

SQL:结构化查询语言 (SQL: Structured Query Language)

SQL is an abbreviation of Structured Query Language. It is a programming language developed and designed for handling structured data in Relational Database Management System.

SQL是结构化查询语言的缩写 。 它是一种为在关系数据库管理系统中处理结构化数据而开发和设计的编程语言。

In the beginning, it was called a SEQUEL which is abbreviated by the full form Structured English Query Language developed for addition, updation or removal of data from inside the database. Afterward, it changed its name and called a Structured Query Language (SQL).

最初,它被称为SEQUEL ,它是为从数据库内部添加,更新或删除数据而开发的完整格式的结构化英语查询语言的缩写。 之后,它更改了名称并称为结构化查询语言(SQL)

SQL full form

历史 (History)

SQL from the beginning originated based on Relational Algebra and Tuple Relational Calculus. In the initial 1970s, SQL was designed and created by Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce at IBM. It was created for operating and recovering data stored in the actual quasi-relational database management system of IBM. Although in June 1979, the first commercial execution of SQL was launched by Relational Software for VAX computers. The standard "Database Language SQL" language definition was officially approved by standard groups ANSI and ISO in 1986.

SQL从一开始就起源于关系代数和元组关系演算。 在1970年代初期, SQL是由IBM的Donald D. Chamberlin和Raymond F. Boyce设计和创建的。 它是为操作和恢复存储在IBM实际的准关系数据库管理系统中的数据而创建的。 尽管在1979年6月,Relational Software为VAX计算机启动了SQL的第一个商业执行。 1986年,标准组ANSI和ISO正式批准了标准的“数据库语言SQL”语言定义。

SQL的应用 (Applications of SQL)

  • In writing Data Integration Scripts.


  • In operating analytical queries.


  • In retrieving information.


  • In the modification of mark designs and database table.


优点 (Advantages)

There are various advantages of Structured Query Language which are given in the following points,


  • There is no requirement to write a considerable amount of code by using the standard SQL, and that makes it very easy to handle the database systems.


  • Standards that are well stated and long-established are used by the SQL databases that are actually used by ISO and ANSI. NoSQL databases do not attach to any standards.

    ISO和ANSI实际使用SQL数据库使用已明确陈述和长期建立的标准。 NoSQL数据库不附加任何标准。

  • SQL can be used in the program in computer systems, servers, laptops, and even in a few smartphones.


  • SQL is an interactive domain language that can be used for sharing or exchanging information with the databases and in seconds be to give answers to the complicated questions.


  • SQL language can help the users to make multiple views of database structure and databases for distinct users.


缺点 (Disadvantages)

There are some disadvantages also of Structured Query Language which are given in the following points,


  • SQL has a complicated interface that makes it complex to access for some users.


  • In SQL, because of the hidden business rules, the programmers who use SQL don't have complete command over the database.


  • To ensure vendor lock-in, some of the databases move from proprietary extensions to standard SQL.


  • The operating value price of some SQL versions is so costly that it makes it strenuous for some programmers to access it.


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/sql-full-form.aspx






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