Iwas introduced to the world of Hyper Light Drifter through a series of visions — titans ravage a broken city, a shallow sea is stained red by floating corpses, a skinny dog leads me into the yawning abyss of a pillar in the center of the sea, and black sludge subdues my limbs and creeps into my eyes.
我 通过一系列异象向 我 介绍了“超轻漂流者”的世界-泰坦破坏了一座破碎的城市,浅海被漂浮的尸体染成红色,一只瘦狗带领我进入海心中一个打哈欠的深渊中,黑色的污泥制服了我的四肢,并潜入了我的眼睛。
I push myself into a sitting position and look around. I appear to be on a sea-side cliff, with the world beyond consisting of a green ocean and sharp, jagged formations of rock and metal. Looming overhead is a statue of a creature I don’t recognize, but it provides enough shelter to keep the pouring rain from putting out my small campfire.
我将自己推到坐姿,环顾四周。 我似乎在海边的悬崖上,外面的世界由绿色的海洋以及尖锐,锯齿状的岩石和金属构成。 笼罩在头顶的是我不认识的生物的雕像,但它提供了足够的遮挡物,以防止倾盆大雨扑灭我的小篝火。
I stand and explore the area, being closely followed by my floating green-and-pink companion. He utters a mechanical chirp whenever he sees something I might be interested in — which in this case is an obscure path leading away from my camp.
我站立并探索该地区,紧随其后的是我的绿色和粉红色漂浮伴侣。 每当他看到我可能感兴趣的东西时,他都会发出机械的rp声-在这种情况下,这是一条通往我营地的晦涩道路。

Ruined machines lie motionless against the cliff-face, corroded by the salty air and reclaimed by moss. They pose no threat to me — whatever caused their demise happened long before I stomped past them.
被破坏的机器一动不动地躺在悬崖上,被咸味的空气腐蚀,被苔藓回收。 他们没有对我构成威胁-导致他们灭亡的任何原因都发生在我踩踏他们之前很久。
Midway along the path I double over and cough up blood. I recover quickly, but my concern lingers — I experienced something similar to this in my visions, except then, my blood became the body of a hulking behemoth that threatened to strike me down. Uneasy, I straighten up and continue on.
沿着这条路的中途,我加倍了并咳嗽。 我很快恢复了精神,但我的忧虑仍在持续-在我的异象中,我经历了与此类似的事情,除了那之后,我的血液变成了一只笨拙的庞然大物,威胁要把我击倒。 不安,我站直并继续。
The quiet chirp of my companion draws my attention toward a square stone inlaid with runic symbols. I give him the go-ahead, and once I’m standing atop the stone, he interacts with it. Moments later we’re moving slowly down a tunnel illuminated with small green lights.
我的同伴安静的chi声将我的注意力吸引到镶嵌有符文符号的方形石头上。 我让他同意,一旦我站在石头上,他就会与它互动。 片刻之后,我们沿着一条绿灯照亮的隧道缓缓移动。
We emerge into an underground facility, but its immediate purpose is hard to discern. I observe broken machines and weathered structures as I work my way through the facility, all the while learning how to wield my sword and dash over large gaps in the floor.
我们出现在地下设施中,但其直接目的很难辨认。 当我在设施中工作时,我会观察到破碎的机器和风化的结构,同时还学习了如何在地板上的大缝隙中挥舞着剑和短剑。
My adventure comes to an abrupt pause when my companion chirps and guides me toward the skeleton of a man. He lies against a mossy boulder in a pool of his own blood. I mutter my respects while I pry a futuristic handgun from his bony fingers.
当我的同伴chi叫着我朝着男人的骨骼前进时,我的冒险突然停了下来。 他躺在自己血泊中的一块长满苔藓的巨石上。 当我用他那只骨头的手指撬动一把未来派的手枪时,我喃喃自语。

