roku能不能安装软件_如何在Roku中使用Google Assistant



As more of our devices connect to each other, it’s always nice to know that different products from different companies work together. A Chromecast isn’t expensive, but being able to use your TV directly with Google Assistant is better.

随着越来越多的设备相互连接,很高兴知道不同公司的不同产品一起工作。 Chromecast并不昂贵,但是能够直接与Google Assistant一起使用电视会更好。

Roku has long supported Google services like YouTube and Play Movies, but a recent update took it one step further: you can now use your Roku with Google Assistant voice commands. This feature is limited to the United States for now, and Netflix support isn’t available.

Roku长期以来一直支持诸如YouTube和Play电影之类的Google服务,但最近的更新使它更进一步:您现在可以将Roku与Google Assistant语音命令配合使用。 此功能目前仅限于美国,并且不支持Netflix。

确保您的Roku软件是最新的 (Make Sure Your Roku’s Software is Up To Date)

Your Roku will need to be running Roku OS 8.1 or newer to use Google Assistant. Start by turning on your Roku smart TV, streaming stick, or streaming box. Select “Settings” on the left.

您的Roku必须运行Roku OS 8.1或更高版本才能使用Google助手。 首先打开Roku智能电视,流媒体棒或流媒体盒。 选择左侧的“设置” 。

Next, select “System” and then “System Update.”

接下来,选择“系统”并 然后是“系统更新” 。

Select “Check Now.”

选择“立即检查” 。

Your Roku will say “All software is up to date” if you’re on the latest software version.


Otherwise, it’ll start downloading and installing the latest software. When it’s finished, you’re ready to link your Roku with Google Assistant!

否则,它将开始下载并安装最新软件。 完成后,您就可以将Roku与Google Assistant关联了!

如何在Roku中使用Google Assistant (How to Use Google Assistant with Your Roku)

Now that your Roku is on the latest software, you can set it up in the Google Home app. Start by downloading and installing the Google Home application on your Android smartphone or your iPhone.

现在您的Roku已安装在最新的软件上,您可以在Google Home应用中进行设置。 首先在Android智能手机或iPhone上下载并安装Google Home应用程序。

Select “Add on the Google Home home screen.

选择“在Google Home主屏幕上添加。

Select “Set Up Device.”

选择“设置设备” 。

Tap “Have something already set up?”


Scroll down and select “Roku.”

向下滚动并选择“ Roku” 。

Sign into your Roku account on the webpage that opens, then tap “Sign In.” Select “Accept and Continue.”

在打开的网页上登录您的Roku帐户,然后点击“登录”。 选择“接受并继续。”

Select the Roku you’d like to link to Google Assistant. Even if you have multiple Roku devices on your account, you can only have one linked to Google Assistant. When you’ve made your selection, tap “Continue to the Google app.”

选择您要链接到Google Assistant的Roku 。 即使您的帐户上有多个Roku设备,也只能将一个链接到Google Assistant。 做出选择后,点击“继续使用Google应用程序” 。

You’ll jump back to the Google Home app, where you can review the device you just added. Select “Done.”

您将跳回到Google Home应用,在这里您可以查看刚刚添加的设备。 选择“完成” 。

大声说! (Speak Up!)

Now that your Roku device and Google Assistant are linked, you can start commanding it with your other phone or smart speaker. You can say, “Hey Google, launch Hulu on my Roku” to start watching your favorite shows and say “Hey Google, listen to Pandora on my Roku to jam out to your favorite music. 

现在,您的Roku设备和Google助手已建立链接,您可以开始用其他手机或智能扬声器命令它了。 您可以说: “嘿Google,在我的Roku上启动Hulu” 开始观看您喜欢的节目,然后说“嘿Google,听我Roku上的Pandora ,欣赏您喜欢的音乐。







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