reloaddata 跳动_纸跳动像素

reloaddata 跳动

I would like to open with a problem.


Why are so many designer going straight to pixels?


Over the past few years i’ve witnessed this in my team, my clients and others throughout the industry. Our people are seemingly reluctant to draw.

在过去的几年中,我在团队,客户以及整个行业中的其他人中见证了这一点。 我们的人民似乎不愿抽签。

We’ve all been beaten over the head with the benefits of failing early and often, but the quickest way to create something is certainly not by putting it on screen. What I what to talk about today, is getting ideas out of your head & onto paper. Design thinking tells us that exploring many ideas at low fidelity is the best way to navigate towards an optimal solution, it also tells us that we’re less likely to become tied to our designs and therefore more willing to let them go and move forward. So why do so many of us, outside of workshop and training, differ to our MacBooks and open up a sketch file when posed with a design challenge?

我们所有人都因尽早失败而经常遭受失败而屡屡遭受挫折,但是创建某些事物的最快方法当然不是将其放到屏幕上。 我今天要谈论的是,将想法浮出水面,写在纸上。 设计思想告诉我们,以低保真度探索许多想法是寻求最佳解决方案的最佳方法,它还告诉我们,我们不太可能与我们的设计联系在一起,因此更愿意让它们继续前进。 那么,为什么我们中的许多人(在车间和培训之外)与MacBook不同,并在面临设计挑战时打开草图文件?

“The key is to be quick and dirty — exploring a range of ideas without becoming too invested in only one.” — Tom Kelly, IDEO

“关键是快速而肮脏-探索一系列想法,而不必太投入于一个。” — IDEO的Tom Kelly

Investing less time in our early concepts minimises anchoring and confirmation biases. And, solving problems with pixels limits our full capacity for exploration. Yes, this means you too low-fi Axure prototype.

在我们的早期概念中投入更少的时间可以最大程度地减少定位和确认偏差。 并且,解决像素问题限制了我们的全部探索能力。 是的,这意味着您的低保真Axure原型。

By nature this medium brings with it more freedom to think outside your art-board and is also far more open to collaboration. Sketching is also wonderful for use in testing. I’ve said it and I’m sure you have too — by testing at low-fidelity our users are far more likely to provide honest feedback. I’ve had wonderful results testing with sketches on sheets of A4 paper.

从本质上讲,这种媒体为您带来了更大的自由,可以在您的画板之外进行思考,并且对合作更加开放。 草绘对于在测试中使用也非常有用。 我已经说过了,而且我敢肯定, 通过 低保真度 测试, 我们的用户也更有可能提供诚实的反馈。 使用A4纸上的草图进行测试时,我获得了出色的结果。

We have access to an endless supply of digital templates and kits, yet we seem to be failing to arm ourselves with the simple power of pen & paper. People come to UX from all walks of life and our industry is the better for it – Industrial design, Psychology, Sociology, Marketing, Graphic Design & even Law. We are not all then readily equiped with wonderful sketching skills, but we can be trained and it doesn’t need to be sophisticated.

我们可以使用无穷无尽的数字模板和套件,但是似乎无法用笔和纸的简单功能武装自己。 人们来自各行各业的UX,而我们的行业对它更有利-工业设计,心理学,社会学,市场营销,图形设计甚至法律。 那时我们还不具备出色的素描技巧,但是我们可以接受培训,不需要太复杂。

One of the things I am most grateful for from my time at industrial design school is what ‘POP modelling’ taught me. POP simply stands for Proof of Principle. That is, what is the quickest way one can demonstrate the principle of a thing. The look, feel and it’s function. In design school this took on many mediums–card & paper, blue insulation foam (my favourite), vacuum formed plastics, balsa wood, plumbing parts & lots of hot glue. What this teaches us is that when you want to understand how a person interacts with an object, make it real. Using these basic materials we can convey geometry, texture & even weight. Digital too has these greater relationships with geometry, more than what you see on screen at any one-time, especially in the case mobile apps. Depth, motion, tactility and the storing of this geometry when it is off-screen, out of sight.

自从在工业设计学校学习以来,我最感激的一件事就是“ POP建模”教给我的东西。 POP仅仅代表原理证明。 也就是说,最简单的方法可以证明事物的原理。 外观,感觉及其功能。 在设计学校,它采用了多种介质,包括卡片和纸,蓝色绝缘泡沫(我最喜欢的),真空成型塑料,轻木,水暖零件和大量热胶。 这告诉我们的是,当您想了解人与物体的交互方式时,请使其真实。 使用这些基本材料,我们可以传达几何形状,质地甚至重量。 数字技术与几何的关系也更紧密,比您一次在屏幕上看到的更为重要,尤其是在移动应用程序中。 在屏幕外看不见时,此几何的深度,运动,触觉和存储。

We as humans relate digital experiences to those we have come to know from non-digital mediums, and so the mental model is passed over. Herein lies the opportunity.

作为人类,我们将数字体验与我们从非数字媒体中了解到的体验联系起来,因此思维模型被传递了。 这就是机会。

How might we encourage designers to think about digital, physically and use basic sketching to expedite a fuller exploration of its function.


Here are some simple steps you can follow to bring this to bear.


第1步-建立共同的愿景 (STEP 1— Create a shared vision)

Get on-board as to why this is important and how this will benefit both creativity and problem solving, resulting in more rounded solutions & designers.


