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jakob slam

In the pursuit of providing great user experiences, it’s imperative that digital products are evaluated. A

为了提供出色的用户体验,必须对数字产品进行评估。 一个

heuristic evaluation is essential to delivering great user experiences. In order to identify issues within a digital product, many usability experts adhere to 启发式评估对于提供出色的用户体验至关重要。 为了识别数字产品中的问题,许多可用性专家都遵循Jakob Nielsen’s 10 general principles for interaction design. This article will focus on the second one of these principles which is Match Between the System and the Real World. If you missed the first one, Jakob Nielsen的10个交互设计通用原则 。 本文将重点讨论这些原则中的第二个原则,即系统与现实世界之间的匹配。 如果您错过了第一个, click here.请单击此处 。
Jakob Nielsen’s list of 10 usability heuristics

Principle #2: Match Between the System and the Real World


“Systems should speak the users’ language with familiar words, phrases, and concepts rather than system-oriented terms. Interfaces that follow real-world conventions and make information appear in a natural and logical order demonstrate empathy and acknowledgement for users.”

“系统应该使用熟悉的单词,短语和概念而不是面向系统的术语来讲用户的语言。 遵循现实世界惯例并使信息以自然和逻辑顺序显示的界面向用户展示了同理心和认可。”

A product’s design should use simple everyday language and recognizable elements because this is very reassuring to users. Specialized lingo and obscure icons alienate users and discourage their use of a product.

产品的设计应使用简单的日常用语和可识别的元素,因为这会使用户放心。 专门的用语和晦涩的图标使用户疏远,并阻止他们使用产品。

Unless the product is aimed at a technical crowd, ideas should be communicated to the user using non-technical terms.


Chart stating what to say and not say. For example, don’t say, “Riverine avifauna.” Say, “River birds.”

Sticking to more traditional wording on website navigation improves usability. Words and phrases that are already familiar to users instill a sense of understanding and confidence in a product. Jargon like spavings and blogroll on the Budgets are Sexy website, for example, can be confusing to the reader and should be avoided.

在网站导航上使用更传统的措词可以提高可用性。 用户已经熟悉的单词和短语会灌输对产品的理解和信心。 行话喜欢上了spavings博客链接 预算是性感的网站,例如,可以迷惑读者,应该避免。

Header and top navigation for the website Budgets are Sexy

Visual elements in design should also meet real world expectations. Users associate certain colors with specific meanings. For example the color red is typically associated with a warning or error; whereas, green is associated with passing, or correctness. The learning platform Canvas does not give the user a automatic and clear understanding that an assignment is complete. A checkmark is a positive indicator for this action; however, the color red makes the user second guess if the the assignment is complete as red creates a warning feeling. This could easily be resolved by changing the circled check mark to green instead which would give the user a feeling of confidence of completion.

设计中的视觉元素也应符合现实世界的期望。 用户将某些颜色与特定含义相关联。 例如,红色通常与警告或错误相关; 而绿色与通过或正确性相关。 学习平台Canvas不能使用户自动而清楚地了解作业已完成。 复选标记是此操作的积极指标; 但是,红色使用户第二次猜测分配是否完成,因为红色会产生警告感。 可以通过将带圆圈的复选标记更改为绿色来轻松解决此问题,这将使用户有完成信心。

Notification from the Canvas Student app which reads complete with a red check mark inside a red circle
Canvas Student mobile appCanvas Student移动应用

Users also create mental models or interpretations for the meaning or functionality of digital elements based on their past involvement with objects in their physical world. For example, popular icons like a phone, camera, or clock are easily identifiable and convey their purpose clearly to the user.

用户还根据过去对物理世界中对象的参与,为数字元素的含义或功能创建思维模型或解释。 例如,容易识别诸如电话,照相机或时钟之类的流行图标,并将其目的清楚地传达给用户。

iPhone icons for phone, camera, and clock

As can be seen, when the second usability heuristic is applied to language, visuals, and interactive design elements, it helps to display empathy to the user and make them feel like they matter. This principle works by instilling feelings of familiarity and trust in a product. It facilitates a true Match Between the System and the Real World.

可以看出,将第二种可用性启发式方法应用于语言,视觉效果和交互式设计元素时,它有助于向用户显示同理心并使他们觉得自己很重要。 该原理通过灌输对产品的熟悉感和信任感而起作用。 它促进了系统与现实世界之间的真正匹配。

Thanks for reading! I would love to hear your ideas and thoughts about this topic in the comments.

谢谢阅读! 我很乐意在评论中听到您对这个主题的想法和想法。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/jakob-nielsens-first-usability-heuristic-for-user-interface-design-d04323c6ab3a

jakob slam




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