
南京汽车企业网站建设,大连seo按天付费,nodejs 如何做网站后端,零基础考二建有多难ux和ui重点 (Top highlight)As designers, whether it be UI, UX, or Product Design, we tend to direct our focus and energy on developing and mastering tangible skills.作为设计师,无论是UI,UX还是产品设计,我们都将重点和精力放在开…


重点 (Top highlight)

As designers, whether it be UI, UX, or Product Design, we tend to direct our focus and energy on developing and mastering tangible skills.


When our self-review asks, “How have you improved in the past 6 months?” we point to our increased understanding of user testing, or how consistent we’ve been with the daily UI challenge.

当我们进行自我审查时,“您在过去六个月中的情况如何改善?” 我们指出我们对用户测试的了解日益加深,或者说我们与日常UI挑战之间的一致性如何。

Rarely though, do we spend the time to hone our soft skills.


I’m certainly guilty of this as well and am party writing this piece as a reminder to myself to spend less time pushing pixels, and more developing the personal skills that are equally as important.


This list was adapted in part from a lesson on learnux.io, I hope you enjoy it.


1.反馈 (1. Feedback)

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Giving constructive feedback, and responding to less-than-constructive feedback is a critical skill that can be uncomfortable for many new designers.


Lack of awareness of basic feedback skills leads to clients providing vague and worthless feedback like “can you make it pop?”


To provide effective feedback, we need to be clear and specific. “The imagery used on our careers page doesn’t represent our culture well. Let’s show a playful and relaxed vibe to connect better with the candidates we hope to attract” is more useful feedback than “make it pop.”

为了提供有效的反馈,我们需要明确明确。 “我们的职业页面上使用的图像不能很好地代表我们的文化。 让我们展示一种轻松有趣的氛围,以更好地与我们希望吸引的候选人建立联系,“使其流行”更有用

When it comes to receiving feedback, it’s important to define exactly what we want feedback on. We should also be open-minded to the feedback we receive and continually ask to clarify or elaborate on vague input.

在接收反馈时,准确定义我们想要反馈的内容很重要。 我们还应该对收到的反馈意见持开放态度,并不断要求澄清或详细阐述模糊的意见。

2.积极聆听 (2. Active Listening)

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Active listening is focusing on the other person and not thinking about the thoughts, opinions, or ideas that pop into our head.


This skill is effective when interviewing customers, speaking with colleagues, or gathering insights about a business problem from our client.


Active listening won’t just benefit our design career — it will help us in friendships, interviews, intimate relationships, or anything that involves communicating with people.


This Forbes article, 10 steps to Effective Listening, is a great read for anyone hoping to improve active listening skills. These are my favorite tips from the article:

这本《福布斯》文章, 有效聆听的10个步骤 ,对于希望提高主动聆听技巧的任何人来说都是一本好书。 这些是本文中我最喜欢的提示:

  1. Face the speaker and maintain eye contact

  2. Listen to the words and try to picture what the speaker is saying

  3. Don’t interrupt and don’t impose your “solutions”

  4. Wait for the speaker to pause to ask clarifying questions

  5. Ask questions only to ensure understanding

  6. Give the speaker regular feedback (verbal or non-verbal)


3.思想开放 (3. Open-Mindedness)

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UI & UX design is all about creativity, and finding new and innovative solutions to existing problems.


By keeping an open mind, we can be receptive to potential solutions and alternative methods of addressing problems.


At first glance, not all ideas seem viable or worth investing in, but as designers, our job is to explore all potential solutions to solving user problems.


If Garrett Camp and Travis Kalanick didn’t have an open mind when they saw the frustrations with the taxi industry, then they never would’ve founded Uber. To many, the idea of people hailing rides in a stranger’s cars seemed to be an improbable success — but having an open mind allowed them to see their solution through.

如果加勒特·坎普(Garrett Camp)和特拉维斯·卡兰尼克(Travis Kalanick)在看到出租车行业的挫败感时没有开放的心态,那么他们永远也不会创立Uber。 对许多人而言,人们在陌生人的汽车上乘车欢呼的想法似乎是不可能的成功-但胸怀开阔的胸怀使他们得以彻底解决。

4.移情 (4. Empathy)

Empathy is a buzzword that gets thrown around a lot in the digital design space, but in simple terms, it means putting ourselves in the user’s shoes.


As mentioned previously, active listening is a great tool for developing empathy. If we can fully understand someone’s struggle, then we can put ourselves in the place of that person and feel what they are feeling.

如前所述,主动聆听是发展同理心的好工具。 如果我们能够完全理解某人的挣扎,那么我们可以将自己置于那个人的位置,并感受他们的感受。

We can also develop empathy by being a good observer. If we observe people making the same mistakes or encountering the same problems, then we can develop solutions to solve them in our products.

通过成为一个好的观察者,我们也可以发展同理心。 如果我们发现人们犯相同的错误或遇到相同的问题,那么我们可以开发解决方案以在产品中解决它们。

It’s important to note that we don’t physically need to be in person with someone to do this. By using heatmaps, analytics, surveys, user testing, and so on, we can observe patterns and gather insights about our users.

重要的是要注意,我们实际上不需要亲自与某人见面。 通过使用热图,分析,调查,用户测试等,我们可以观察模式并收集有关用户的见解。

If customers are continually calling our help desk asking how to add a new user, then we can understand their frustration and address it through design.


By being humble, asking questions, and observing those interacting with our products, we can develop empathy for our users and create solutions for their obstacles.


