iti axi dsp_ITI的完整形式是什么?

iti axi dsp

ITI:工业培训学院 (ITI: Industrial Training Institute)

ITI is an abbreviation of the Industrial Training Institute. It offers training in engineering and non-engineering technical fields. It is a post-secondary school in India which is comprised of the Directorate General of Employment of Training (DGET), Ministry of Labour & Employment Union Government of India. It offers training in a variety of trades such as Electrical, Mechanical, Computer Hardware, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning, Carpentry, Plumbing, Welding, Fitter, etc. These institutes are particularly founded to convey and teach technical knowledge to students who just cleared 10th standard and want to expand some technical knowledge as an alternative to pursuing the higher studies.

ITI是工业培训学院的缩写 。 它提供工程和非工程技术领域的培训。 它是印度的一所专上学校,由印度劳动和就业联盟政府部培训就业总局(DGET)组成。 它提供各种行业的培训,例如电气,机械,计算机硬件,制冷和空调,木工,水暖,焊接,钳工等。这些机构专门为向刚刚通过10年级考试的学生传达和教授技术知识而成立。作为标准,并希望扩展一些技术知识以替代追求更高水平的研究。

目的 (Objective)

  • The objective of founding ITI's was to offer technical knowledge to the quickly rising industrial sector.


  • The courses offered in the ITI's are designed to convey and teach the skills in a particular field.


  • After successful completion of the course, a student can go through Apprenticeship training in different industries.


  • The plan is executed by the Directorate General of Training under the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship with the objective that "Training conveyed and taught in Institutions alone is not enough for attainment and acquirement of skills and requires to be supplemented by training in the authentic workplace."


  • The practical training in an industry is compulsory to appear for the National Council of Vocational Training (NVCT) certificate.


  • ITIs are Government-run training organizations established in main cities of every state of India like Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Gujarat, Assam, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, etc.


ITI full form

Image source:


获得ITI入学的资格标准 (Eligibility Criteria to get admission in ITI)

  • The Candidate must have cleared the 10th standard from a renowned board. Or cleared any other examination which is accepted as 10th standard examination.

    候选人必须已经从著名的董事会清除了第十个标准。 或清除了其他任何第十种标准考试。

  • The candidate must have acquired at the minimum 35% aggregate.


  • At the time of admission, the candidate's age must be between 14 to 40 years.


德里的热门ITI大学 (Popular ITI Colleges in Delhi)

  • Ch. Brahm Parkash Industrial Training Institute, Jaffarpur, Delhi.

    频道 德里贾法布尔的勃拉姆·帕卡什工业培训学院。

  • Directorate General of Employment and Training DGE&T, New Delhi.


  • Industrial Training Institute, Mori Gate, Gokhle Road, Delhi.

    德里Gokhle路Mori Gate工业培训学院。

  • Industrial Training Institute, K Block, Jahangirpuri, Delhi.

    德里Jahangirpuri K Block工业培训学院。

  • Industrial Training Institute, Nand Nagari, Delhi.

    德里Nand Nagari工业培训学院。

  • Sarvodaya Industrial Training Institute, Durgapuri Extension, Shahdra, Delhi.


  • Sir C.V. Raman Industrial Training Institute, Near Burari Crossing Dheerpur, Delhi.


  • Industrial Training Institute, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi.

    德里Karol Bagh Pusa路工业培训学院。

  • Industrial Training Institute, D.S.I.D.C. Industrial Complex, Delhi.


  • Industrial Training Institute, Malviya Nagar, Delhi.

    德里Malviya Nagar工业培训学院。


iti axi dsp




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