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When I was growing up, the idea of a creative career wasn’t an option.


I had enjoyed doodling, arts and crafts as a kid, so as I grew up, it was a natural transition into Photoshop and later, Illustrator. But I grew up with the impression that pursuing a creative career meant living in a permanent state of instability, something that was essentially equivalent to the phrase “starving artist”.

我从小就喜欢涂鸦,美术和手Craft.io,因此在我长大后,这是向Photoshop和后来的Illustrator的自然过渡。 但是我的印象是,从事创意事业意味着要生活在一个不稳定的永久状态,这在本质上等同于“挨饿的艺术家”。

In my mind, it was never a practical to pursue a creative career. I also did not know or understand that design was a job and lumped it together with art. It was only later in college that I discovered design through several friends already in the design program.

在我看来,从事创意职业从来都不是可行的。 我也不知道或不知道设计是一项工作,因此将其与艺术混为一谈。 直到大学以后,我才通过设计程序中已有的几个朋友发现了设计。

Nowadays, I’m excited to see that designers are increasingly recognized as valuable in the experience of digital products, which are actively shaping our world and the ways we connect.


Here’s some things I learned along the way.


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Markus SpiskeMarkus Spiske

1.入门 (1. Getting started)

When most people start out, they begin by copying. It’s not shameful or uncommon, but young artists will begin by tracing pieces of works they look up to. This is ok to do, to try and learn from other people’s techniques and to seek inspiration.

当大多数人开始时,他们从复制开始。 这不是可耻或罕见的事情,但是年轻艺术家将首先追踪他们所仰望的作品。 可以这样做,尝试向其他人的技术学习并寻求灵感。

However, at some point you discover that you are looking for your own “voice”, or cultivating a specific style. You refine and perfect your craft over a years, sacrificing time, sleep and energy to get better.

但是,有时您会发现自己正在寻找自己的“声音”,或者正在培养一种特定的风格。 多年来,您不断完善和完善自己的Craft.io,从而牺牲了时间,睡眠和精力,从而变得更好。

Maybe you’re just not there yet. You feel stuck and like there’s too many talented people ahead of you.

也许您还不在那里。 您会感觉被困住,就像前方有太多的人才。

我的建议? 刚开始。 (My advice? Just start.)

Other people don’t start out at all. They resort to complaining and blaming their innate skills that cause them to not be good at the things they wish they were good at.

其他人根本不会开始。 他们诉诸抱怨和指责自己的天赋技能,导致他们对自己希望做的事情不擅长。

Most people are able to start to some degree but the challenge is committing to practice and sustained discipline over time.


You need to self-motivate and endure the hard stuff, in order to get to the other side. Lifelong learning means investing in the best version of your future self and who you will be, over time.

您需要自我激励并忍受艰苦的努力,才能走向另一侧。 终生学习意味着随着时间的流逝,最好地投资自己的未来自我以及成为什么样的人。

Takeaway: We often strike out with intensity rather than consistency. We overestimate the things we can accomplish in a day but underestimate what can be done in a year.

要点:我们经常强调而不是保持一致。 我们高估了一天可以完成的事情,但低估了一年可以完成的事情。

2.不要害怕批评 (2. Don’t fear critique)

Know that you can take what is valuable, and throw away what isn’t.


For designers, critique is a way of getting feedback that doesn’t involve being told how to solve a problem but rather uncovers the specific problem for the designer to solve. Don’t fear critique. Fear when people stop giving you any honest feedback.

对于设计师来说,批判是一种获得反馈的方式,它不涉及被告知如何解决问题,而是为设计师揭示要解决的特定问题。 不要害怕批评。 当人们停止给您任何诚实的反馈时,请当心。

Takeaway: We should seek smart and honest people who can offer feedback on what we’re doing and how we can improve.


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Nick Morrison尼克·莫里森(Nick Morrison)

3.学习至关重要 (3. Learning is crucial)

Besides a formal education program, work is another opportunity for learning (though with greater risks).


Great design is more than technical skills and pixel pushing, though knowing your design applications well will serve a good foundation for whatever you do create. It’s good to know your strengths and also know what sort of designer/creative you want to be known for (ex. specialist or a jack of all trades).

出色的设计不仅仅是技术能力和像素推动力,尽管精通设计应用程序将为您所做的任何创作奠定良好的基础。 知道自己的长处并知道您想以哪种设计师/创意(例如专家或各行各业的杰作)为佳。

Learning doesn’t mean all the things we were told in school — it is more than getting a good grade, finding the pre-set answer. Healthy learning and problem solving means having an openness to the unknown and a willingness to apply new frameworks to tackle a given problem in a rational and logical way.

