Using Google Docs is a great way to collaborate on and share documents. Sometimes, though, you want to provide somebody with a PDF instead of an editable document. Google Docs now lets you edit your sharing link to provide a PDF. Best of all, if you edit the original document, the PDF link automatically includes any changes you made. Here’s how it works.
使用Google文档是协作和共享文档的好方法。 但是,有时您想为某人提供PDF而不是可编辑的文档。 现在,“ Google文档”可让您编辑共享链接以提供PDF。 最重要的是,如果您编辑原始文档,则PDF链接会自动包含您所做的任何更改。 运作方式如下。
Note: This process works for Google Docs and Google Sheets, but not Google Slides.
Go ahead and open up the document you want to share. Once you’re there, click the “Share” button at the top right of the screen.
继续并打开您要共享的文档。 到达那里后,点击屏幕右上方的“共享”按钮。
In the Share With Others window, click the “Get shareable link” option at the top right.
You’ll receive a message letting you know that the link has bee copied to your clipboard. You’ll also notice the “Link Sharing” section has now appeared in the window.
您会收到一条消息,通知您链接已被复制到剪贴板。 您还会注意到窗口中现在出现了“链接共享”部分。
If we were just sharing the Google Doc as it is, the next step would be to send off the link you’ve just copied. To send a link to a PDF version of the document, you need to edit the link a bit.
如果我们只是按原样共享Google文档,则下一步将是发送刚刚复制的链接。 要将链接发送到文档的PDF版本,您需要进行一些编辑。
Open whatever messaging app you’ll be using to send the message, and then paste the link.
Once you’ve pasted the link, find the “edit?usp=sharing” at the very end of the URL. This is the only part of the link you’ll need to edit. If you make any other edits, you’ll end up with a broken link.
粘贴链接后,在URL的最末尾找到“ edit?usp = sharing”。 这是您需要编辑的链接的唯一部分。 如果您进行其他任何编辑,最终将导致链接断开。
Now, replace “edit?usp=sharing” with “export?format=pdf” instead. Your link should look like this.
现在,将“ edit?usp = sharing”替换为“ export?format = pdf”。 您的链接应如下所示。
Note: We’ve used bold type in the screenshots above to more easily identify the part of the URL you should edit. Don’t change this part to bold in your own URL or you’ll risk breaking the link.
注意:我们在上面的屏幕截图中使用了粗体字,以便更轻松地标识您应编辑的URL部分。 请勿在您自己的URL中将此部分更改为粗体,否则将有可能断开链接。
All that’s left to do is send it out! Whoever clicks the link will automatically download the pdf version of the Google Doc.
剩下要做的就是将其发送出去! 谁点击链接,都会自动下载Google文档的pdf版本。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/400707/how-to-share-links-to-your-google-doc-as-a-pdf/