5.每个通信都是一个UX项目 (5. Every Communication is a UX project)

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When we send an email, message, text, or snail mail to a colleague, client, or customer, it’s a good skill to communicate in a way that requires less work from the person on the other end of that message.


Making every piece of communication a seamless experience for the people that we work with will make working with us more enjoyable and improve our credibility as a UX designer.


Instead of sending messages that require the other person to do the work like “I’m sure there’s a product out there that we can use” we should make it easier for them and say something like, “I did some research and found product x, y, and z that could solve our hiring issue.”

与其发送要求其他人完成诸如“我确定有一种产品可以使用”之类的消息的信息,不如让他们更轻松地对他们说“我进行了研究并找到了产品x” ,y和z可以解决我们的招聘问题。”

Investing an extra few minutes into our message can make a dramatic difference in the experience others have when working with us.


6.失去自我 (6. Lose the ego)

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We love it when people give us praise, that’s human nature. But it’s a good skill to be able to detach ourselves (and our egos) from our design work.

当人们称赞我们时,我们就是喜欢它,这是人的天性。 但是,能够将自己(和我们的自负)从设计工作中分离出来是一项很好的技能。

When conducting feedback, it’s more useful to focus on the areas of improvement rather than seeking compliments on what the user liked. Ask people what they would change rather than seeking acknowledgment for things done well.

在进行反馈时,将重点放在改进方面,而不是对用户的喜好表示称赞。 问人们将要做出什么改变,而不是对做得好的事情寻求认可。

When given feedback that we don’t agree with, don’t get defensive, but instead ask what they would change or how they envisioned it.


The ability to not feel personally insulted by negative comments about our design is not an easy trait to have, but it’s a crucial skill.


7.介绍 (7. Presenting)

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Presenting our designs and solutions is a key part of the job, so it’s useful to be able to do this effectively.


Preparing key talking points and presenting in a manner that is understandable to our audience will make them more receptive to our ideas.


A great tool for presenting complex or confusing concepts is to use analogies.


For example, saying, “It’s been bouncing around the web like a beach ball at a Nickelback concert” is more playful than saying, “our post is very popular.”


We also need to be prepared while presenting to justify our work. When we’ve made drastic changes to a design or have a new idea to share, it’s always useful to have a few bullet points prepared to defend our decisions and explain why we went in the direction we did.

我们还需要在演讲时做好准备,以证明我们的工作合理。 当我们对设计进行了大刀阔斧的修改或有新想法要分享时,准备一些要点来捍卫我们的决策并解释我们为什么朝着正确的方向前进总是很有用的。

8.自学主义 (8. Autodidacticism)

An autodidact is a self-taught person, someone with the will power to be the driver of their success. UI & UX aren’t industries that are dependent on fancy degrees or credentials — success is based on work ethic and consistency.

一个自学成才的人是一个自学成才的人,有意志的人会成为他们成功的动力。 UI和UX并不是依赖花哨的程度或证书的行业—成功取决于职业道德和一致性。

Being an autodidact is an essential skill because everyone in the design space, at some point, encounters problems, jargon, programs, and so on, that they do not understand.


When this unavoidable challenge arises, we can’t go back to school to learn how it’s done, and we can’t bother our coworkers all the time. By having the skills and willpower to figure things out on our own, we will grow remarkably by our own volition.

当这一不可避免的挑战出现时,我们不能回到学校学习如何完成任务,也不能一直打扰我们的同事。 通过拥有自己解决问题的能力和意志力,我们将凭借自己的意志显着增长。

With the internet, there is no excuse for not being able to teach ourselves everything we want to know about UI & UX. Everything we need is right in front of us, but only those with self-discipline will take advantage of it. But I don’t need to tell you that, you’re doing it right now ;).

有了互联网,就无法为自己提供关于UI和UX的所有知识。 我们需要的一切都摆在我们面前,但是只有那些有自律的人才能利用它。 但是我不需要告诉您,您现在就在做;)。

9.了解业务价值 (9. Understanding Business Value)

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A constant struggle we designers face is finding the middle ground between satisfying business needs and user needs.


A designer that understands how to continually bring value to the business while also advocating for the user is a golden egg for organizations.


It’s a crucial skill to understand our company’s business model and take the time to evaluate how we can do our part to encourage business growth.


Being able to speak to business needs and how we’ve addressed them in our designs is a component that many designers miss. We speak so passionately about the user and our pixel-perfect designs, but we must not neglect to mention our impact on the business.

能够表达业务需求以及我们如何在设计中满足需求是许多设计师所缺少的要素。 我们如此热情地谈论用户和我们完美的像素设计,但我们不能忽略提及我们对业务的影响。

10.适应 (10. Adaptation)

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It’s no secret that the digital and physical world is constantly evolving.


It’s vital that designers familiarize themselves with emerging technologies, products, trends, and so on.


Not only do we risk being displaced, but we also risk missing out on opportunities to improve our product’s experience.


Being adaptable and having the initiative to educate ourselves about disruptive technologies will put us ahead of the curve and ensure that we still have a job through the inevitable changes our industry will encounter.


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👋 Let’s be friends! Follow me on Twitter and Dribbble and connect with me on LinkedIn. Don’t forget to follow me here on Medium as well for more design-related content.

be 让我们成为朋友!TwitterDribbble上关注我,并在LinkedIn上与我联系。 别忘了在Medium上关注我,以获取更多与设计相关的内容。

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翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/10-soft-skills-for-ui-ux-designers-11b948739a34





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