ESP32+LCD屏 WIFI联网并显示实时时间
TFT LCD模块参数介绍
- 名称:1.8 128*160 RGB_TFT
- 驱动芯片:ST7735S
ESP32 C3 参数介绍(经典款)
- 外观及引脚分布
LCD屏接口 | 功能 | ESP32 C3 对应连接引脚 |
GND | 电源(接地) | GND |
VCC | 电源(正极3.3V) | 3.3V |
SCL | SPI时钟线(与单片机SPI_CLK对接) | IO02 |
SDA | SPI数据线(与单片机SPI_MOSI对接) | IO03 |
RES | 复位 | IO10 |
DC | 数据/命令 | IO06 |
CS | SPI片选 | IO07 |
BL | 背光控制开发,默认可不接 | IO08 |
font.bmf: 文字库
st7735.py: ST7735驱动
test.py: 测试效果文件
ufont.py: 字体文件
使用方法(以合宙ESP32C3为例):from machine import SPI, Pinfrom st7735 import ST7735spi = SPI(1, 30000000, sck=Pin(2), mosi=Pin(3))ST7735(spi, rst=10, dc=6, cs=7, bl=11, width=160, height=80, rotate=1) # 直插横屏显示ST7735(spi, rst=10, dc=6, cs=7, bl=11, width=160, height=80, rotate=0) # 直插竖屏显示
import gc
import time
import mathimport machine
import framebuf
from micropython import constSWRESET = const(0x01)
SLPOUT = const(0x11)
NORON = const(0x13)INVOFF = const(0x20)
DISPON = const(0x29)
CASET = const(0x2A)
RASET = const(0x2B)
RAMWR = const(0x2C)MADCTL = const(0x36)
COLMOD = const(0x3A)FRMCTR1 = const(0xB1)
FRMCTR2 = const(0xB2)
FRMCTR3 = const(0xB3)INVCTR = const(0xB4)PWCTR1 = const(0xC0)
PWCTR2 = const(0xC1)
PWCTR3 = const(0xC2)
PWCTR4 = const(0xC3)
PWCTR5 = const(0xC4)
VMCTR1 = const(0xC5)GMCTRP1 = const(0xE0)
GMCTRN1 = const(0xE1)ROTATIONS = [0x00,0x60] # 只给了两个旋转方向def color(r, g, b):i = (((b & 0xF8) << 8) | ((g & 0xFC) << 3) | (r >> 3)).to_bytes(2, "little")return (i[0] << 8) + i[1]RED = color(255, 0, 0)
GREEN = color(0, 255, 0)
BLUE = color(0, 0, 255)
WHITE = color(255, 255, 255)
BLACK = color(0, 0, 0)class ST7735(framebuf.FrameBuffer):def __init__(self, spi, rst, dc, cs, bl=None, width=None, height=None, offset=None, rotate=1, rgb=True):""":param spi::param rst::param dc::param cs: 使能:param bl: 背光:param width: 宽度:param height: 高度:param offset: 偏移 (x, y): (23, -1)|(-1, 23):param rotate: 旋转 0 横屏 1 竖屏:param rgb: RGB 色彩模式"""# 根据方向自动设置偏移self.rotate = rotateself.offset = offsetself.rgb = rgbif offset is None and rotate == 1:self.offset = (-1, 23)elif offset is None and rotate == 0:self.offset = (23, -1)self.width = widthself.height = heightself.spi = spiself.rst = machine.Pin(rst, machine.Pin.OUT, machine.Pin.PULL_DOWN)self.dc = machine.Pin(dc, machine.Pin.OUT, machine.Pin.PULL_DOWN)self.cs = machine.Pin(cs, machine.Pin.OUT, machine.Pin.PULL_DOWN)if bl is not None:self.bl = machine.PWM(machine.Pin(bl))gc.collect()self.buffer = bytearray(self.height * self.width * 2)super().__init__(self.buffer, self.width, self.height, framebuf.RGB565)self.init()self.set_windows()self.clear()def set_windows(self, x_start=None, y_start=None, x_end=None, y_end=None):"""设置窗口:return:"""x_start = (x_start + self.offset[0] + 1) if x_start is not None else (self.offset[0] + 1)x_end = x_end + self.rotate + self.offset[0] if x_end is not None else self.width + self.rotate + \self.offset[0]y_start = y_start + self.offset[1] + 1 if y_start is not None else self.offset[1] + 1y_end = y_end + self.rotate + self.offset[1] if y_end is not None else self.height + self.rotate + \self.offset[1]self.write_cmd(CASET)self.write_data(bytearray([0x00, x_start, 0x00, x_end]))self.write_cmd(RASET)self.write_data(bytearray([0x00, y_start, 