Something shuffles deeper within the facility. With my finger on the trigger, I straighten up and aim my gun at the sound — and come face to face with a squat, armored creature holding a gun. I dodge his shots and land two bullets in his chest; it’s enough to bring him down. I move forward cautiously, and two of his friends aim their muzzles at me. Four shots from my gun end the assault.
设施内的某些东西杂乱无章。 用手指在扳机上,我站直,将枪对准声音—然后与拿着枪的蹲下的装甲生物面对面。 我躲开他的投篮,将两发子弹放到他的胸口; 足以使他失望。 我谨慎地前进,他的两个朋友将枪口对准了我。 我的枪发了四枪,突击结束了。
I step over their fallen bodies and onto another elevator. It rises through a tunnel similar to the one that took me down, and I step into a lush green landscape occupied by yellow birds pecking away at blue flowers — it’s a far cry from my rainy, sea-side cliff.
我跨过他们的尸体,走上另一部电梯。 它穿过一条与使我坠落的隧道相似的隧道,然后步入郁郁葱葱的绿色景观,周围是黄色的小鸟啄着蓝色的花朵,这与我的雨天,海边悬崖相去甚远。
Remnants of whatever calamity befell humanity are sprinkled throughout the environment: a rugged stone path is lined with chipped marble pillars, war machines lie rusted and covered in moss, and corpses of the misfortunate sit obscured in the treeline like a child’s forgotten playthings.
The trees open up and I catch a glimpse of a distant city. I feel conflicted — on one hand, it’s a sign of thriving life; people managed to survive and rebuild, but on the other hand, this is the same city I saw in my visions, the one destroyed and ravaged by titans. Something doesn’t sit right in my chest.
树木开了,我瞥见了一个遥远的城市。 我感到矛盾–一方面,这是生活蓬勃发展的标志;另一方面, 人们设法生存和重建,但另一方面,这是我在异象中看到的同一座被巨人摧毁和破坏的城市。 东西不正好放在我的胸口。
I shake the feeling away and continue on, but quickly take shelter beneath an ancient tree — the forested path beyond is marked by black pools that form in the dirt and then shoot into the sky, like rain falling in reverse.
I carefully creep forward, but the moment the black rain touches my skin, my vision is blurry and violent tremors shake my body. Pink blood erupts from my mouth and rises up in the form of a towering horned behemoth. It takes a thundering step forward, threatening to strike me down, but I fall unconscious before it can do so.
我小心翼翼地向前爬,但是当黑雨浸入我的皮肤时,我的视线变得模糊,剧烈的震颤震撼了我的身体。 粉红色的血液从我的嘴里喷出,并以高耸的有角庞然大物的形式上升。 向前迈出了雷鸣般的一步,威胁要把我击倒,但在此之前我已经失去知觉。
I stir sometime later and find myself lying beside a small campfire with my companion next to me. Pink trees provide us shelter, and across the flame, I make out a burly figure dressed in pink and teal. He munches nonchalantly on something he cooked and flips a morsel toward his floating companion. I try to sit up, but unconsciousness claims me once again.
一段时间后,我激动不安,发现自己躺在小篝火旁,同伴在我旁边。 粉红的树木为我们提供了庇护所,在火焰中,我做出了一个身着粉红色和蓝绿色的魁梧的人物。 他不拘一格地嚼着自己煮的东西,向他的漂浮伴侣轻弹一口。 我试图坐起来,但是昏迷再次使我失望。
When I next reawaken, I find myself in a warm bed beneath a solid roof. I’m in a house — presumably one belonging to my savior. I get out of bed and search for him, but he’s gone. I don’t hesitate to rummage through the house in search of boxes to break or secrets to discover. My companion chirps, interrupting my exploits, and guides me toward a table in the center of the room.
下次唤醒时,我发现自己躺在坚固的屋顶下的温暖床上。 我在房子里-大概是我的救世主之一。 我起床寻找他,但他走了。 我会毫不犹豫地在房子里翻找,寻找打破的盒子或发现的秘密。 我的同伴chi叫,打断了我的功绩,并把我引向房间中央的桌子。

I’m unsure of what exactly my objective is, but I suppose the easiest way to find out is to enter the world and see what it has to offer.
I step out into a pleasant city with trimmed grass and ruined buildings made livable and cozy. Birds chip and distant residents chatter among themselves as I make my way to the center of town.
我走进一个宜人的城市,修剪过的草皮和破旧的建筑物使宜居宜人。 当我前往市中心时,鸟儿飞来飞去,远处的居民在彼此之间颤抖。

