


Most image viewing programs have a built-in feature to help you change the size of images. Here are our favorite image resizing tools for Windows. We’ve picked out a built-in option, a couple of third party apps, and even a browser-based tool.

大多数图像查看程序都具有内置功能,可帮助您更改图像大小。 这是我们最喜欢的Windows图像大小调整工具。 我们选择了一个内置选项,几个第三方应用程序,甚至一个基于浏览器的工具。

Maybe you need to upload a smaller version of a photograph to Facebook (they do it automatically and badly when you upload anyway) or another social site. Maybe you want to include an image that isn’t so ridiculously oversized in an email. Or maybe you want just the right size image to include in a blog post or Word document. Whatever your reason, it’s not hard at all to resize an image. We’ve rounded up our favorite tools for doing it in Windows, whether you need to resize just one image or a whole batch at once.

也许您需要将较小版本的照片上传到Facebook(无论如何上传,它们都会自动进行,而且效果很差)或其他社交网站。 也许您想在电子邮件中包含一张没有那么大的图像。 或者,也许您只希望大小合适的图像包含在博客文章或Word文档中。 无论您是什么原因,调整图像大小都不是一件容易的事。 无论您需要一次调整一个图像还是整个批次的大小,我们都已经收集了最喜欢的工具来在Windows中执行此操作。

快速调整图像大小 (A Quick Note on Resizing Images)

The quality of a resized image really depends on the original image you’re resizing. Photographs tend to do best, at least when you’re reducing the size of an image, because they have lots of detail to begin with. High resolution photos are more open to blowing up to larger sizes, but even they have their limits—blow up a photograph too much and things start to get grainy.

调整大小后的图像的质量实际上取决于您要调整大小的原始图像。 至少在缩小图像尺寸时,照片往往表现最好,因为它们一开始就有很多细节。 高分辨率照片更容易爆炸成更大的尺寸,但即使它们也有其局限性,将照片炸得太多,事情开始变得粒状。

Here’s an example of a resized photograph. The original image was 2200×1938 pixels, and we cropped it down to a mere 400×352. The image is crisp, and the details still present.

这是调整大小的照片的示例。 原始图像为2200×1938像素,我们将其裁剪为仅400×352。 图像清晰,细节仍然存在。

If you’re working with a screenshot that you took on your PC or mobile device—or any image that contains text—resizing tends not to work terribly well. Here’s an example of a screenshot taken at 1920×1040 pixels, and then resized down to 600×317 to fit on our site.

如果使用的是在PC或移动设备上拍摄的屏幕截图(或任何包含文本的图像),则调整大小可能无法很好地工作。 这是一个以1920×1040像素拍摄的屏幕截图的示例,然后将其缩小为600×317以适合我们的网站。

It’s okay if you just want to show the broad look of things, but not so much for detail. That’s why we prefer cropping screenshots to resizing them for our articles, like with the image below.

如果您只想展示事物的整体外观,而没有太多细节,那可以。 这就是为什么我们更喜欢裁剪屏幕截图而不是调整文章大小,就像下面的图片一样。

So, with that out of the way, let’s move onto the Windows tools you can use to resize your images.


内置:使用绘画调整照片大小 (Built-In: Use Paint To Resize Your Photos)

Paint has been a staple of Windows since version 1.0 in 1985. Chances are you’ve used it before. Paint opens most common file types (BMP, PNG, JPG, TIFF, and GIF) and offers a very straightforward approach to resizing images.

自1985年发布1.0版以来,Paint一直是Windows的主要内容。您以前曾经使用过它。 画图打开最常见的文件类型(BMP,PNG,JPG,TIFF和GIF),并提供了一种非常简单的方法来调整图像大小。

In Paint, open your image by opening up the File menu, and then clicking the “Open” command.


Find and select the image you want to resize, and then click the “Open” button.


On the Home tab of the Paint toolbar, click the “Resize” button.


Paint gives you the option of resizing by percentage or by pixels. It uses percentage by default, and that’s fine for rough resizing. If you need something specific, you’ll need to switch over to using pixels. When you type a horizontal or vertical value, Paint automatically creates the other value for you to maintain the original image’s dimensions.

“画图”使您可以选择按百分比或按像素调整大小。 默认情况下,它使用百分比,这对于粗略调整大小是很好的。 如果您需要特定的内容,则需要切换到使用像素。 当您输入水平或垂直值时,Paint会自动为您创建另一个值,以保持原始图像的尺寸。

Select the percentage you want, or the desired dimensions, and then click the “OK” button.