第2步-建立“素描语言系统” (STEP 2— Build a ‘sketching language system')

If you’ve come across Design Language Systems, such as the Global Experience Language (GEL) by the BBC, then you’ll know the amazing power these tools have. If you haven’t, I strongly encourage you to look around or checkout this article by Karri Saarinen about how Airbnb are doing it.

如果您遇到过设计语言系统,例如BBC的Global Experience Language(GEL),那么您将了解这些工具的强大功能。 如果您还没有,我强烈建议您浏览或查看Karri Saarinen的这篇文章,了解Airbnb的工作方式。

For us though I propose a new library of icons, styles, principles & assets, solely made for sketching. This way, anyone can use it. Like sketching ‘on-rails’.

尽管对我们来说,我提议一个专门用于素描的新图标,样式,原理和资产库。 这样,任何人都可以使用它。 就像在轨道上绘制草图一样。

步骤3 –进行培训 (STEP 3— Conduct training)

This starts with sketching fundamentals & the basic theory alongside the introduction of our new sketching kit. Some simple tips include;

首先从草绘基础知识和基本理论开始,再引入新的草绘套件。 一些简单的技巧包括:

  • Markers not pencils — Make it bold and easy to see from a distance. This tends to keep the sketches simple.

    标记而不是铅笔 -使它大胆且易于从远处看到。 这倾向于使草图保持简单。

  • Use single clean strokes — No artistry here. Try not to over think it and simply commit.

    使用简单的笔触 -这里没有技巧。 尽量不要过度考虑它,而只是承诺。

  • Start with basic shapes — We all know how to draw a line, square, circle and triangle. It’s amazing what we can made with these simple shapes.

    从基本形状开始 -我们都知道如何绘制直线,正方形,圆形和三角形。 我们可以用这些简单的形状制作出令人惊奇的东西。

  • Stick to conventions — A crossed-box denotes a picture. There is no need to overcomplicate things.

    遵守约定 —划线框表示图片。 无需过于复杂。

Image for post
Img source: Fritz Frizzante (Dribble)
图来源:Fritz Frizzante(运球)

Next, we start storyboarding. This enables use to bring an idea to life with annotation, taking the observer on a journey. Linear stories work best. Again, keep it simple and a tell the story of the users interactions.

接下来,我们开始情节提要。 这使人们能够通过注释将想法变为现实,从而使观察者踏上旅途。 线性故事效果最好。 同样,请保持简单,并讲述用户交互的故事。

Finally we introduce POP prototyping. Here, alongside our new found sketching powers, we teach how to use the physical, such as paper and card to demonstrate layers, motion & location to bring it all together. Put a special emphasis on where you’re elements live off-screen, how they animate on screen and from what direction.

最后,我们介绍POP原型。 在这里,除了我们新发现的草图绘制功能外,我们还将教您如何使用物理(例如纸和卡片)来演示图层,运动和位置,以将它们整合在一起。 特别强调元素在屏幕外的位置,它们在屏幕上的动画方式以及从哪个方向。

Image for post
Img source:

It’s important here to solidify how the use of this physicality allows us to better consider product design principles. Ensure you tie your learning back to Gestalt principles, hierarchy & affordance. In our studio I have created a set of 12 in-house design principle cards, based on a wide range of known principles, heuristics and behavioural biases. Here they are in their simplest form, in no particular order;

在这里重要的是要巩固使用这种物理方法使我们能够更好地考虑产品设计原则。 确保您将学习与格式塔的原则,等级和负担能力联系起来。 在我们的工作室中,我基于广泛的已知原理,启发式方法和行为偏见创建了一套12张内部设计原理卡。 在这里,它们是最简单的形式,没有特定的顺序。

  1. Keep it simple

  2. Always accessible

  3. Be transparent

  4. Be consistent

  5. Provide hierarchy

  6. Don’t make me read (too much)

  7. Don’t expect me to think

  8. Be contextually aware

  9. Tell stories

  10. Make it actionable

  11. Make it smart

  12. Don’t break conventions


第4步-使用它! (STEP 4— Use it!)

The best way to make sure this bright new thing you’ve birthed into the world last the test of time, is to ask everyone to use it in their work. And, when the team creates new assets, review them and add them to your library. This collaboration makes it theirs to own and creates endowment.

确保您在世间历经时间考验而诞生的这个崭新事物的最好方法是要求每个人都在工作中使用它。 并且,当团队创建新资产时,请对其进行审核并将其添加到您的图书馆中。 这种合作使他们拥有并创造了捐赠。

So now equiped with these new skills, you’re ready to dive in. But, When should I be doing this? you may ask. This is not just a skill for ideation or early concept development. It doesn’t matter how far along you are, whether it be annotating suggestions for improvements, redesigning elements of an existing UI or creating assets for usability testing, you should always go back to the basics and draw.

因此,现在掌握了这些新技能,您就可以开始学习了。但是, 我什么时候应该这样做? 你可能会问。 这不仅仅是构思或早期概念发展的技能。 无论您走了多远,无论是对改进的注释,重新设计现有UI的元素还是为可用性测试创建资产,都应始终回到基础并进行绘图。

So go out and fill that paper, those post-its, your whiteboard, chalkboard & whatever else you have, with beautiful sketches. If you’ve found this to be something of use, great!

因此,出去用漂亮的草图填充纸,那些纸,白板,黑板以及其他任何东西。 如果您发现这很有用,那就太好了!

Remember, when you’re trying to solve a problem, a pen is your friend. Happy designing.

请记住,当您尝试解决问题时,笔是您的朋友。 设计愉快。

Here are some great resources to refer back to



reloaddata 跳动





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