

ASR:自动语音识别 (ASR: Automated Speech Recognition)

ASR stands for Automated Speech Recognition. With the help of this technology, spoken words can be easily converted to written text. What actually it does? It gives access to the computers to recognize the words spoken and process it out in a microphone or an input device which is connected to the computer.

ASR代表自动语音识别 。 借助这项技术,可以轻松将口语转换为书面文字。 实际上是什么呢? 它可以访问计算机以识别说出的单词,并在连接到计算机的麦克风或输入设备中对其进行处理。

ASR full form

Image source: http://www.techsoupforlibraries.org/blog/106-fascinating-voice-search-facts


ASR的类型 (Types of ASR)

To convert the spoken language into readable text, ASR can be taken into use. It is designed to perform such task. ASR is an independent software used for transcription.

要将口语转换为可读文本,可以使用ASR。 它旨在执行此类任务。 ASR是用于转录的独立软件。

ASR is mainly of two types as given below,


  1. Natural Language Conversation:


    In ASR, Natural Language Conversation is a more advanced version as well as a sophisticated one. When a user speaks something or gives someone written content to the computer, it reverts to the user depending on how it understood the provided content. With the help of Natural Language Conversation, one can easily interact with the computer with their common or natural language.

    在ASR中,自然语言会话既是高级版本,也是复杂版本。 当用户说出某些内容或向某人提供书面内容给计算机时,它会根据其对所提供内容的理解程度恢复为该用户。 借助自然语言对话,人们可以轻松地以其普通或自然语言与计算机进行交互。

  2. Direct Dialogue Conversations:


    In ASR, Direct Dialogue Conversations is the basic version. The machine acts as an interface between the user and the computer in this version. The machine contains some information of which word you need to speak to the computer to get the computer understands your words. It tells you to choose the word according to your suitability and speak to the computer with that word. Similarly, the machine answers whatever you have asked for to the computer. This technology is used in Automated Telephone Banking. With the help of this technology, they give the customers suitability to interact over the telephone for the wide-ranging financial transactions.

    在ASR中,直接对话对话是基本版本。 在此版本中,计算机充当用户与计算机之间的接口。 机器包含一些信息,您需要与计算机说出哪个单词才能使计算机理解您的单词。 它告诉您根据您的适合性选择单词,然后使用该单词与计算机对话。 同样,机器会向您的计算机回答您的要求。 自动电话银行中使用了此技术。 借助这项技术,他们使客户适合通过电话进行互动以进行广泛的金融交易。

ASR如何运作? (How does ASR works?)

Here are the stepwise details of how ASR works,


  1. With the help of microphones, the user inputs the word into the software.


  2. A wave file is created according to the input word with the help of the input device. Noises are removed from the background as well as the normalization of the volume of wave file is done.

    在输入设备的帮助下,根据输入的单词创建一个wave文件。 从背景中去除了噪音,并且完成了波形文件体积的标准化。

  3. These wave file after cleaning are broken into the phonemes. Phonemes are the smallest units of the sound. In the English language, there is a total of 44 phonemes.

    这些清洗后的波形文件会分解为音素。 音素是声音的最小单位。 在英语中,总共有44个音素。

  4. Beginning from the first, these phonemes are analyzed by the ASR software one by one. In order to make the complete sentence, it first analyzes whole words with the help of statistical probability analysis.

    从第一个开始,这些音素将由ASR软件逐一分析。 为了制作完整的句子,它首先借助统计概率分析来分析整个单词。

  5. In the end, ASR responds most efficiently with the proper understanding of the words.


ASR的优势 (Advantages of ASR)

  • It is faster than other technology


  • More accurate


  • Focused and flexible


  • Spell check doesn't require


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/asr-full-form.aspx





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