If you only need to resize one image at a time and don’t want to install any third-party apps, Paint is a pretty decent resizing solution.


Note: As of 2017, Paint has been added to the deprecated list of apps no longer being developed by Microsoft. Instead, they are replacing Paint with Paint 3D. Paint is likely not going away for a while, though, and you’ll still be able to download it from the Windows Store.

注意:自2017年起,Paint已添加到Microsoft不再开发的应用程序中已弃用的列表中。 相反,他们用Paint 3D替换Paint。 不过,Paint可能暂时不会消失,您仍然可以从Windows Store下载它。

第三方应用程序:使用PicPick调整照片大小以及更多其他功能 (Third Party App: Use PicPick To Resize Photos and a Whole Lot More)

PicPick has a similar-looking interface to Paint, though it packs a lot more features under the hood, including better editing and annotation tools, and solid screen capture utility. It’s free for personal use, and the commercial use license is about $25 .

PicPick具有与Paint相似的界面,尽管它在幕后提供了许多功能,包括更好的编辑和注释工具以及可靠的屏幕捕获实用程序。 它是免费供个人使用,商业使用许可约为25美元。

On the PicPick splash screen, click the “Open an existing image” link, and then find the image you want to resize. You can also drag an image from File Explorer onto an open PicPick window.

在PicPick初始屏幕上,单击“打开现有图像”链接,然后找到要调整大小的图像。 您还可以将图像从文件资源管理器拖到打开的PicPick窗口中。

On the toolbar, click the “Resize” button, and then click “Image Resize” on the dropdown menu.


PicPick lets you resize by percentage or by pixels. It uses percentage by default, which is good for rough resizing. If you need to resize to specific dimensions, switch over to using pixels. When you type a width or height value, PicPick automatically sets the other value for you to maintain the original image’s dimensions. You can disable this by deselecting the “Keep aspect ratio” check box, though we’re not sure why you’d want to.

PicPick使您可以按百分比或按像素调整大小。 默认情况下,它使用百分比,这对于粗略调整大小很有用。 如果需要将尺寸调整为特定尺寸,请切换为使用像素。 键入宽度或高度值时,PicPick会自动为您设置另一个值,以保持原始图像的尺寸。 您可以通过取消选中“保持宽高比”复选框来禁用此功能,尽管我们不确定您为什么要这么做。

Select the percentage you want, or the desired dimensions, and then click the “OK” button.


While PicPick (and Paint, for that matter) does a fine job of resizing one image at a time, sometimes you’ve got a bunch of image you need to resize to the same dimensions. For that, we turn to our next couple of tools.

虽然PicPick(以及Paint)可以很好地一次调整一个图像的大小,但有时您需要将一堆图像调整为相同的尺寸。 为此,我们转向下几个工具。

第三方应用程序:使用IrfanView一次批量调整许多图像的大小 (Third Party App: Use IrfanView to Batch Resize Lots of Images at Once)

IrfanView is first and foremost an image viewer, and it’s a great one. It’s fast, lightweight, and can open just about every image format in existence (even a lot of audio and video formats). And best of all, it’s free.

IrfanView首先是图像查看器,它是一个很棒的视图。 它快速,轻巧,并且可以打开现有的几乎所有图像格式(甚至包括许多音频和视频格式)。 最重要的是,它是免费的。

It doesn’t include a lot of the editing and annotation tools of an image editor like PicPick, but it is great for quickly resizing, cropping, and rotating images. And there are lots of plugins available that extend its functionality.

它不包含PicPick这样的图像编辑器的许多编辑和注释工具,但是对于快速调整大小,裁剪和旋转图像非常有用。 并且有许多扩展其功能的插件。

在IrfanView中调整单个图像的大小 (Resize a Single Image in IrfanView)

To resize a single image in IrfanView, open the Image menu, and then click the “Resize/Resample” command.


You can resize by specific dimensions (pixels, centimeters, or inches) or by percentage. IrfanView uses dimensions by default, which is great for when you need images to be a specific size, though you can switch to percentages for rough resizing.When you type a width or height value, IrfanView automatically sets the other value for you to maintain the original image’s dimensions. You can disable this by deselecting the “Preserve aspect ratio (proportional)” check box.

您可以按特定尺寸(像素,厘米或英寸)或百分比调整大小。 IrfanView默认使用尺寸,当您需要将图像设置为特定尺寸时,IrfanView非常有用,尽管您可以切换到百分比以粗略调整大小。键入宽度或高度值时,IrfanView会自动设置另一个值来保持原始图像的尺寸。 您可以通过取消选中“保留纵横比(比例)”复选框来禁用此功能。

Type in the new dimensions (or percentage) for the image, and then click the “OK” button.


