sql 避免除0错误_设计简历时避免这3个常见的UX错误

sql 避免除0错误

重点 (Top highlight)

Having a great looking resume on hand is very important when you’re looking for a job. It is your ticket to land the interview that will get you one step closer to that one job you’ve been dreaming of.

在找工作时,手头上有一份漂亮的简历非常重要。 面试的入场券是您进入梦been以求的工作的第一步。

Yet, when I see or review resumes I notice some common mistakes. These mistakes could cost you your shot at getting the interview for your dream job.

但是,当我看到或查看简历时,会发现一些常见的错误。 这些错误可能会使您为理想的工作而接受面试。

I work as a UX designer and consultant. During my day job, I have to have my resume ready at all times just in case I have to present myself to a new potential client. I’ve done so on several occasions resulting in outcomes ranging from never hearing back from the interviewer to getting a phone call asking when I could start only 15 minutes after the interview.

我是用户体验设计师和顾问。 在日常工作中,我必须时刻准备好简历,以防万一我不得不向新的潜在客户介绍自己。 我已经这样做了好几次,结果从不曾从面试官那里听到回音到接到电话询问何时才可以在面试后15分钟开始。

I’ve made mistakes myself. Heck, I still do.

我自己犯了错误。 哎呀,我还是。

I’m going to share some common mistakes I see in resumes when looking at the resumes from a UX perspective. This of course doesn’t mean that these only apply to UX resumes or that you need to be a designer yourself to be able to avoid these mistakes. I’ve made these mistakes myself.

从UX角度看简历时,我将分享一些我在简历中看到的常见错误。 当然,这并不意味着这些仅适用于UX简历,或者您需要自己成为一名设计师才能避免这些错误。 我自己犯了这些错误。

某人看您的简历的时间 (The amount of time someone looks at your resume)

In addition to my point on consulting experience, I had to switch employers quite some time myself. Because of that, I had to update my resume more times than I would have liked. Also, I’ve checked many resumes while looking for new colleagues.

除了我在咨询经验上的观点外,我还不得不自己更换一些雇主。 因此,我不得不将履历更新的次数超过我的期望。 另外,我在寻找新同事时检查了许多简历。

Therefore I know a thing or two on how recruiters and your potential employers skim through resumes just as quickly as we all scroll through social media news feeds.


On average, recruiters look at your resume for 7.4 seconds.


That’s a very short amount of time. If you want to stand out (and survive the initial round of skimming resumes), you need to make a great first impression. You have to make every second count.

那是很短的时间。 如果您想脱颖而出(并在最初的略读简历中幸免于难),则需要给人留下深刻的第一印象。 您必须每一秒钟都做一次。

履历中应避免的3个常见UX错误 (3 common UX mistakes to avoid on your resume)

Since we’ve established that you have a very short time to make an impression it is very important to make your resume very clear and intuitive. How easy something is to interact with is what we in UX call interaction cost.

由于我们确定您的印象时间很短,因此使简历清晰易懂非常重要。 与用户交互的难易程度就是我们在UX中的交互成本 。

The interaction cost is the sum of efforts — mental and physical — that the users must deploy in interacting with an object in order to reach their goals.


In other words, the harder it is to read and understand your resume, the longer it is going to take a recruiter to read your resume. Is it too much of an effort? Time’s up. You’re out.

换句话说,阅读和理解您的简历越困难,招聘人员阅读您的简历所需的时间就越长。 太费力了吗? 时间到。 你出去了

In UX, our aim is to keep the interaction cost as low as possible. By doing so we improve the ease-of-use of the products we design. You could see your resume as such a product.

在UX中,我们的目标是使交互成本尽可能低。 通过这样做,我们提高了我们设计产品的易用性。 您可以将您的简历视为此类产品。

Here’s how you can improve your chances of landing your next job by avoiding these common UX mistakes.


  1. Using a multi-column layout for content on your resume. A well-structured resume will make sure that skimming through your resume isn’t a bad thing at all. By using a single column layout you enable the recruiter to read your resume top-to-bottom without having to figure out where he has to start and where he should read next. When your resume has multiple columns, your reader first has to determine if he should read top-to-bottom or left-to-right. This takes time and effort. You further enable your readers by using big, clear headers that communicate the content well.

    对简历中的内容使用多列布局。 结构合理的简历将确保浏览简历根本不是一件坏事。 通过使用单列布局,招聘人员可以自上而下阅读简历,而不必弄清楚他必须从何处开始以及下一步应从何处阅读。 当您的简历有多列时,您的读者首先必须确定他应该从上到下还是从左到右阅读。 这需要时间和精力。 您可以使用大而清晰的标题来更好地传达您的内容,从而使您的读者受益匪浅。

  2. Using a skill scale. The use of a skill scale is somewhat of a resume trend of late. You see them everywhere. Yet, they make no sense. There are several reasons not to use a skill scale. For one, when you plot your skills on a 1–10 scale you assume that every skill is equal in difficulty. That’s not the case of course. You cannot plot ‘Microsoft Word’ and ‘Building a colony on Mars’ on the same scale. Besides, if you say you’re 10/10 in something, does that mean you’re the best in the world or do think you cannot grow that skill any further? It leaves your resume open for interpretation, which is never a good thing and increases the interaction cost as well.