学习并不意味着我们在学校被告知所有的事情,它不仅仅是获得好成绩,找到预设的答案。 健康的学习和解决问题的方法意味着对未知事物持开放态度,并愿意采用新的框架以理性和逻辑的方式解决给定的问题。

School is only a stepping stone to the of learning that comes with life. In school, ideas are simplified and even dated compared to the real world. Graduating shouldn’t be seen as a point in time where you “stop” learning.

学校只是生活中学习的垫脚石。 与真实世界相比,在学校中,想法被简化甚至过时。 不应将毕业视为“停止”学习的时间点。

我希望在学校学到以下三件事: (Here are 3 things I wish I learned in school:)

  • Collaboration — speaking to those in different disciplines and understanding what matters to them. Knowing when to be flexible and when to stand my ground.

    协作 -与不同学科的人交谈,并了解对他们重要的事情。 知道什么时候该灵活,什么时候该立足。

  • Presentation — learning to present options or a final decision with context and confidence. Adjusting to your audience and meeting goal. The ability to communicate with a clear and succinct purpose.

    陈述 -学习在上下文和信心下陈述选项或最终决定。 适应您的受众和实现目标。 具有明确目的的交流能力。

  • Business — knowing how my organization makes money and how I can influence that process gives perspective on how decisions are made.

    业务 -知道我的组织如何赚钱以及我如何影响该过程,就可以制定决策。

If you’re part of any organization, there’s a transition from a mindset of an independent designer, to understanding a team/organization/company’s larger goal.


Remembering these larger goals gives you more perspective on your day to day. If you just focus on your day to day, you will still get things done but may not be designing with the right priorities in mind.

记住这些更大的目标可以使您在日常工作中有更多的见解。 如果您只是专注于日常工作,那么您仍然可以完成工作,但可能不会在设计时考虑到正确的优先事项。

Takeaway: Focus on the fundamentals. You probably need to work with others (collaboration), share ideas (presentation), and make money (business).

要点:关注基础知识。 您可能需要与他人合作(协作),分享想法(演示)并赚钱(业务)。

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Jon Tyson乔恩·泰森

4.过渡 (4. Transitions)

If you are at the place where you already have a career, but have always wanted to switch into something more creative consider a series of transitions.


Perhaps you can expand your role so you are trying out some responsibilities that involve what you do want to do, in addition to your own role.


After gaining some experience, another option is to go back to school/do an online program in a field you want to join.


For some, it may be possible to do one giant leap into a different career, but if that is not an option, know that making smaller, practical steps are also a possibility as you change direction.


Takeaway: “Pivots” around your career and current skill set can help you progress when “leaps” are not practical.


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Markus SpiskeMarkus Spiske

5.什么让你满意 (5. What part makes you satisfied)

What part of a creative career interests you the most?


Is it perfecting your craft? Is it making money? Is it having absolute freedom to make your own decisions? Is it working with a team you trust and people you like being around? Is it building products that impact millions of people? Is it having work life balance so you can spend time with your kids? Is it working on problems and issues near to your heart?

它在完善您的Craft.io吗? 是赚钱吗? 是否有绝对的自由来做出自己的决定? 是否与您信任的团队和喜欢的人一起工作? 它在建造影响数百万人的产品吗? 是否平衡工作与生活,以便您可以和孩子在一起? 它正在解决您内心深处的问题吗?

By regularly assessing where you are, what you like/dislike and figuring out which part leaves you satisfied gives you the freedom to pursue it without ending up somewhere you don’t want to be.


It’s not easy but it is worthwhile to think seriously about the future and assess your values and priorities. Your time is precious.

这并非易事,但值得认真思考未来并评估您的价值观和优先事项。 你的时间很宝贵。

Takeaway: Assess what is important to yourself often, and make adjustments.


结论 (Conclusion)

Seek out mentors. Dream big and take practical steps toward your goals. Don’t be afraid to ask for an introduction or ask for help. Communicate and take risks. Invest into your community and others, and it will reap good things.

寻找导师。 梦想大,并为实现目标采取切实可行的步骤。 不要害怕寻求介绍或寻求帮助。 沟通并承担风险。 投资于您的社区和其他人,它将收获美好的事物。

From a mentor: work will always be there. Have perspective. You have time for what you make time for.

从导师那里工作将永远存在。 有远见。 您有时间为自己争取时间。

翻译自: https://blog.prototypr.io/thoughts-on-a-starting-a-creative-career-38a0f54ca648





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