No one seems to pay any mind to the ominous blue diamond buried in the center of town, except for the small purple dog that sniffs around the northern corner. It cocks its head when I approach and quickly flees to the east. Being the animal lover that I am, I follow.
似乎没有人会注意到埋在镇中心的凶恶的蓝色钻石,除了在北角嗅着的那只紫色的小狗。 当我走近时,它抬起头,Swift逃到东方。 作为我的动物爱好者,我跟随。
It disappears through the eastern gate, leaving me and a guard to watch it go. The guard shrugs — he won’t stop me if I choose to pursue the dog. After briefly looking around the settlement, I give chase.
它从东门消失了,只剩下我和一个守卫看它走了。 警卫耸了耸肩-如果我选择追逐那只狗,他不会阻止我。 短暂浏览定居点后,我开始追逐。
The world beyond the city walls shows a darker reality — here, the buildings are abandoned and broken by massive trees protruding through their windows. The path forward is disjointed, and sometimes treacherous, but eventually, the landscape changes.
城墙以外的世界显示出更黑暗的现实-在这里,建筑物被窗户伸出的大树所遗弃和破坏。 前进的道路是分离的,有时是危险的,但最终,景观发生了变化。
The water is blue and beautiful here, and the statues lining my path hint at a neighboring civilization unlike the one I came from.

I approach the figure on the other side of the hut and breathe a sigh of relief when it offers a friendly nod. After a brief conversation, it takes my map and marks a distant temple with a red skull — the boss of this area.
我接近小屋另一侧的身影,当它友好地点头时,松了一口气。 经过简短的交谈,它带走了我的地图,并用红色的头骨标记了一个遥远的寺庙-该区域的老板。
I thank the creature and take my leave, but in a matter of a few steps, I’m stopped by a gruesome sight:

The frog hisses when it sees me, then hurls a shuriken in my direction. Alerted by the commotion, two of his friends join him. I’m quick to dance around the area lobbing bullets and swinging my sword, but even so, I barely escape with my life. Upon silencing the last enemy, its shuriken finds its mark. I collapse in my own blood, experiencing my first death.
青蛙见到我时嘶嘶作响,然后朝我的方向投掷手榴弹。 受到骚动的惊动,他的两个朋友加入了他。 我很快在该地区跳动,跳动子弹并挥舞着我的剑,但即使如此,我也几乎无法逃脱生命。 在消灭最后一个敌人后,其手榴弹找到了自己的印记。 我死于自己的血液,经历了第一次死亡。
I awake at the hut, near the friendly creature. I get to my feet and shake the death from my limbs, then return to the arena — and sadly the fight must be repeated.
我在友善生物附近的小屋里醒来。 我站起来,摆脱四肢的死亡,然后回到竞技场-可悲的是,战斗必须重演。
On my second try, I manage to defeat all three frogs with some life to spare. Heaving from the battle, I slowly climb the stairs and enter the next area, but hit what seems like a dead end.
在我的第二次尝试中,我设法击败了所有三只青蛙,并为此付出了一些生命。 从战斗中拉了下来,我慢慢爬上楼梯,进入下一个区域,但是撞到了似乎死路一条。

I search for a way forward but find none. I try jumping onto the robot arm, but instead, crash to the ground and reawaken on the stone ledge — except this time I only have one point of health. Pink blood stains the stone as I backtrack toward town, and death finds me twice more before I’m able to heal in the town square.
我在寻找前进的道路,但没有找到。 我尝试跳到机械臂上,但撞到地面并在石架上醒来-这次我只有一点健康。 当我回溯到城镇时,粉红色的血迹使石头弄脏了,在我能够在城镇广场上治愈之前,死亡使我多了两倍。
Upon my return to the city, I notice there seem to be more inhabitants strolling down the quaint streets. I explore the shops before heading off to the next area — the West.
当我回到城市时,我注意到似乎有更多的居民沿着古朴的街道漫步。 在前往下一个地区-西部之前,我先探索商店。
The grass changes from green to purple, and the fissures in the earth take on a redish hue, signaling the arrival of a new biome. I proceed cautiously between two reptilian statues and across a white stone bridge, wary of the foes this civilization will present.
草从绿色变成紫色,地球上的裂缝呈现出淡红色调,预示着新生物群落的到来。 我小心翼翼地在两个爬行动物雕像之间穿越白色的石桥,谨慎对待这种文明将要出现的敌人。
The land here is blue, and the trees pink — was this the area my savior camped in? As I ponder the question, a rune on the ground leads me through a copse of trees and to an elevator. Upon my companion activating it, we travel down and proceed into a small room. The diamond at the end captures my attention.
这里的土地是蓝色的,树木是粉红色的-这是我的救世主驻扎的地区吗? 当我思考这个问题时,地上的一道符文带我穿过一棵大树,然后到达了电梯。 在我的同伴激活它之后,我们向下走并进入一个小房间。 最后的钻石引起了我的注意。