0x00, y_end]))self.write_cmd(RAMWR)def init(self):self.reset()self.write_cmd(SWRESET)time.sleep_us(150)self.write_cmd(SLPOUT)time.sleep_us(300)self.write_cmd(FRMCTR1)self.write_data(bytearray([0x01, 0x2C, 0x2D]))self.write_cmd(FRMCTR2)self.write_data(bytearray([0x01, 0x2C, 0x2D]))self.write_cmd(FRMCTR3)self.write_data(bytearray([0x01, 0x2C, 0x2D, 0x01, 0x2C, 0x2D]))time.sleep_us(10)self.write_cmd(INVCTR)self.write_data(bytearray([0x07]))self.write_cmd(PWCTR1)self.write_data(bytearray([0xA2, 0x02, 0x84]))self.write_cmd(PWCTR2)self.write_data(bytearray([0xC5]))self.write_cmd(PWCTR3)self.write_data(bytearray([0x0A, 0x00]))self.write_cmd(PWCTR4)self.write_data(bytearray([0x8A, 0x2A]))self.write_cmd(PWCTR5)self.write_data(bytearray([0x8A, 0xEE]))self.write_cmd(VMCTR1)self.write_data(bytearray([0x0E]))self.write_cmd(INVOFF)self.write_cmd(MADCTL)self.write_data(bytearray([ROTATIONS[self.rotate] | 0x00 if self.rgb else 0x08]))self.write_cmd(COLMOD)self.write_data(bytearray([0x05]))self.write_cmd(GMCTRP1)self.write_data(bytearray([0x02, 0x1c, 0x07, 0x12, 0x37, 0x32, 0x29, 0x2d, 0x29, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x39, 0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x10]))self.write_cmd(GMCTRN1)self.write_data(bytearray([0x03, 0x1d, 0x07, 0x06, 0x2e, 0x2c, 0x29, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2e, 0x37, 0x3f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x10]))self.write_cmd(NORON)time.sleep_us(10)self.write_cmd(DISPON)time.sleep_us(100)self.cs(1)def reset(self):"""设备重置:return:"""self.rst(1)time.sleep(0.2)self.rst(0)time.sleep(0.2)self.rst(1)time.sleep(0.2)def write_cmd(self, cmd):self.dc(0)self.cs(0)self.spi.write(bytearray([cmd]))self.cs(1)def write_data(self, buf):self.dc(1)self.cs(0)self.spi.write(buf)self.cs(1)def back_light(self, value):"""背光调节:param value: 背光���级 0 ~ 256:return:"""self.bl.freq(1000)if value >= 0xff:value = 0xffdata = value * 0xffff >> 8self.bl.duty_u16(data)def clear(self):"""清屏:return:"""self.fill(0)self.show()def show(self):"""显示:return:"""self.set_windows() # 如果没有这行就会偏移self.write_data(self.buffer)def circle(self, center, radius, c=color(255, 255, 255), section=100):"""画圆:param c: 颜色:param center: 中心(x, y):param radius: 半径:param section: 分段:return:"""arr = []for m in range(section + 1):x = round(radius * math.cos((2 * math.pi / section) * m - math.pi) + center[0])y = round(radius * math.sin((2 * math.pi / section) * m - math.pi) + center[1])arr.append([x, y])for i in range(len(arr) - 1):self.line(*arr[i], *arr[i + 1], c)def image(self, file_name):with open(file_name, "rb") as bmp:for b in range(0, 80 * 160 * 2, 1024):self.buffer[b:b + 1024] = bmp.read(1024)self.show()
