非常严格,并且会禁用许多合法的网络服务,因此,除非您确定确实需要此服务,否则最好将其保留。

The add and remove buttons (+/-) let you add apps and services, as well as remove them.


There is an option to automatically allow signed software to receive incoming connections. This means that apps and services signed by a valid certificate authority will automatically added to this list. Any app that created by Apple, for example, that needs to receive incoming connections will be automatically added to the list.

有一个选项可以自动允许已签名的软件接收传入的连接。 这意味着由有效证书颁发机构签名的应用和服务将自动添加到此列表中。 例如,Apple创建的需要接收传入连接的任何应用程序都会自动添加到列表中。

Stealth mode simply means that your computer will be effectively invisible to probing requests to reveal your existence on a network. Your Mac will still answer requests from authorized apps.

隐身模式只是意味着您的计算机将无法有效探测请求以揭示您在网络上的存在的请求。 您的Mac仍会回答来自授权应用的请求。

If you want to add an app or service, click the “+” button and the Applications folder will open. Choose the app or service you want, then click the “Add” button. If you want to specifically block that app or service from incoming connections, then click on the right edge as shown in the screenshot below and then select “Block incoming connections”.

如果要添加应用程序或服务,请单击“ +”按钮,然后将打开“应用程序”文件夹。 选择所需的应用程序或服务,然后单击“添加”按钮。 如果要专门阻止该应用程序或服务阻止传入连接,请单击右边缘,如下面的屏幕截图所示,然后选择“阻止传入连接”。

You can go through the firewall list, add and block anything you want to lock down, and remove anything you don’t want on the list. Like we said, however, this won’t prevent apps from creating outbound connections, it simply means that nothing will be able to contact them from outside your Mac’s firewall if you specifically block it.

您可以浏览防火墙列表,添加和阻止要锁定的所有内容,并删除列表中不需要的所有内容。 就像我们说过的那样,这不会阻止应用程序创建出站连接,这只是意味着如果您专门阻止了它,则无法从Mac防火墙外部与它们联系。

OS X’s firewall is a cinch to use and typically requires little to no configuration. Just turn it on and forget about it. Chances are you won’t need to even delve into any of the advanced functions we described in this article.

OS X的防火墙使用起来很方便,通常几乎不需要配置。 只需打开它,然后忘记它。 您甚至不需要研究本文中介绍的任何高级功能。

Still, unless you have a security concern about a particular application on your computer, the firewall on your router is more than adequate to block intruders from finding you.



mac 防火墙禁止程序联网




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