ibm mq的交互命令模式
IBM:国际商业机器 (IBM: International Business Machines)
IBM is an abbreviation of International Business Machines. It is an I.T based multinational and consulting corporation which is also an American trusted brand in the IT sector. Its head office is situated in Armonk, New York. As of January 2012, the current president and CEO of IBM are Ginni Rometty. The work of IBM is to manufacture computer hardware and software and provide infrastructure, hosting and consulting services. The classification of its products can be categorized in different areas such as cloud computing, cognitive, data & analysis, IT infrastructure, etc.
IBM是International Business Machines的缩写 。 它是一家基于IT的跨国咨询公司,也是IT部门美国可信赖的品牌。 其总部位于纽约阿蒙克。 截至2012年1月, IBM现任总裁兼首席执行官是Ginni Rometty。 IBM的工作是制造计算机硬件和软件,并提供基础结构,托管和咨询服务。 其产品的分类可以分为不同领域,例如云计算,认知,数据与分析,IT基础架构等。
The services offered by IBM comprise,
Resiliency services
Security services
Technical support services etc.
In addition, it also provides a variety of enterprise and business solutions.
The design of the logo of the company "the 8 bar" is created by Paul Rand. The company is also famous as "Big Blue" because of the color which is blue in its logo and products.
Paul Rand创建了“ 8 bar”公司徽标的设计。 该公司还因其徽标和产品中的颜色为蓝色而被称为“蓝色巨人”。
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IBM简史 (IBM Brief History)
On June 16, 1911, The Company was established by Charles Ranlett Flint as the Computing Tabulating Recording Company (CTR). It was the outcome of the union of three companies; Tabulating Machine Company, International Time Recording Company, and Computing Scale Company.
1911年6月16日,查尔斯·兰莱特·弗林特(Charles Ranlett Flint)成立了公司,成为计算机制表唱片公司(CTR)。 这是三个公司联合的结果。 制表公司,国际时间记录公司和计算规模公司。
In 1914, Thomas J. Watson, Sr. from the National Cash Register Company joined the Computing Tabulating Recording Company.
1914年,来自国家收银机公司的Thomas J. Watson,Sr.加入了计算机制表记录公司。
In 1924, the name of CTR changed into International Business Machines (IBM).
1924年,CTR的名称更改为International Business Machines( IBM )。
In 1953, IBM's 701 defense calculator, the first computer was launched by IBM. It was a general-purpose electronic computer.
1953年,IBM公司的701防守计算器,第一台电脑是由IBM推出。 那是一台通用电子计算机。
In 1957, FORTRAN, a programming language developed by IBM.
In 1933, the exclusive rights for the electric typewriter are obtained by IBM and in 1935; an enhanced version of the typewriter was created by it.
1933年, IBM于1935年获得了电动打字机的专有权。 它创建了打字机的增强版本。
In 1956, 305 RAMAC, the first hard drive was launched by the company.
1956年,公司推出了第一台硬盘305 RAMAC。
In 1967, floppy disks were launched and changed the approach the method through which the data was saved and shifted.
In 1970, the first airline ticket vending kiosk was created by IBM in the collaboration with American Express and American Airlines.
1970年, IBM与美国运通和美国航空合作创建了首个机票售货亭。
In 1972, IBM 2984, the first ATM was made by IBM.
1972年,IBM 2984,第一ATM是由IBM制造的 。
In 1981, IBM PC, the first personal computer of IBM was launched.
1981年,IBM PC诞生,这是IBM的第一台个人计算机。
In 2012, in terms of the number of employees, it was ranked the second-largest U.S. Company which has around 4, 35,000 employees in numbers.
ibm mq的交互命令模式