__version__ = 3import time
import structimport framebufDEBUG = Falsedef timeit(f, *args, **kwargs):try:myname = str(f).split(' ')[1]except:myname = "UNKONW"def new_func(*args, **kwargs):if DEBUG:try:t = time.ticks_us()result = f(*args, **kwargs)delta = time.ticks_diff(time.ticks_us(), t)print('Function {} Time = {:6.3f}ms'.format(myname, delta / 1000))except AttributeError:t = time.perf_counter_ns()result = f(*args, **kwargs)delta = time.perf_counter_ns() - tprint('Function {} Time = {:6.3f}ms'.format(myname, delta / 1000000))return resultelse:return f(*args, **kwargs)return new_funcclass BMFont:@staticmethoddef _list_to_byte(arr):b = 0for a in arr:b = (b << 1) + areturn bytes([b])@timeitdef _bit_list_to_byte_data(self, bit_list):"""将点阵转换为字节数据Args:bit_list:Returns:"""byte_data = b''for _col in bit_list:for i in range(0, len(_col), 8):byte_data += self._list_to_byte(_col[i:i + 8])return byte_data@timeitdef __init__(self, font_file):self.font_file = font_fileself.font = open(font_file, "rb", buffering=0xff)self.bmf_info = self.font.read(16)if self.bmf_info[0:2] != b"BM":raise TypeError("字体文件格式不正确: " + font_file)self.version = self.bmf_info[2]if self.version != 3:raise TypeError("字体文件版本不正确: " + str(self.version))self.map_mode = self.bmf_info[3] # 映射方式self.start_bitmap = struct.unpack(">I", b'\x00' + self.bmf_info[4:7])[0] # 位图开始字节self.font_size = self.bmf_info[7] # 字体大小self.bitmap_size = self.bmf_info[8] # 点阵所占字节@timeitdef _to_bit_list(self, byte_data, font_size, *, _height=None, _width=None):"""将字节数据转��为点阵数据Args:byte_data: 字节数据font_size: 字号大小_height: 字体原高度_width: 字体原宽度Returns:"""_height = _height or self.font_size_width = _width or self.bitmap_size // self.font_size * 8new_bitarray = [[0 for j in range(font_size)] for i in range(font_size)]for _col in range(len(new_bitarray)):for _row in range(len(new_bitarray[_col])):_index = int(_col / (font_size / _height)) * _width + int(_row / (font_size / _width))new_bitarray[_col][_row] = byte_data[_index // 8] >> (7 - _index % 8) & 1return new_bitarray@timeitdef _color_render(self, bit_list, color):"""将二值点阵图像转换为 RGB565 彩色字节图像Args:bit_list:color:Returns:"""color_array = b""for _col in range(len(bit_list)):for _row in range(len(bit_list)):color_array += struct.pack("<H", color) if bit_list[_col][_row] else b'\x00\x00'return color_array@timeitdef _get_index(self, word):"""获取索引Args:word: 字符Returns:"""word_code = ord(word)start = 0x10end = self.start_bitmapwhile start <= end:mid = ((start + end) // 4) * 2self.font.seek(mid, 0)target_code = struct.unpack(">H", self.font.read(2))[0]if word_code == target_code:return (mid - 16) >> 1elif word_code < target_code:end = mid - 2else:start = mid + 2return -1@timeitdef get_bitmap(self, word):"""获取点阵图Args:word: 字符Returns:bytes 字符点阵"""index = self._get_index(word)if index == -1:return b'\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xf0\x0f\xcf\xf3\xcf\xf3\xff\xf3\xff\xcf\xff?\xff?\xff\xff\xff' \b'?\xff?\xff\xff\xff\xff'self.font.seek(self.start_bitmap + index * self.bitmap_size, 0)return self.font.read(self.bitmap_size)@timeitdef text(self, display, string, x, y, color=1, *, font_size=None, reverse=False, clear=False, show=False,half_char=True, auto_wrap=False, **kwargs):"""通过显示屏显示文字使用此函数显示文字,必须先确认显示对象是否继承与 framebuf.FrameBuffer。