I exit the room and continue on. This area is unlike the other — it is wild, with thick trees framing the way forward with numerous branching paths. I come to a stop as a friendly face waves me down eagerly. He takes my map and marks the location of the boss with a red skull, just as the creature in the East had done.
我离开房间继续。 这个区域与其他区域不同-它是野生的,茂密的树木通过许多分支路径构成了前进的方向。 当友好的面Kong热切地挥舞着我时,我停下来了。 他拿了我的地图,并用红色的头骨标记了老板的位置,就像东方的生物一样。
I nod my head in thanks and continue through the thick trees, being set upon by armored green goblins and crystal wolves. Death finds me for the fifth time before I reach what resembles a town square. My companion chirps and pulls up my map — I’ve unlocked a warp point.
我点头表示感谢,并继续穿过被铠甲绿色妖精和水晶狼所包围的茂密树木。 在我到达一个类似于城市广场的地方之前,死亡第五次找到了我。 我的同伴鸣叫并拉起我的地图-我已经解锁了一个翘曲点。
From here I can choose four directions: I decide to try my luck up north. An elevator descends into a dungeon that I promptly decide is not the place for me.
从这里我可以选择四个方向:我决定尝试向北运气。 电梯掉进地下城,我Swift决定这不是我的住所。

I return to the surface shaking my head and take the warp point back to the city. The happy music and calm residents soothe my anxiety. Now armed with more knowledge of how this world works, I decide to journey to the northern gate and see which civilization lies up there.
我回到地面摇了摇头,将翘曲点带回了城市。 欢乐的音乐和镇定的居民缓解了我的焦虑。 现在,有了更多关于这个世界如何运作的知识,我决定前往北门,看看那里有哪个文明。
Two ancient bird-like statues corral me toward the entrance of a canyon, hinting at which foes reside here. On the other side of the canyon are rugged, white stone steps that lead upward. After checking the area for secrets, I begin my ascent.
两个古老的鸟状雕像将我围在峡谷的入口处,暗示那里住着什么敌人。 峡谷的另一侧是崎,不平的白色石阶,向上延伸。 在检查了该区域的秘密之后,我开始上升。
I meet another traveler who marks a boss on my map, but when I leave this time I don’t bother thanking him — it is very unlikely I’ll come across the boss before my hour is up, but I can’t say I’m disappointed.
My confidence is swiftly punished — violent coughs cause me to stoop and blood to cover the ground in front of me. I recover as usual, but the experience still leaves me unnerved. Whatever mystery illness is affecting me, I still have it.
我的自信很快受到了打击–剧烈的咳嗽使我弯下腰,鲜血遮盖了我面前的地面。 我像往常一样恢复,但是经验仍然使我感到不安。 无论什么神秘疾病影响着我,我仍然有。
At the top of another set of stairs is an abandoned town. Vultures with skinny legs and large wings begin their assault, presenting an interesting challenge — my sword can only reach them when they charge at me.
在另一套楼梯的顶部是一个废弃的小镇。 秃鹰腿瘦而大的秃鹰开始攻击,这是一个有趣的挑战-我的剑只有在向我冲锋时才能伸向他们。
They prove to be an easy battle. Tucking my sword back into its sheathe, I follow the path out of town. The view is haunting.
他们证明是一场轻松的战斗。 我把剑塞回鞘中,沿着小路走出了城镇。 风景令人着迷。

In the distance is a snowy temple; a monastery, perhaps. Flapping vulture wings and howling crystal wolves pepper my journey until I reach the base of the stairs leading up to the temple. The black dog from my visions is waiting for me on the path. He looks me over and then continues in the direction I was going. Perplexed, I follow him.
在远处是一座白雪皑皑的神殿; 也许是修道院 拍打着秃鹰的翅膀和how叫的水晶狼,直到我到达通往圣殿的楼梯底部之前,我的旅程都充满了乐趣。 我眼中的黑狗在路上等待着我。 他看着我,然后继续朝我要走的方向走。 困惑,我跟随他。

