

With the ever increasing popularity of user experience (UX) design there is a growing need for good designers. However, there’s a problem for designers here as well. How can you show the importance of UX to your stakeholders and convince them to invest in your design work?

随着用户体验(UX)设计的日益普及,对优秀设计师的需求也在不断增长。 但是,这里的设计师也有一个问题。 您如何才能向用户展示用户体验的重要性,并说服他们投资于您的设计工作?

User experience (UX) is about how someone perceives the interaction with his surroundings at any given moment. In the case of UX designers, most of the work is done on digital applications either on desktop, mobile device, or a wearable product. These products are being developed at the request of a client or company they work for.

用户体验(UX)与某人在任何给定时刻如何感知与其周围环境的互动有关。 对于UX设计人员,大多数工作是在台式机,移动设备或可穿戴产品上的数字应用程序上完成的。 这些产品是应其工作的客户或公司的要求开发的。

When determining the importance of UX, you have to look at two of the parties just described. These are the users and ‘the business’.

在确定UX的重要性时,您必须查看刚刚描述的两个方面。 这些是用户和“业务”。

Even though they seem to be opposites in terms of goals and interest, the user and the business go hand in hand more often than not. Sadly, this isn’t always obvious to those who need to be convinced to invest in your work.

尽管它们在目标和兴趣上似乎是相反的,但用户和企业往往并存。 可悲的是,对于需要说服您投资于您的工作的人来说,这并不总是显而易见的。

The challenge for designers is to convince stakeholders and clients that good design isn’t subjective. Good UX design is objectively based on theory, research, and design guidelines that have been proven for years.

设计师面临的挑战是说服利益相关者和客户说好的设计不是主观的。 好的UX设计客观上是基于经过多年验证的理论,研究和设计准则。

Therefore, objective UX is measurable and easy to implement in any set of business goals.


UX设计为何重要? (Why is UX design important?)

Imagine two individual users. The first one works with an application that has been built without taking into account the user’s wants and needs. The second user has an application that has been developed using a user-centered design approach.

想象两个单独的用户。 第一个可以在不考虑用户需求的情况下构建应用程序。 第二个用户拥有使用以用户为中心的设计方法开发的应用程序。

The thing is that a user that has experienced a well-fitted application that fulfilled his needs is a user that is more likely to return to use your product once more.


In addition, he could also put in a good word for your application and submit a five-star review. Reviews and word-of-mouth is arguably the most powerful way of convincing someone to use your application.

此外,他还可以为您的申请打好口号,并提交五星级评论。 评论和口口相传是说服某人使用您的应用程序的最有效方法。

Just think about it. When was the last time you tried something new because of a recommendation by a friend?

考虑一下。 上一次由于朋友的推荐您尝试了一些新的东西吗?

UX is where business goals meet user needs.


No matter what type of product you’re developing, you’re going to have to interact with real people at some point. Real people have to buy or subscribe to your services in order for you to achieve your business goals.

无论您开发哪种类型的产品,都必须在某个时候与真实的人进行互动。 真正的人必须购买或订阅您的服务,才能实现业务目标。

That’s why you’d better know who your users are, what it is they want and need, and how you can best deliver a solution that fulfills their wants and needs.


UX (design) adds value for the user by creating valuable solutions to their problems. This is achieved by designing well-thought-of applications for real users.

UX(设计)通过为用户的问题创建有价值的解决方案来为其增值。 这是通过为实际用户设计经过深思熟虑的应用程序来实现的。

UX在实践中的附加值 (The added value of UX in practice)

As a UX designer, one of the first things you do on a project is getting familiar with who the target user group is. By conducting user and market research, you discover pain points in the current way of working of the user, user demographics, and the user wants and needs.

作为UX设计师,您在项目上要做的第一件事就是熟悉目标用户组的身份。 通过进行用户和市场研究,您可以发现当前用户工作方式,用户人口统计以及用户需求的痛点。

Image for post
Added value. Photo by Lina Trochez on Unsplash
附加价值。 Lina Trochez在Unsplash上拍摄的照片

You can combine these findings with your theoretical understanding of UX and UX-related topics like usability, psychology, UI design, and visual design.


