



Most people have more than one email account and if you are using Gmail it’s easy to get things set up so that all of your messages can be accessed in the same place. But if you would prefer to keep things ‘together yet separate’ the Multiple Inboxes Labs feature could help you to work with emails more efficiently.

大多数人拥有一个以上的电子邮件帐户,如果您使用的是Gmail,则很容易进行设置,以便可以在同一位置访问所有邮件。 但是,如果您希望将所有内容“放在一起但分开”,则多个收件箱实验室功能可以帮助您更有效地处理电子邮件。

I have accumulated numerous email addresses over the years, including – for shame! – a Hotmail address that I am loath to get rid of. It’s not that there is a sentimental attachment to Microsoft’s email service, but it’s an address that was used to sign up for various online accounts and newsletters and it’s easier to simply filter these emails into Gmail rather than keep checking or taking the time to change the address associated with numerous accounts.

这些年来,我已经积累了许多电子邮件地址,其中包括–真可惜! –我不希望删除的Hotmail地址。 并不是说微软的电子邮件服务带有情感上的附件,而是一个用来注册各种在线帐户和新闻通讯的地址,将这些电子邮件过滤到Gmail中比继续检查Outlook.com或花费时间更容易。更改与多个帐户关联的地址。

筛选并合并 (Filter and Combine)

The point is that many of us have at least two email addresses and we have previously looked at how it’s possible to combine all of them into a single Gmail inbox.



To make it easier to identify emails that have been sent to a particular account, you can take the step of setting up filters so that emails matching particular criteria are assigned appropriate labels in just the same way as you would filter any other emails that hit your inbox.



But to some extent, lumping together all of your emails in this way can be a little overwhelming. Multiple Inboxes is a Google Labs feature that enables you to get the best of both worlds. You can still receive all of your emails in the same Gmail account, but your inbox can divided up in a number of sub-inboxes to help separate things out a little.

但是在某种程度上,以这种方式将所有电子邮件集中在一起可能会有些不知所措。 多个收件箱是Google实验室的一项功能,可让您充分利用这两方面的优势。 您仍然可以在同一个Gmail帐户中接收所有电子邮件,但是您的收件箱可以分成多个子收件箱,以帮助您将邮件分类。

多个收件箱 (Multiple Inboxes)

Log into your Gmail account, click the gear icon to the upper right of the page beneath your user picture and click Settings. Move to the Labs section and scroll down until you find the Multiple Inboxes entry – or you can search for it.

登录您的Gmail帐户,单击用户图片下方页面右上方的齿轮图标,然后单击设置。 移至“实验室”部分并向下滚动,直到找到“多个收件箱”条目-或可以对其进行搜索。


Select the Enable option and then scroll down to the bottom of the page where you need to click the Save Changes button.


When your inbox reloads you will find that it has been split up into a number of sections with a separate inbox that pulls out messages that you have starred and lists them together. What we are interested in, however, is customizing the add-on so that emails are grouped according to the email address they were sent to.

重新加载收件箱时,您会发现它已分为多个部分,并带有单独的收件箱,可将您已加注星标的邮件拉出并一起列出。 但是,我们感兴趣的是自定义加载项,以便根据电子邮件发送到的电子邮件地址对电子邮件进行分组。


Return to the Settings section of Gmail where you will now find a Multiple Inboxes tab at the top of the page. You can configure up to five additional panes to be displayed in your account, and each of these can be set up to display emails that match search terms you specify.

返回Gmail的“设置”部分,您现在可以在页面顶部找到“多个收件箱”标签。 您最多可以配置五个要在您的帐户中显示的窗格,并且可以将每个窗格设置为显示与您指定的搜索字词匹配的电子邮件。

使用搜寻 (Using Searches)

To display emails that have been sent to a particular email address in one of the panes, enter the search query ‘to:(,) in the first box and add a title if you like.



You will be returned to your inbox and the panes you have chosen will be displayed above your main inbox.



Of course, you can add as many or as few panes as you like and you can also adjust the number of messages that are shown on each page of a pane. At the Setting screen, just change the ‘Maximum page size’ option.

当然,您可以根据需要添加任意数量的窗格,也可以调整窗格每一页上显示的消息数。 在“设置”屏幕上,只需更改“最大页面大小”选项。

Here you can also choose where the extra panels should be positioned. By default they will be added above your inbox, but they can also be moved to the right or at the bottom of the screen instead.

在这里,您还可以选择额外面板的放置位置。 默认情况下,它们将添加到您的收件箱上方,但也可以将它们移到屏幕的右侧或底部。


With widescreen monitors now the norm, you may well find that opting to have the panes displayed to the right of your inbox makes the most sense in terms of use of space, but this is at the expense of subject line width – the choice is yours.



You can also experiment further using a range of search parameters to manage your inbox in whatever way works for you.


Are there any Google Labs features that you can’t live without? Let us know in the comments below.

有没有您无法缺少的Google Labs功能? 在下面的评论中让我们知道。






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