战神4 幕后花絮 概念艺术
Under the Hood gives you an inside look at different parts of Waze — straight from the people working on them every day.

Traffic is the worst. It makes us feel powerless and out of control. At Waze, we work to change that. We do whatever we can to make people’s time on the road more rewarding. Sometimes that’s adding functional features to the app, like helping you plan a drive or find the cheapest gas around. Sometimes, we just have to bring the fun, like adding a celebrity voice to guide you as you navigate. If we can evoke a smile every now and again, we all win.
交通是最糟糕的。 这使我们感到无能为力,无法控制。 在位智,我们致力于改变这一状况。 我们将竭尽所能,使人们在旅途上的时间更有意义。 有时,这会在应用程序中添加功能性功能,例如帮助您规划驱动器或查找最便宜的汽油。 有时,我们只需要带来乐趣,例如添加名人声音以在导航时引导您。 如果我们能够不时地唤起一个微笑,我们都会赢。
We take our cues from our Community—the millions of people who hate traffic, but know they can do something to fix it. When you hit a pothole and report it, that report doesn’t really help you in the moment, but it does help all those people behind you. And when our volunteer Map Editors add toll prices to the map, it’s all for the benefit of people they’ll probably never meet. It’s the most helpful, kindest, positive social network out there.
我们从社区中汲取了线索-数以百万计的人讨厌交通,但知道他们可以采取措施加以解决。 当您遇到麻烦并进行报告时,该报告目前并不能真正为您提供帮助,但可以为您后面的所有人员提供帮助。 当我们的志愿地图编辑者向地图添加通行费价格时,这全都是为了他们可能永远不会见面的人们的利益。 这是最有用,最亲切,积极的社交网络。
So when we decided to refresh our brand, it became more about revealing who we are, not reinventing anything. We want everyone who uses Waze to feel like they’re part of this community, not just a “user.” We wanted to bring the joy we bring to people on the road into the building blocks of the brand.
因此,当我们决定更新我们的品牌时,更多的是揭示我们是谁,而不是重新发明任何东西。 我们希望使用Waze的每个人都觉得自己是这个社区的一部分,而不仅仅是“用户”。 我们希望将旅途中带给人们的快乐带入品牌的基础。
属于社区的品牌 (A Brand that Belongs to the Community)
Throughout the refresh process we brought the Community into the conversation, to understand how they feel about the brand, and what more they’d like to see from it. Our conversations took many forms, from regular meetups to a study conducted with 13,000 drivers to asking our rather opinionated Waze-loving friends their opinions.
在整个刷新过程中,我们将社区带入了对话,以了解他们对品牌的感觉以及他们希望从品牌中看到什么。 我们的对话有多种形式,从定期聚会到对13,000名驾驶员进行的研究,再到向我们固执己见的位智迷的朋友征求意见。
These discussions made two things clear: we needed to build on elements that have always been part of the brand, but bring consistency and simplicity to them, and we needed to give our community more avenues to express themselves through the brand. This started with their experience of the app and our mission to make their time on the road more fun.
这些讨论清楚地表明了两点:我们需要在一直是品牌一部分的元素的基础上,但要给它们带来一致性和简洁性,我们需要给我们的社区更多途径,以通过品牌表达自己。 这始于他们对应用程序的体验以及我们的使命,使他们在旅途中的时间变得更加有趣。
大胆设计推动变革 (Driving Change with Bold Designs)

The exciting thing about the refresh is that we are not just choosing one color; we’re choosing colors. We can really showcase our uniqueness and our joy through the color palette, from the Moods and icons in the app to our website and social channels. We weren’t interested in being a clean, minimal, “elevated” tech brand because we’re not just about technology. We have the community with us. We need to reflect that. In that sense, we’re a little bit “un-tech” in our approach. We’re chasing something that’s friendly, organic, and joyful. A lot of brands may be scared of so much color. We’re not.
关于刷新的令人兴奋的事情是我们不仅选择一种颜色,还选择了一种颜色。 我们正在选择颜色。 从应用程序中的心情和图标到我们的网站和社交渠道,我们可以通过调色板真正展示我们的独特性和喜悦。 我们对成为一个干净的,最小的,“高架”的技术品牌不感兴趣,因为我们不仅仅关注技术。 我们有社区。 我们需要反映这一点。 从这个意义上讲,我们的方法有点“技术不足”。 我们追求的是友好,自然和快乐的事物。 许多品牌可能会害怕太多颜色。 不是。

The fundamental idea of Moods has always been the same: to reflect how users feel on the road. We had a lot of fun exploring the range of emotions people feel out there. A dozen drivers could all feel different in the exact same situation, so we set about capturing as many of those feelings as possible. This was critical to us, because the Moods act as a visual reminder of all of us out there, working together.
Moods的基本思想始终是相同的:反映用户在旅途中的感受。 探索人们在那里的各种情感的过程中,我们获得了很多乐趣。 在完全相同的情况下,十几个驾驶员可能都会感觉不同,因此我们着手捕获尽可能多的这些感觉。 这对我们至关重要,因为心情在视觉上提醒着我们所有人一起工作。
There is such an expansive world there for us to dig into, with so many unique emotions and feelings that we can represent through the Moods (our first set of 30 is just the beginning). We want to represent all different types of people in all different moments on their journey, and make people smile…even when there might not be much to smile about.
我们可以探索如此广阔的世界,可以通过心情来表达这么多独特的情感和感觉(我们的第一组30只是开始)。 我们希望在旅途中的所有不同时刻代表所有类型的人们,并使人们微笑……即使可能没有太多可笑的地方。

All the elements of our refreshed brand are based on a grid system to give us consistency across a range of assets, from product icons to social posts to email templates. This grid comes to life most with our new block-by-block system.
全新品牌的所有元素均基于网格系统,可为我们提供从产品图标到社交帖子到电子邮件模板等各种资产的一致性。 这种网格最有效地体现在我们新的逐块系统中。
The system represents the in-between spaces on the map, the places where roads aren’t. It brings a fundamental Waze feature — our Community-built map — into our designs. And what’s great about the in-between spaces is that they come in a wonderfully infinite array of shapes and sizes. At Waze, we walk the line between fun and functional, tech and people. We live happily in this slightly weird world we’ve created.
该系统表示地图上的中间空间,即没有道路的地方。 它为设计带来了基本的位智功能-我们的社区构建地图。 中间空间的最大优点是它们以形状和大小组成的奇妙无限阵列排列。 在位智,我们在娱乐与功能,技术与人之间走了一条路。 我们快乐地生活在我们创造的这个有点古怪的世界中。

With this refresh we’re celebrating the Community, helping people understand what Waze is, and making ourselves more recognizable in the world, but it’s just the beginning. I’m excited to see us grow into an even stronger community that inspires new product features, helps even more people avoid those potholes, cars on the shoulder, hazards in the streets, traffic jams, construction sites, and all around, just makes life on the road better for people.
通过这次更新,我们将庆祝社区,帮助人们了解Waze是什么,并使自己在世界上更加知名,但这只是开始。 我很高兴看到我们成长为一个更强大的社区,它激发了新产品的功能,帮助更多的人避免了那些坑洼,肩膀上的汽车,街道上的危险,交通拥堵,建筑工地以及周围的一切,这些生活才刚刚开始更好地为人们服务。
翻译自: https://medium.com/waze/under-the-hood-behind-the-brand-refresh-95a4c23e42e
战神4 幕后花絮 概念艺术