
淘宝网站店铺请人做,手机优化,橙云 php网站建设,网站域名使用怎么做分录If you are an IT Professional, a new education tool introduced by Microsoft is the MS Desktop Player. Today we take a look at what it has to offer, from Webcasts, White Papers, Training Videos, and more. 如果您是IT专业人员,则Microsoft推出的新的培…

If you are an IT Professional, a new education tool introduced by Microsoft is the MS Desktop Player. Today we take a look at what it has to offer, from Webcasts, White Papers, Training Videos, and more.

如果您是IT专业人员,则Microsoft推出的新的培训工具是MS Desktop Player。 今天,我们从网络广播,白皮书,培训视频等中了解它所提供的功能。

Microsoft Desktop Player


You can run the player from the website (shown here) or download the application for use on your local machine (link below). It allows you to easily access MS training and information in a central interface.

您可以从网站上运行播放器(如下所示)或下载应用程序以在本地计算机上使用(下面的链接)。 它使您可以在中央界面中轻松访问MS培训和信息。


To get the Desktop version, download the .msi file from the site…



And run through the installer…



When you first start out, enter in if you’re an IT Pro, Developer and your role.

刚开始时,请输入您是否是IT Pro,开发人员和您的角色。


Then you can decide on the resources you’re looking for such as Exchange Server, SharePoint, Windows 7, Security…etc.

然后,您可以决定要寻找的资源,例如Exchange Server,SharePoint,Windows 7,安全性等。


Here is an example of checking out a Podcast on Office 2007 setup and configuration from TechNet radio.

这是从TechNet无线电中签出有关Office 2007设置和配置的播客的示例。


Under Settings you can customize your search results and local resources. This helps you narrow down pertinent information for your needs.

在设置下,您可以自定义搜索结果和本地资源。 这可以帮助您根据需要缩小相关信息的范围。


If you find something you really like, hover the pointer over the screen and you can add it to your library, share it, send feedback, and check for additional resources.



If you don’t need items in your library they can be easily deleted.



Under the News tab you get previews of Microsoft news items, clicking on it will open the full article in a separate browser.



While you’re watching a presentation you can show or hide the details related to it.





Microsoft Desktop Player is currently in Beta, but has a lot of cool features to offer for your learning needs. You can easily find Podcasts, Webcasts, and more without having to browse all over the place. In our experience we didn’t notice any bugs, and what it offers so far works well. If you’re a geek who’s constantly browsing TechNet and other Microsoft learning sites, this helps keep everything consolidated in one app. 

Microsoft Desktop Player当前处于Beta中,但具有许多很酷的功能可满足您的学习需求。 您可以轻松找到Podcast,网络广播等内容,而无需浏览整个地方。 根据我们的经验,我们没有发现任何错误,到目前为止,它提供的功能都很好。 如果您是一个经常浏览TechNet和其他Microsoft学习网站的怪胎,则可以帮助您将所有内容整合到一个应用程序中。

Download Microsoft Desktop Player


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/19020/microsoft-desktop-player-is-a-valuable-tool-for-it-pros/




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