That’s it. Your new image has been resized and is ready to use!

而已。 您的新图片已调整大小,可以使用了!

在IrfanView中一次调整一批图像的大小 (Resize a Batch of Images at Once in IrfanView)

IrfanView has a built-in batch tool if you have multiple images that you need to convert all at once. The batch tool can be a little bit confusing to work with, since you can use it to apply just about any of the functions IrfanView includes. But once you get a hang of it and what options to use, it’s a great addition to an already excellent product.

如果您有多个图像需要一次转换,则IrfanView具有内置的批处理工具。 批处理工具的使用可能会有些混乱,因为您可以使用它来应用IrfanView包含的几乎所有功能。 但是一旦您掌握了它以及可以使用哪些选项,它就会对已经非常出色的产品有很大的帮助。

Open the File menu, and then click the “Batch Conversion/Rename” command.


Next, in the right pane, navigate to the images you want to resize, select them, and then click the “Add” button. When you’ve got your images added, click the “Advanced” button over to the left.

接下来,在右窗格中,导航到要调整大小的图像,选择它们,然后单击“添加”按钮。 添加图像后,单击左侧的“高级”按钮。

The next window has a lot of features and is a little bit of an eye sore. The options we’ll need for resizing images are all over on the left, so we’ll just focus our attention there.

下一个窗口具有很多功能,并且有点眼痛。 调整图像大小所需的选项都在左侧,因此我们将注意力集中在此处。

Select the “Resize” check box, and then enter the new size you want for all your images. The options here are the same as you’d find when resizing a single image. When you’ve got it set up then click the “OK” button to close the Advanced window.

选择“调整大小”复选框,然后为所有图像输入所需的新大小。 这里的选项与调整单个图像大小时的选项相同。 完成设置后,请单击“确定”按钮以关闭“高级”窗口。

Back in the main Batch Conversion window, make note of the output directory. That’s where your new, resized images are stored. If you want, you can select a different folder or just click the “Use Current (‘Look In’) Directory” button to have the new images save to the same folder as the originals. And don’t worry, your originals are retained by default.

返回主“批量转换”窗口,记下输出目录。 在此存储新的,调整大小的图像。 如果需要,您可以选择其他文件夹,也可以单击“使用当前(查找)目录”按钮将新图像保存到与原始图像相同的文件夹中。 不用担心,默认情况下会保留您的原件。

Finally, click “Start Batch” to convert all your images.


在网上:使用BulkResizePhotos快速调整批量大小 (On the Web: Use BulkResizePhotos for Quick Batch Resizing)

If downloading and installing yet another program onto your computer isn’t something you want (or if you’re not using your own PC), there are lots of online resizing tools that you can access with just your web browser. One of our favorites is BulkResizePhotos, a free service that lets you resize, edit, crop, and compress images. It’s also very fast, because it doesn’t upload the images to their servers. Your images never leave your computer.

如果您不想在计算机上下载并安装另一个程序(或者如果您未使用自己的PC),则可以通过Web浏览器访问许多在线调整大小工具。 我们的最爱之一是BulkResizePhotos ,这是一项免费服务,可让您调整图像大小,编辑,裁剪和压缩。 它也非常快,因为它不会将图像上传到其服务器。 您的图像永远不会离开计算机。

On the site, click the “Choose Images” button, and then find and select the images you want to resize. You can choose a single images or hundreds at once. Click the “Open” button when you’re ready.

在网站上,单击“选择图像”按钮,然后查找并选择要调整大小的图像。 您可以一次选择一个图像,也可以一次选择数百个。 准备好后,点击“打开”按钮。

On the next screen, you can choose how to resize the image—Scale, Longest Side, Width, Height, or Exact Size. Select an option, type in the size you want, and then click the “Start Resizing” button.

在下一个屏幕上,您可以选择如何调整图像大小-缩放,最长边,宽度,高度或精确大小。 选择一个选项,键入所需的大小,然后单击“开始调整大小”按钮。

As the images are resized, they are saved to your Downloads folder (or whatever folder you’ve got set up to save downloads from your browser).


Have a favorite tool we didn’t mention? Let us know about it in the comments!

有没有提到的最喜欢的工具? 让我们在评论中知道它!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/354015/how-to-resize-images-and-photos-in-windows/





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