    使用技能量表。 使用技能量表在某种程度上是最近的恢复趋势。 您到处都可以看到它们。 但是,它们没有任何意义。 不使用技能量表有几个原因。 例如,当您以1–10的比例绘制技能时,您会假设每种技能的难度都相等。 当然不是这样。 您不能以相同比例绘制“ Microsoft Word”和“在火星上建立殖民地”。 此外,如果您说自己是10/10,这是否意味着您是世界上最好的,还是认为您无法进一步提高该技能? 这会使您的简历开放供解释,这从来都不是一件好事,而且还会增加互动成本。

  3. Using a default resume template you found online. When you apply for a job you’re not going to be the only one. When the window for submitting your application closes a big pile of resumes lands on the manager’s desk. You want to stand out. Because of that, a lot of people look online for a great resume template. The problem is that you’re not the only one that does it that way. Your attempt to stand out will result in your resume being the same as a lot of other resumes. Most templates are guilty of the two points above as well. By using a fancy template you make your resume more difficult to read and understand and thus lowering your chances of landing your next job.

    使用您在网上找到的默认简历模板。 当您申请一份工作时,您将不会是唯一的一份工作。 当提交申请的窗口关闭时,一大堆简历就会落在经理的桌子上。 你想脱颖而出。 因此,许多人在网上寻找出色的简历模板。 问题在于,您不是唯一一个这样做的人。 您试图脱颖而出将导致您的简历与其他许多简历一样。 大多数模板也违反了以上两点。 通过使用精美的模板,您的简历将更难以阅读和理解,从而降低了下一份工作的机会。

Image for post
Never use a skill scale. Credits to the author.
切勿使用技能量表。 致谢作者。

该怎么做 (What to do instead)

Since your resume will only be looked at for a short amount of time it is important to make every second count. You can do this by keeping your resume very simple.

由于您的简历只会在很短的时间内被查看,因此每一秒都很重要。 您可以通过使简历非常简单来做到这一点。

Keep it simple.


Use a single column layout for your content. Do not use a skill scale. Use your own design. Good resumes consist of a number of clear sections. These include the following.

为您的内容使用单列布局。 不要使用技能量表。 使用您自己的设计。 好的简历包括许多清晰的部分。 这些包括以下内容。

  • About you. This is where you share who you are, what your (current) role is, and other information like address and contact info.

    关于你。 您可以在这里共享您的身份,您(当前)的角色以及其他信息,例如地址和联系信息。

  • Working experience. For every job or project you’ve worked at you state the name, duration, a short description, and your role within the company or project.

    工作经验。 对于您从事的每项工作或项目,请注明名称,期限,简短说明以及您在公司或项目中的角色。

  • Education. You can list every form of formal education you’ve followed here. Keep this part short. In general, recruiters are more interested in your working experience and skills. If you just came out of school, give more attention to your education.

    教育。 您可以在此处列出所遵循的各种形式的正规教育。 保持简短。 通常,招聘人员对您的工作经验和技能更感兴趣。 如果您刚从学校毕业,请多加注意。

  • Skills. Arguably the most important part of your resume. It is far more important to show that you have a certain skill set that you can apply to any project than to show that you did a certain project once.

    技能 可以说是简历中最重要的部分。 与证明自己曾经完成某个项目相比,证明自己具有可以应用于任何项目的特定技能要重要得多。

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An example of a clear, simple resume from Dribbble.
Dribbble清晰,简单的简历示例 。

The example above ticks those boxes. This resume is simple, clean, and very clear. It is scan-able as well. By applying a one-column layout your resume can be read from top to bottom. The lack of a template might make the resume look at bit boring, but that’s not the point of a resume. It has to be clear, which it is. Due to the clear headers, readers can skip to the part that is relevant to them.

上面的示例在这些框中打勾。 这份简历很简单,干净而且很清晰。 它也是可扫描的。 通过采用一栏式布局,您的简历可以从上至下阅读。 缺少模板可能会使简历看起来有些无聊,但这不是简历的重点。 它必须是明确的。 由于标题清晰,读者可以跳至与其相关的部分。

This way, the 7.4 seconds a recruiter reads your resume are spent in the most efficient way possible.


总结 (Concluding)

Creating a great, well-crafted resume can be hard. It is not all science. Sometimes you just need to get lucky that the right recruiter saw your resume on a big pile of resumes. Besides that, you have control over how your resume looks. Don’t make the common mistakes as discussed here.

制作出色,精心设计的简历可能很困难。 这还不是全部科学。 有时,您只需要幸运地找到合适的招聘人员就可以在一大堆简历中看到您的简历。 除此之外,您还可以控制简历的外观。 不要犯这里讨论的常见错误。

You’ll stand out and will be more likely to get that job you’ve been dreaming of. Good luck!

您会脱颖而出,并且更有可能得到您梦dream以求的工作。 祝好运!

翻译自: https://blog.prototypr.io/avoid-these-3-common-ux-mistakes-when-designing-your-resume-3efc8b908178

sql 避免除0错误





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