gif 格式 完整 检查_GIF的完整格式是什么?

gif 格式 完整 检查

GIF:图形交换格式 (GIF: Graphics Interchange Format)

GIF is an abbreviation of Graphics Interchange Format. It is extensively used for animations and still images on the World Wide Web. The image is set out is bitmap image and it consists of a file extension .gif. In 1987, It was launched by CompuServe. The chief idea behind its development is to create an image format that is independent of the platform. Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) lossless data compression method is used to compress GIF images. This method is used to diminish the size of the file without lowering the standard of the image.

GIF是Graphics Interchange Format的缩写 。 它被广泛用于万维网上的动画和静止图像。 该图像是位图图像,由文件扩展名.gif组成。 1987年,它由CompuServe推出。 其开发背后的主要思想是创建独立于平台的图像格式。 Lempel-Ziv-Welch(LZW)无损数据压缩方法用于压缩GIF图像。 此方法用于减小文件的大小而不会降低图像的标准。

The 8-bit format is used in GIF images which keep up with 256 colors. To make new colors, these 256 colors cannot be mixed. It is in-demand on the internet because of its small size and transportability and manageability specifications. It is contemplated prime for line art with a limited amount of colors, images with huge flat regions of color and images that require being high- spirited or animated.

8位格式用于保持256色的GIF图像。 为了产生新的颜色,不能混合这256种颜色。 由于其体积小,可传输性和可管理性规格,它在Internet上很受欢迎。 对于有限数量的颜色的线条艺术,具有巨大的平坦颜色区域的图像以及需要高昂的精神或生气勃勃的图像,可以考虑使用这种方法。

GIF full form

GIF版本 (Versions of GIF)

GIF categorized into two versions, which are given below,


  • In 1987, the first version was launched as GIF87a.


  • In 1989, the second version which was called GIF89a came into existence which was an extended version of the first version. It is used as a standard format till today.

    1989年,第二个版本GIF89a出现了,它是第一个版本的扩展版本。 直到今天,它仍是标准格式。

用法 (Usage)

  • GIFs are appropriate with a limited amount of colors for sharp-edged line art such as a logo.


  • LZW technique is used for data compression so there is no sign of agitation of data loss and it supports flat regions of constant color with effectively stated edges.


  • In small animations and low-resolution clips of film, it can be used.


  • In games, it can be used.


  • To merge GIF files with website background colors, it favors transparent backgrounds to be used.


优点 (Advantages)

  • As compared with other file formats, one of the prime benefits of using animated gifs is the size which can be comparatively smaller.


  • It helps in giving a highly professional look to a specific website having animation over a diverse background.


  • It can display movements and emotions that can’t be feasible for a well-organized image.


缺点 (Disadvantages)

  • Due to its limited color pattern, in comparison to other image files the animated images designed can sometimes look poorer.


  • Once the animation has already been coded into the authentic gif file, it cannot be edited.


  • It will end up showing a less prudent version of that file because the images will not load immediately when the connection lags a bit.



gif 格式 完整 检查





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