
Siri is about to get a lot more powerful. Custom voice commands for any app will allow you to say “Hey Siri, I lost my keys” to instantly launch an app that will help you find them.
Siri将变得更加强大。 针对任何应用程序的自定义语音命令将允许您说出“嘿Siri,我丢失了钥匙”,以立即启动可帮助您找到它们的应用程序。
Any app can now expose quick actions to Siri. Apple used the example of the Tile app, which will allow you to add a custom voice action to Siri. When you speak “I lost my keys,” you can immediately launch the Tile app that will track your keys—assuming you’ve attached a Tile Bluetooth tracker to your key chain.
现在,任何应用都可以向Siri公开快速操作。 苹果公司以Tile应用程序为例,它将允许您向Siri添加自定义语音操作。 当您说“我丢失了钥匙”时,您可以立即启动Tile应用程序来跟踪您的钥匙-假设您已将Tile Bluetooth跟踪器连接到钥匙链。

That’s just one example. Imagine saying “Order my groceries” to automatically order your usual grocery list or “Game time” to see the game schedule for your favorite sports team.”
那只是一个例子。 想象一下说“订购我的杂货”以自动订购平时的杂货清单或“比赛时间”以查看您最喜欢的运动队的比赛时间表。”
Thanks to quick actions, Siri will now proactively recommend actions you frequently take. For example, if you always order a coffee every morning before work, Siri will show a notification on your lock screen. You can tap that shortcut to quickly order a coffee.
由于采取了快速行动,Siri现在将主动推荐您经常采取的行动。 例如,如果您总是每天下班前订购咖啡,Siri将在锁定屏幕上显示一条通知。 您可以点击该快捷方式以快速点一杯咖啡。
This works in many other situations, too. Siri will recommend you text a meeting organizer if you’re running late for it, remind you to call people on their birthdays, and recommend you turn on Do Not Disturb when you’re in a movie theater.
这在其他许多情况下也适用。 如果您迟到,Siri将建议您给会议组织者发短信,提醒您在他们的生日那天给人们打电话,并建议您在电影院时打开“请勿打扰”。

All these new Siri features will work with Siri on iPhone, iPad, and even Apple Watch.
所有这些新的Siri功能都可以在iPhone,iPad甚至Apple Watch上与Siri一起使用。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/siri-is-getting-custom-voice-actions-in-ios-12/