

Responsive Design Testing

Essential Responsive Web Design Testing Tools


Essential Responsive Web Design Testing Tools


Essential Responsive Web Design Testing Tools


Essential Responsive Web Design Testing Tools

Responsive Design Bookmarklet

Essential Responsive Web Design Testing Tools

Code Bomber // Resizer

Essential Responsive Web Design Testing Tools


Essential Responsive Web Design Testing Tools

StudioPress – Responsive Design Tester

Essential Responsive Web Design Testing Tools

Mobile Emulator

Essential Responsive Web Design Testing Tools

iPad Peek

Essential Responsive Web Design Testing Tools






ux设计Mating calls, warning grunts, and supportive coos are some of the sounds heard throughout the animal kingdom. All species use finely-tuned noises to communicate to one another and inform others of an action or behavior. We humans aren’t all that dif…


写css hack 时,由于hack主要针对的是个别浏览器,hack的书写顺序应当是从一般到特殊的写法。 如: .box { width:200px; height:200px; position:fixed; left:0; top:0; _position:absolute; } 如果颠倒顺序,从特殊到一般&#xff0…

sans serif_Sans和Serif相遇可爱

sans serifI first noticed it in this tweet. Exciting upcoming product and snazzy motion work aside, “What a fascinating logotype!”, I exclaimed!我在此推文中首先注意到了它。 我惊呼即将推出的激动人心的产品和令人眼花,乱的动作,“多么迷人…

[ckeditor系列]ckeditor 自己写的一个简单的image上传js 运用iframe的ajax上传

ckeditor最近修改一个上传的,原来的Image的上传插件功能很多,但是自己用,没有必要,就进行了修改,后来就改成了目前的样子,根据_samples/api_dialog.html 进行了修改,把页面里面的调用都进行了修…

sql 避免除0错误_设计简历时避免这3个常见的UX错误

sql 避免除0错误重点 (Top highlight)Having a great looking resume on hand is very important when you’re looking for a job. It is your ticket to land the interview that will get you one step closer to that one job you’ve been dreaming of.在找工作时&#xf…


CSDN博客不再经常更新,更多优质文章请来 粉丝联盟网 FansUnion.cn! (FansUnion) 代码 下载地址:http://download.csdn.net/detail/fansunion/5018357(免积分) 代码亮点:可读性很好,注释详尽 背景 工作中,在维护一…


如何编写数据库可视化界面什么是替代文字 (What is Alt Text) Alt text (sometimes called Alt tags or alternative text) are written descriptions added to images that convey the meaning of the visual. Good alt text helps more people understand the content. Assis…

reloaddata 跳动_纸跳动像素

reloaddata 跳动I would like to open with a problem.我想开一个问题。 Why are so many designer going straight to pixels?为什么这么多设计师直接使用像素? Over the past few years i’ve witnessed this in my team, my clients and others throughout th…


参考自http://www.apkbus.com/android-86125-1-1.html 这篇文章技术含量一般,大家别见笑。源码我以测试,在底部可下载。 好了先上效果图: 以下是实现步骤: 1、准备自定义RadioButton控件的样式图片等,就是准…


利益相关者软件工程Whether you’re working on a startup or a big company, keeping your stakeholders and non-technical partners engaged and up to date on what the tech team has been building can be hard.无论您是在初创公司还是大公司中工作,都要让您的…


响应式网格项目动画布局重点 (Top highlight)第二部分 (Part II) Now that you have a basic understanding of how to use grids, you might be wondering how to apply them to layouts you see on the web. Responsive grids are a method to systematically align your des…


时间轴ui设计Let’s start with an example of communication skills: they are important for any profession, and you expect any professional to have a decent level. However, excellent communication skills won’t make up for the lack of core expertise. Imagine …


移动端分步注册Written by Justin Mifsud由贾斯汀米夫苏德 ( Justin Mifsud)撰写 The mobile market is huge and growing at a very fast rate. With an estimated 4.5 billion subscribers worldwide, it is forecasted that the number of mobile phones will surpass the …

插图 引用 同一行两个插图_提出食物主题中的插图

插图 引用 同一行两个插图I have a page in my portfolio, which is about search functionality. I wanted that page to feel fun and engaging, to convey a positive vibe, so I decided to add illustrations to it.我的投资组合中有一个页面与搜索功能有关。 我希望该页面…


脸部细微表情识别原型 (The prototype) Facetype is the name of Adam’s interactive project, in which the emotions detected from a person’s facial gestures control a variable font. To each detected emotion corresponds a specific typeface, which keeps transfo…

uva10891Game of sum

题意:经典的取石子游戏是这样的:有一堆石子,A、B两个人轮流取,每次取一颗,只能从边上取,每个石子有相应的价值,A、B两人都想使得自己的价值最多,两个人足够聪明,问最后价值分别是多少 本题则是可…


用户体验设计师能为seo做Many things have changed from tool design in the prehistoric era to today’s digital product design. However, we can see surprisingly many similarities. Especially when it comes down to one particular aspect: usability.从史前时代的工…


orton效果Have you ever seen an impossibly dream-like landscape photo? One with a slow burning, glowing sunset. That’s really the best way to describe it, the image looks as if it’s glowing. You might be thinking, “wow, I wish I was that good and could …

UVA10785 The Mad Numerologist

虽然是sorting的压轴,但是比起前面真心水题。这个专题结合前面string的很多,排序相对简单了,qsort基本解决。 题目: The Mad Numerologist Numerology is a science that is used by many people to find out a mans personality,…


苹果人机交互指南重点 (Top highlight)I’ve been developing an IOS app for the past few months and have been constantly referring to Apple’s Human Interface Design Guidelines. I would consider it a must-read for any aspiring or current UI/UX designer.在过去…