
做百度网站一般多少钱,网络推广公司简介,学wordpress,怎么制作购物网站pov-incAre you ready and lazy enough (you will fully understand with continue reading this)? Coffee and tea next to you? Alright. This article is going to (not) kick you in your a**. It will be a bit of ‘lesson learned’, for sure a bit of FIGMA, and a …


Are you ready and lazy enough (you will fully understand with continue reading this)? Coffee and tea next to you? Alright. This article is going to (not) kick you in your a**. It will be a bit of ‘lesson learned’, for sure a bit of FIGMA, and a bit of staying curious.

您准备好了吗并且足够懒惰 (继续阅读本文将会完全理解)? 您旁边的咖啡和茶? 好的。 本文将(或不)踢您的a **。 当然,这有点“吸取教训”,当然还有一些FIGMA,还有一点好奇。

It’s about waking up and realizing: Yesterday I repeated the same thing over and over again:


Time to hack yourself.


Repeated smth. in your routine, your work tools, or your meetings? This is where you truly shall become ‘lazy’. You heard it right. Consider yourself as the laziest person. Laziness shall become your new way of continuously learning.

重复的水深。 在您的日常工作,工作工具或会议中? 这是您真正要变得“懒惰”的地方。 您没听错。 认为自己是最懒惰的人。 懒惰将成为您不断学习的新方式。

First things first. I for myself learned it the hard way. Being diligent as a UX designer won’t trigger yourself to find the smartest solutions out there. That’s why it’s time for

首先是第一件事。 我自己为困难学习。 勤奋地担任UX设计师不会触发自己找到最聪明的解决方案。 这就是为什么要

An illustration of a potato that sits on a sofa, that means couc potato
Tip number one: Be a couch potato! (Finding Solutions)
秘诀一:做个沙发土豆! (查找解决方案)

1. Hack yourself tip number one


Become the laziest couch potato and start reading smart books! You almost burn 0 calories (be proud of yourself being so lazy), your cactus won’t be afraid of you to get overwatered, your thumb muscle is trained enough by scrolling down newsfeeds, and your brain is getting lazy-smarter from printed literature than learning from screens:

成为最懒惰的沙发土豆,开始阅读智能书籍! 您几乎消耗了0卡路里(以自己如此懒惰为荣),仙人掌将不怕您被水淹满,向下滚动新闻消息可对拇指肌肉进行足够的训练,并且从印刷文献中您的大脑变得更聪明比从屏幕学习:

The study, titled, Reading on Paper and Digitally: What the Past Decades of Empirical Research Reveal, shows that students learn more powerful from print textbooks than screens (such a lazy quote — you will fully understand when you continue reading).

这项研究的标题为“纸上阅读和数字阅读:过去几十年的经验研究揭示了什么”,该研究表明,学生从印刷教科书中学到的东西比屏幕学得要厉害( 这是个懒惰的报价 ,当您继续阅读时,您将完全理解)。

An image that shows notebooks with written keylearnings.
Next tip: Write down your learnings. (Research)
下一步:写下您的学习内容。 (研究)

2. Hack yourself tip number two


Collect your quotes and learnings in a written (concept) form. This will let you remember best, helps to form opinions, and strategies to tackle your next challenge at work. I can totally assure, that next small talk or Pecha Kucha is around the corner (true story).

以书面(概念)形式收集您的报价和学习内容。 这将使您记住最好,有助于形成观点,以及应对工作中下一个挑战的策略。 我完全可以保证,下一次闲聊或Pecha Kucha即将来临(真实故事)。

Which leads me to one of my favourite (lazy) quotes from the book:The subtle art of not giving a f*** by Mark Manson.

这使我想到了我最喜欢的(懒惰的)一句名言:马克·曼森(Mark Manson)不给af ***的微妙艺术。

A quote by the author Mark Manson, that tells life is full of problems.
Know your values

“Don’t hope for a life without problems. There’s no such thing. Instead, hope for a life full of good problems.”

“不要希望生活没有问题。 没有这样的事情。 相反,希望生活中充满好问题。”

Which leads to


3. Hack yourself tip number three


Own the problems, and accept them is going to be the key to choose your next best (lazy) values.Do a daily or weekly analysis to get a better understanding of possible hacking opportunities in your routines. Here is an experimental FIGMA template, that I created to become more efficiently lazy (or because you were lazy enough to read this article — lazy fist bump — you’re getting this for free). Free Hack yourself diary template: Click-press-this-link!

拥有并接受问题将成为选择下一个最佳(懒惰)值的关键。 每天或每周进行分析,以更好地了解例程中可能的黑客机会。 这是一个实验性的FIGMA模板,我创建了该模板以使其变得更有效地变得懒惰(或者因为您足够懒惰以阅读本文-懒惰的拳头-您可以免费获得它)。 免费黑客自己的日记模板: 单击此链接

An title image that shows the hack yourself diary template.
Get yourself this lazy template.

4. And this is the fourth hack yourself tip


Get less hands-off and become lazy hands-on.


You’re reviewing and QA-ing a lot. Then this is prob a good example of how to tackle repetitions. If you are recognizing repetitive workarounds or experiencing too many clicks to get things done: Become lazy! Tackle those workarounds like a UX Designer and solve them. You can make it.

您正在大量审查和质量检查。 那么这可能是解决重复问题的一个很好的例子。 如果您发现重复性的解决方法或点击次数过多,无法完成任务:请变得懒惰! 像UX设计器一样解决这些变通方法并加以解决。 你可以做到。

Here’s an example coming from our product design team:The FIGMA revamping of naming conventions for typography and colours to improve the workflow.


A graphic that shows the objective for improving the workflow for naming conventions in FIGMA for typography and colours.
To get rid of the ‘too many clicks to see more details of the styles’, we needed more detailed design tokens.
Image for post
Creating a sandbox for your team is a good usability test for your new naming conventions, that finally shows font size (px), font-weight and hex code for colours.
A graphic that shows the before and after state for the new typography naming conventions.
The new naming conventions for our styles. You can now easily see everything you want with ONE click. You don't need to ‘detach’ the style or click into CSS to see them.
我们样式的新命名约定。 现在,您只需单击一下即可轻松查看所需的一切。 您无需“分离”样式或单击CSS即可查看样式。
A graphic that shows the before and after state for the new colours naming conventions.
The new naming conventions for our colours. Same here: You can see easily the hex code ensuring consistent usage.
我们的颜色的新命名约定。 同样在这里:您可以轻松地看到确保一致用法的十六进制代码。
A graphic that shows the FIGMA update for typography naming conventions.
OMG: FIGMA launched a new update on showing font size/line-height/weight a couple of days later. At least the work for colours was a full success and not a waste of time.
OMG:几天后,FIGMA启动了一项新的更新,以显示字体大小/行高/粗细。 至少,色彩工作是完全成功的,而不是浪费时间。

5. Last but not least: The Super nerd tip of hacking yourself


Have you ever thought of creating real-life plugins for yourself?


Just couldn’t stop thinking of it. I mean you could become even nerdier.

只是无法停止思考。 我的意思是你可能会变得更加呆板。

I leave you alone with those thoughts…and your coffee… Hope to see you again in my next article. Tschüss, bye and let’s stay curious!

我让那些想法……和你的咖啡……让你一个人呆着……希望在我的下一篇文章中再次见到你。 Tschüss,再见,让我们保持好奇!

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/hack-yourself-a-lazy-designers-pov-and-a-bit-of-figma-406fe251839f





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