http 请求报文




2、http请求方法 restful接口









chrome硬件加速Google Chrome comes equipped with hardware acceleration, a feature which takes advantage of your computer’s GPU to speed up processes and free vital CPU time. However, sometimes driver incompatibilities can cause this feature to misbehave an…


While Microsoft PowerPoint is almost exclusively used for presentation purposes, it’s also a great application for creating interesting and visually appealing brochures. Here’s how to create (and print out) a tri-fold using PowerPoint. 尽管Microsoft Powe…


Last year Google rolled out desktop notifications for Google Calendar, now you can get Gmail and Gchat notifications on your desktop too. Read on as we walk you through configuring them both. 去年Google推出了Google日历的桌面通知,现在您也可以在桌…




2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> 实现原理:JVM 是通过进入、退出对象监视器( Monitor )来实现对方法、同步块的同步的。 具体实现是在编译之后在同步方法调用前加入一个 monitor.enter 指令,在退出方法和异常处插入 monitor.exit …


2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> HikariCP号称性能最好的Java数据库连接池。虽没做过亲测但是公司项目一直在用,大概经历过2万左右用户同时在线,链接池性能方面未出现问题。 官网:…

Microsoft Desktop Player是IT Pro的宝贵工具

If you are an IT Professional, a new education tool introduced by Microsoft is the MS Desktop Player. Today we take a look at what it has to offer, from Webcasts, White Papers, Training Videos, and more. 如果您是IT专业人员,则Microsoft推出的新的培…

如何在Microsoft Excel中将文本转换为日期值

Analysis of business data often requires working with date values in Excel to answer questions such as “how much money did we make today” or “how does this compare to the same day last week?” And that can be hard when Excel doesn’t recognize the valu…

看着手机会让您晕眩吗? 禁用动画

Giulio_Fornasar/ShutterstockGiulio_Fornasar /快门Are your phone’s buttery-smooth animations causing motion sickness, eyestrain, or even slow app performance? Those animations are just for looks, and you can disable a lot of them on both iPhone and Androi…


一、按电脑组成分 1.CPU(中央处理器),是一块超大规模的集成电路,有很多针脚,是电脑的核心,它是电脑进行运算和控制的核心,处理着各种信息的运算,就像人计算数学题要用头脑运算一样。…

微信小程序之 SideBar(侧栏分类)

项目目录: 模拟数据: utils / data.js function getSData() {var data [{"id": 1,"tree": {"id": 1,"desc": "宝宝奶粉","desc2": null,"level": "level1","log…


You’ve got an ebook reader (or a laptop or netbook with ebook reading software) now you just need some free books to put it to good use. Read on as we show you the best places to score free books online. 您已经有了一个电子书阅读器(或带有电子书阅读软件的笔…

Spring Bean默认配置为单实例 Spring Bean生命周期

2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> Spring 的Bean默认的是单例的. 如果不想单例需要如下配置&#xff1a; <bean id"user" class"..." scope"singleton"/> scope"singleton"就是配置这个bean是单例的&#…


minecraft服务器If you’ve played Minecraft, then it’s easy to see how much fun it can be. Running your own server lets you bring all of your friends into the same game, and you can play with rules you get to make or break. It’s the ultimate in an already…

Spring Boot 2.x(六):优雅的统一返回值

目录 为什么要统一返回值ReturnVOReturnCode使用ReturnVO使用AOP进行全局异常的处理云撸猫公众号为什么要统一返回值 在我们做后端应用的时候&#xff0c;前后端分离的情况下&#xff0c;我们经常会定义一个数据格式&#xff0c;通常会包含code&#xff0c;message&#xff0c;…



Ubuntu下Authentication token manipulation error或者Authentication Failure解决办法

在Ubuntu18.04使用以下命令出现以下错误: 用passwd为新建用户或者root添加密码:Authentication token manipulation error 切换root用户出现Authentication Failure. 网上出现了大致两种方法: 第一种&#xff1a;用户文件和密码文件被保护&#xff0c;用chattr命令移除保护即可…

初学者:如何使用虚拟PC将Windows 7安装到虚拟机

Continuing in our series covering how to use Virtual PC, this week we’ll be showing you how to install Windows 7 into a virtual machine. It’s a very simple process, but here’s the step-by-step guide for beginners. 继续我们的系列文章&#xff0c;介绍如何使…


情景 在本机或服务器发布了几十、几百个gis服务&#xff0c;当换电脑或者换服务器时不可能挨个找源文件重新发布服务&#xff0c;于是就想着既然是本地文件&#xff0c;一定可以拷贝过去的&#xff0c;经过一番搜索&#xff0c;结果如下: 方案一、迁移至新站点 新机站点创建…


极客大佬用什么电脑If you love new gear but not high prices then we’ve got some deals for you; grab some deeply discounted laptops, monitors and HDTVs, and free mobile apps in this week’s Geek Deals roundup. 如果您喜欢新设备&#xff0c;但不喜欢高价&#x…