如果显示对象没有 clear 方法,需要自行调用 fill 清屏Args:display: 显示实例string: 字符串x: 字体左上角 x 轴y: 字体左上角 y 轴color: 颜色font_size: 字号reverse: 是否反转背景clear: 是否清��之前显示的内容show: 是否立刻显示half_char: 是否半字节显示 ASCII 字符auto_wrap: 自动换行**kwargs:Returns:None"""font_size = font_size or self.font_sizeinitial_x = x# 清屏try:display.clear() if clear else 0except AttributeError:print("请自行调用 display.fill(*) 清屏")for char in range(len(string)):# 是否自动换行if auto_wrap:if auto_wrap and ((x + font_size // 2 >= 128 and ord(string[char]) < 128 and half_char) or(x + font_size >= 128 and (not half_char or ord(string[char]) > 128))):y += font_sizex = initial_x# 回车if string[char] == '\n':y += font_sizex = initial_xcontinue# Tabelif string[char] == '\t':x = ((x // font_size) + 1) * font_size + initial_x % font_sizecontinue# 其它的控制字符不显示elif ord(string[char]) < 16:continue# 超过范围的字符不会显示*if x > 160 or y > 80:continuebyte_data = list(self.get_bitmap(string[char]))# 反���if reverse:for _pixel in range(len(byte_data)):byte_data[_pixel] = ~byte_data[_pixel] & 0xff# 缩放和色彩*if color > 1 or font_size != self.font_size:bit_data = self._to_bit_list(byte_data, font_size)if color > 1:display.blit(framebuf.FrameBuffer(bytearray(self._color_render(bit_data, color)), font_size, font_size,framebuf.RGB565), x, y)else:display.blit(framebuf.FrameBuffer(bytearray(self._bit_list_to_byte_data(bit_data)), font_size, font_size,framebuf.MONO_HLSB), x, y)else:display.blit(framebuf.FrameBuffer(bytearray(byte_data), font_size, font_size, framebuf.MONO_HLSB), x, y)# 英文字符半格显示if ord(string[char]) < 128 and half_char:x += font_size // 2else:x += font_sizedisplay.show() if show else 0def char(self, char, color=1, font_size=None, reverse=False):""" 获取字体字��数据在没有继承 framebuf.FrameBuffer 的显示驱动,或者内存不足以将一整个屏幕载入缓存帧时可以直接获取单字的字节数据,局部更新Args:char: 单个字符color: 颜色font_size: 字体大小reverse: 反转Returns:bytearray"""font_size = font_size or self.font_sizebyte_data = list(self.get_bitmap(char))# 反转if reverse:for _pixel in range(len(byte_data)):byte_data[_pixel] = ~byte_data[_pixel] & 0xffif color > 1 or font_size != self.font_size:bit_data = self._to_bit_list(byte_data, font_size)if color > 1:return self._color_render(bit_data, color)else:return self._bit_list_to_byte_data(bit_data)else:return bytearray(byte_data)
# This file is executed on every boot (including wake-boot from deepsleep)
#import esp
#import webrepl
# print("varin")from machine import Pin,SPI
from st7735 import ST7735,color
from ufont import BMFont
import time
import random
import network
import ntptimefont = BMFont("font.bmf")
# WIFI名称和连接密码
password="12345678"spi = SPI(1,baudrate = 60_000_000,polarity = 0,sck = Pin(2),mosi = Pin(3),miso = None)
tft = ST7735(spi,rst = 10,dc = 6,cs = 7,bl = 8, width = 160, height = 127, offset=(-1,0) ,rotate = 1, rgb = True)
def network_connect():font.text(tft,"WIFI网络连接中~" ,0,0,color(random.randint(1,256),random.randint(1,256),random.randint(1,256)),font_size = 16,reverse = False,clear = False,show = True,half_char = True,auto_wrap = False) sta = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)sta.active(True)# 判断WIF是否连接,如无连接通过循环等待WIFI连接后再执行后续代码if not sta.isconnected():sta.connect(ssid,password)while not sta.isconnected():passprint(sta.ifconfig())ntptime.settime()print()font.text(tft,"WIFI网络连接成功~" ,0,0,color(random.randint(1,256),random.randint(1,256),random.randint(1,256)),font_size = 16,reverse = False,clear = False,show = True,half_char = True,auto_wrap = False) font.text(tft,"WIFI名称为:"+ssid ,0,20,color(random.randint(1,256),random.randint(1,256),random.randint(1,256)),font_size = 16,reverse = False,clear = False,show = True,half_char = True,auto_wrap = False) font.text(tft,"IP地址:"+sta.ifconfig()[0] ,0,40,color(random.randint(1,256),random.randint(1,256),random.randint(1,256)),font_size = 16,reverse = False,clear = False,show = True,half_char = True,auto_wrap = False) while True:# 实时更新屏幕时间,t=time.localtime()timeStr= '当前时间是:{}:{}:{}'.format( t[3], t[4], t[5])font.text(tft,timeStr ,0,60,color(random.randint(1,256),random.randint(1,256),random.randint(1,256)),font_size = 16,reverse = False,clear = False,show = True,half_char = True,auto_wrap = False) font.text(tft,"今天又是加油的一天呀" ,0,80,color(random.randint(1,256),random.randint(1,256),random.randint(1,256)),font_size = 16,reverse = False,clear = False,show = True,half_char = True,auto_wrap = False) if __name__ == "__main__":network_connect()
# This file is executed on every boot (including wake-boot from deepsleep)
#import esp
#import webrepl
# print("varin")from machine import Pin,SPI
from st7735 import ST7735,color
from ufont import BMFont
import time
import random
import network
import ntptime
from machine import RTC
import timertc = RTC()font = BMFont("font.bmf")
# WIFI名称和连接密码
password="12345678"spi = SPI(1,baudrate = 60_000_000,polarity = 0,sck = Pin(2),mosi = Pin(3),miso = None)
tft = ST7735(spi,rst = 10,dc = 6,cs = 7,bl = 8, width = 160, height = 127, offset=(-1,0) ,rotate = 1, rgb = True)
def network_connect():font.text(tft,"WIFI网络连接中~" ,0,0,color(random.randint(1,256),random.randint(1,256),random.randint(1,256)),font_size = 16,reverse = False,clear = False,show = True,half_char = True,auto_wrap = False) sta = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)sta.active(True)# 判断WIF是否连接,如无连接通过循环等待WIFI连接后再执行后续代码if not sta.isconnected():sta.connect(ssid,password)while not sta.isconnected():passprint(sta.ifconfig())ntptime.settime()print()font.text(tft,"WIFI网络连接成功~" ,0,0,color(random.randint(1,256),random.randint(1,256),random.randint(1,256)),font_size = 16,reverse = False,clear = False,show = True,half_char = True,auto_wrap = False) font.text(tft,"WIFI名称为:"+ssid ,0,20,color(random.randint(1,256),random.randint(1,256),random.randint(1,256)),font_size = 16,reverse = False,clear = False,show = True,half_char = True,auto_wrap = False) font.text(tft,"IP地址:"+sta.ifconfig()[0] ,0,40,color(random.randint(1,256),random.randint(1,256),random.randint(1,256)),font_size = 16,reverse = False,clear = False,show = True,half_char = True,auto_wrap = False) while True:# 实时更新屏幕时间t= rtc.datetime()timeStr= '当前时间是:{}:{}:{}'.format( t[4]+8, t[5], t[6])font.text(tft,timeStr ,0,60,color(random.randint(1,256),random.randint(1,256),random.randint(1,256)),font_size = 16,reverse = False,clear = False,show = True,half_char = True,auto_wrap = False) font.text(tft,"今天又是加油的一天呀" ,0,80,color(random.randint(1,256),random.randint(1,256),random.randint(1,256)),font_size = 16,reverse = False,clear = False,show = True,half_char = True,auto_wrap = False) time.sleep(1)if __name__ == "__main__":network_connect()