The man at the top of the stairs is my savior. Our conversation doesn’t last long — he is content to tell me the approximate location of each diamond shard in the area, then bids me farewell.
楼梯顶端的那个人是我的救星。 我们的对话持续时间不长-他很高兴告诉我该地区每个钻石碎片的大概位置,然后告别我。
Continuing through damp caves and along windy cliff-side paths, I mistakenly stumble into a mini-boss battle. A fat vulture dressed in lavender robes raises his staff at me. It glows, then purple squares light up beneath my feet and cause the earth to erupt in violent explosions.
我继续穿过潮湿的山洞和蜿蜒的悬崖小径,错误地跌入了一场小老板的战斗。 穿着薰衣草长袍的胖秃s在我这里抬高了职员。 它会发光,然后紫色方块在我的脚下发光,并导致地球在剧烈爆炸中爆发。
He is joined by skinny vultures, crystal wolves, and even another of his kind once he is struck down. When the last body collapses on the ground, I walk away having experienced my thirteenth death. I stumble forward and find a quiet place to sit. I come to rest on the edge of a snowy cliff, and let my hour come to a close.
一旦被击倒,他就会被皮毛的秃ul,水晶狼以及其他类似的秃鹰所吸引。 当最后一具尸体倒在地上时,我经历了我的第十三次死亡。 我跌跌撞撞,找到一个安静的地方坐着。 我来到白雪皑皑的悬崖边休息,让我的时间接近尾声。
关于超轻型漂移机 (About Hyper Light Drifter)
Hyper Light Drifter was developed by Heart Machine and was initially released in March 2016. It is described as a 2D action RPG that pays homage to 8-bit and 16-bit games. It is available on PS4, Xbox One, Wii U, Playstation Vita, PC, Mac, and Linux.
Hyper Light Drifter由Heart Machine开发,最初于2016年3月发布。它被描述为向8位和16位游戏致敬的2D动作RPG。 它在PS4,Xbox One,Wii U,Playstation Vita,PC,Mac和Linux上可用。
I first heard about Hyper Light Drifter in Game Informer’s March 2016 issue, but at the time it slipped from my mind and I never got around to playing it — until I saw it featured on the Epic Store’s Free Games list. I quickly snatched it up and thought I would give it a try.
我在Game Informer的2016年3月号中第一次听说过Hyper Light Drifter ,但是当时它从我的脑海中溜走了,我再也没有玩过它-直到我在Epic Store的免费游戏列表中看到了它。 我Swift将其抢购一空,以为我会尝试一下。
我会推荐Hyper Light Drifter吗? (Would I recommend Hyper Light Drifter?)
TL;DR: If you enjoy a challenge, absolutely! If you get frustrated easily, maybe skip this one.
TL; DR:如果您喜欢挑战, 绝对可以! 如果您容易感到沮丧,则可以跳过这一步。
缺点 (Cons)
The controls can be a bit clunky. I always have my PS4 controller handy, so when the game recommended the use of a controller over mouse and keyboard, I was eager to try it. Half of my hour in-game was spent using the controller, and it was only when I managed to drag my half-alive body back to Town that I decided to switch to mouse and keyboard. My life was instantly made easier. Using a controller makes shooting a gun feel like it needs divine intervention to land a shot, and the Drifter seems less responsive than when using arrow keys.
控件可能有些笨拙。 我总是很方便地使用PS4控制器,因此当游戏建议通过鼠标和键盘使用控制器时,我很想尝试一下。 我有一半的游戏时间是花在控制器上的,只有当我设法将半活着的身体拖回Town时,我才决定切换到鼠标和键盘。 我的生活立刻变得轻松了。 使用控制器可以使射击枪的感觉就像需要神的干预才能下射一样,并且漂移器的响应性不如使用箭头键。
While a beautiful game, the level design takes some adjusting to. Upon watching my playthrough back so I could do the write-up, I noticed there were some paths I didn’t see (e.g. the dead-end at the robot arm in the East), but as a new player, I wasn’t aware. It took a long time for me to realize what was a playable area, and what was environmental art.
虽然是一款精美的游戏,但是关卡设计需要一些调整。 在观看了我的通关回放后,我可以写些东西了,我注意到有些看不到的路径(例如,东方机器人手臂的尽头),但是作为一个新玩家,我不是知道的。 我花了很长时间才意识到什么是可玩区域,什么是环境艺术。
The map system. After finishing my one hour in-game, I came back a few days later and kept playing. At the moment I have eleven hours in Hyper Light Drifter, and I’ve yet to fully understand the map; I more or less use it as a reference to where I am.
地图系统。 在玩完一个小时的游戏后,几天后我又回来玩了。 目前,我在Hyper Light Drifter中工作了 11个小时,但我还没有完全了解地图。 我或多或少使用它作为我所在位置的参考。
优点 (Pros)
The soundtrack is beautiful. American composer and musician Disasterpeace created twenty-nine unique tracks for the game, all in the style of chiptune/electronic. At times it was vaguely reminiscent of Death Stranding’s soundtrack (which is phenomenal in its own right), and adds a level of authenticity to the world of Hyper Light Drifter.
配乐很美。 美国作曲家和音乐家Disasterpeace为芯片游戏创建了29条独特的曲目,全部采用Chiptune /电子风格。 有时,它模糊地让人联想到《 死亡搁浅》的配乐(本身具有惊人的表现),并为“ 超轻型漂流者 ”世界增添了一定的真实性。
It’s easy to get lost in the environment. While the map might let you get literally lost, the environment is so gorgeous that you might not mind the extra wandering at all. Subtly tucked into the environmental art are small runes in the ground, pointing toward the possible presence of hidden pathways or invisible platforms. Even after clearing an area, it provides enough motivation to come back and traverse different paths in search of secrets.
在环境中很容易迷路。 虽然图可能让你从字面上丢失,环境是如此的华丽,你可能不介意在所有的额外徘徊。 隐匿在环境艺术中的是地面上的小符文,指出可能存在隐藏的通道或不可见的平台。 即使清除了某个区域,它也提供了足够的动力来返回并遍历不同的路径以寻找秘密。
The entire story is told without words. The only bits of text you receive are during the tutorial. The rest of the game’s story is told through pictures presented during dialogue and short cutscenes that outline the general idea of where the story is heading. While at first it was a bit confusing, after learning the rules of the world I came to appreciate how efficiently Hyper Light Drifter’s creator, Heart Machine, was able to convey the story through environmental clues and wordless dialogue.
整个故事一言不发。 您收到的唯一文本是在教程中。 对话过程中提供的图片和简短的过场动画讲述了游戏故事的其余部分,概述了故事发展的方向。 起初有点令人困惑,但在学习了世界规则之后,我开始欣赏Hyper Light Drifter的创作者Heart Machine如何通过环境线索和无语对话来传达故事。