By doing so, you’re going to create ideas, concepts, and prototypes that might provide in fulfilling the user’s needs. Maybe you’re wondering why I said ‘might’. That’s because a UX designer doesn’t always know what the user wants right away. Good design is created iteratively. A UX designer validates his ideas by doing some form of user testing. The results of this validation are used as input for the next iteraction of your design.

这样,您将创建可以满足用户需求的想法,概念和原型。 也许您想知道为什么我说“可能”。 这是因为UX设计人员并不总是知道用户想要什么。 好的设计是迭代创建的。 UX设计师通过执行某种形式的用户测试来验证他的想法。 验证的结果将用作设计的下一个迭代的输入。

By improving your work time after time you’re going to get closer to providing the user with the experience that’s best for the business and the user as well. This is where the user wants and needs are going to meet the business goals.

通过一次又一次地改善工作时间,您将更接近为用户提供最适合企业和用户的体验。 这是用户想要和满足业务目标的地方。

如何使您的利益相关者相信良好的UX设计的重要性 (How to convince your stakeholders of the importance of good UX design)

Now that we have the importance of UX covered we still need to convince our stakeholders.


One way of convincing your stakeholders of the importance of good UX design is by talking about the stock market. There have been multiple design or UX focussed stock funds throughout the years with the vast majority of these funds outperforming other well-known funds like the Nasdaq and S&P500.

说服您的利益相关者良好的用户体验设计的重要性的一种方法是谈论股票市场。 多年来,已经有多种针对设计或UX的股票型基金,其中绝大多数比纳斯达克和S&P500等其他知名基金都要好。

The UX Fund, created by Canadian design company Teehan+Lax, has increased in value by 1035% in 12 years. There have been other successes for design-driven companies as well, as stated in an extensive report by McKinsey.

由加拿大设计公司Teehan + Lax创建的UX基金在12年内价值增长了1035%。 麦肯锡的一份广泛报告指出,设计驱动型公司也取得了其他成功。

How to talk to your stakeholders about UX


Most of your stakeholders will be in the management of your company. That means that they’re looking for business terminology like return-on-investment (ROI) and key performance indicators (KPI).

您的大多数利益相关者将在您公司的管理中。 这意味着他们正在寻找诸如投资回报率(ROI)和关键绩效指标(KPI)之类的业务术语。

As a UX designer, you know that it is important to speak the language of your user. In this case, the users are your stakeholders in a way. By speaking their language you increase your chances of convincing them of the importance of UX.

作为UX设计师,您知道说用户语言非常重要。 在这种情况下,用户在某种程度上就是您的涉众。 通过说他们的语言,您增加了说服他们UX重要性的机会。

It helps to talk in terms of what UX will bring your stakeholders instead of costs. Several arguments you could use come to mind, including the following.

它可以帮助您谈论什么UX将带给您的利益相关者,而不是成本。 您会想到几个可用的参数,包括以下内容。

  • By conducting user research you can cut down on development costs since user research will help in determining what your users want and need before the development team actually starts their work. By doing so, you save yourself time and lower the risk of having to redevelop your products when it turns out your developed product doesn’t fit user needs.

    通过进行用户研究,您可以减少开发成本,因为用户研究将有助于在开发团队实际开始工作之前确定用户的需求。 这样,您可以节省时间,并在发现开发的产品不符合用户需求时降低重新开发产品的风险。
  • User research, design thinking workshops and design sprints are easy to prepare, take little time, and are light-weight in terms of costs. This makes the ROI easier to achieve.

    用户研究,设计思想研讨会和设计冲刺易于准备,耗时少且成本轻巧。 这使得投资回报率更容易实现。
  • The success of design-driven development is easy to measure by looking at KPI’s like returning users, increase in revenue, and bounce rate.


最后的想法 (Final thoughts)

There you have it. Companies that are design-driven, talk to users during development, and focus on a good user experience (UX) have outperformed traditional companies for years. By focussing on a ‘what is in it for me’-approach instead of what it will cost you to invest, you can convince your stakeholders to go all the way when it comes down to UX.

你有它。 多年来,以设计为驱动力,在开发过程中与用户交谈并专注于良好的用户体验(UX)的公司已经超越了传统公司。 通过专注于“对我有什么好处”的方法,而不是花在投资上的成本,您可以说服您的利益相关者一路走到UX。

翻译自: https://blog.prototypr.io/how-to-explain-the-importance-of-ux-to-your-stakeholders-5df65dfde76c






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