

When you’re dealing with a PC that is completely infected in viruses, sometimes the best thing to do is reboot into a rescue disk and run a full virus scan from there. Here’s how to use the Kaspersky Rescue Disk to clean an infected PC.

当您要处理一台完全被病毒感染的PC时,有时最好的办法是重新启动进入应急磁盘并从那里运行完整的病毒扫描。 这是使用卡巴斯基救援磁盘清理受感染PC的方法。

There’s lots of ways to clean an infected PC, like booting into an Ubuntu Live CD and scanning for viruses, but this is an extremely simple—and free—solution from a trusted anti-virus vendor.

有很多方法可以清除受感染的PC,例如引导至Ubuntu Live CD并扫描病毒,但这是受信任的防病毒供应商提供的极为简单且免费的解决方案。

将映像下载并刻录到光盘 (Download and Burn the Image to a Disc)

The first thing you’ll need to do is head over to the Kaspersky site and download the latest version of their rescue disk, and then use an application to burn that ISO image file to an optical disc—we prefer using ImgBurn (download from Ninite), but there’s plenty of ways to burn an ISO to a disc.

您需要做的第一件事是前往Kaspersky网站并下载其救援磁盘的最新版本,然后使用应用程序将该ISO映像文件刻录到光盘上-我们更喜欢使用ImgBurn(从Ninite下载) ),但是有很多方法可以将ISO刻录到光盘上。


使用Kaspersky Rescue磁盘清理感染的PC (Using the Kaspersky Rescue Disk to Clean an Infected PC)

Once you’ve got the disc in hand, put it into the PC and reboot—you should see a new screen that says “Press any key to enter the menu”, at which point you should probably press any key. To enter the menu, of course. If you don’t, it’ll boot normally into Windows.

拿到光盘后,将其放入PC并重新启动-您应该看到一个新屏幕,显示“按任意键进入菜单”,此时您应该按任意键。 当然要进入菜单。 如果不这样做,它将正常启动到Windows。


At this point you’ll be able to choose whether to use the Graphic or Text mode, and we’d recommend using the Graphic mode unless there’s some problem, which there really shouldn’t be.



You’ll be prompted to type the letter “a” to accept the agreement. What’s weird is that it didn’t work with a capital letter “A” for us, even though that’s what it shows in the screenshot.

系统将提示您输入字母“ a”以接受协议。 奇怪的是,即使屏幕截图中显示的是大写字母“ A”,我们也无法使用。


Within a few short seconds you should see the full working environment, with the Kaspersky Rescue Disk screen front and center.



The first thing you want to do is switch tabs over to the My Update Center, and then click the Start update button to load the latest anti-virus definitions from their web site—this is a critical step!



Once done, switch back over to the Objects Scan tab, select the drives you want to scan, and then click the Start Objects Scan button.



The scan will run, and clean up any viruses that it finds. You’ll be prompted when you do encounter a virus, and you’ll have to choose whether to clean or quarantine the files—the typical anti-virus behavior.

扫描将运行,并清除发现的所有病毒。 当您确实遇到病毒时,系统会提示您,并且必须选择是清除还是隔离文件-典型的防病毒行为。

If you need to do some more work or research on the PC, you can access some tools directly from the menu below, which has a fully working web browser, command line, and a file manager.



You’ll be able to access your Windows partition through the /discs/C: folder, and do any other maintenance work you need to do.

您将可以通过/ discs / C:文件夹访问Windows分区,并执行其他需要做的维护工作。


That’s pretty much all there is to it. Enjoy cleaning viruses.

这几乎就是它的全部。 享受清洁病毒。

Download the Kaspersky Rescue Disk from support.kaspersky.com


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/36403/how-to-use-the-kaspersky-rescue-disk-to-clean-your-infected-pc/





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