Hyper Light Drifter is a game I admittedly wasn’t too fond of during my one hour in-game, but upon returning, I tried to figure out what it was that rubbed me the wrong way.
Hyper Light Drifter是一款游戏,我承认我在游戏的一个小时内不太喜欢它,但是在返回时,我试图弄清楚是什么使我误入歧途。
Hyper Light Drifter is a Souls-type game, and by that I mean it will frustrate the hell out of you. But that’s a good thing — it presents a challenge. Everything is completely doable, but you’re expected to have a certain skill level and the tenacity to do it. The satisfaction that comes with defeating a boss on your twelfth time (the Western Boss…get ready to dodge. A lot.) wouldn’t taste as sweet if you defeated him on your second try.
Hyper Light Drifter是一款Souls类型的游戏,我的意思是它会让您沮丧 。 但这是一件好事,这是一个挑战。 一切都是完全可行的,但是您应该具备一定的技能水平和毅力。 如果您在第二次打败了老板,那么在第十二次击败老板时所带来的满足感(西方老板……准备躲闪。很多。)
The link to Hyper Light on Heart Machine’s website can be found here.
可以在Heart Machine网站上找到Hyper Light的链接。
Its Steam page can be found here.
It’s Epic Store page can be found here.
可以在这里找到Epic Store页面。
And you can find more from me here.
翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/one-hour-in-hyper-light-drifter-5efcb2057960