appweb ejs
HI! Welcome to NODE AND EJS TEMPLATE ENGINE SERIES. Today, we will see how we can work with EJS and routes?
嗨! 欢迎使用NODE和EJS模板引擎系列 。 今天,我们将看到如何使用EJS和路由?
A route is like a sub domain with it's own function or web page/document.
For Example: On most websites, we see: .../home, .../about, .../admin
例如:在大多数网站上,我们看到: ... / home,... / about,... / admin
Read basic about EJS, read this article: Node and EJS Template Engine Series | Introduction to EJS
阅读有关EJS的基础知识,阅读本文: 节点和EJS模板引擎系列| EJS简介
In this article, we'll set up an EJS file that will render an html file with a portion of JavaScript code which is variable gotten from the express server code.
在本文中,我们将设置一个EJS文件,该文件将呈现一部分JavaScript代码的html文件,该JavaScript代码是从express服务器代码获取的 。
In our app.js file, we will setup 2 routes. The first will be our root route (or home route) and the second will be a /user/:x route.
在我们的app.js文件中,我们将设置2条路由。 第一个是我们的根路由(或本地路由),第二个是/ user /:x路由。
The x represents user request under the route user.
We are going to write some code that will copy the user request and save it in a variable. To that, we will use req.params.x; where "x" represents the user request and will be saved in a variable called data.
我们将编写一些代码来复制用户请求并将其保存在变量中。 为此,我们将使用req.params.x;。 其中“ x”代表用户请求,将保存在名为data的变量中。
Finally, we then render the ejs file which will capture the content of the data variable and pass it to x in the EJS template.
More will be understood as you code.
Open your text editor and type the following code, Save as app.js.
打开文本编辑器,然后输入以下代码, 另存为app.js。
var express = require('express');
var ejs = require('ejs');
var app = express();
app.set('view engine', 'ejs');
app.get("/", function(req, res) { // root route or home route
res.send('welcome to home page');
app.get("/user/:x", function(req, res) { // user route
var data = req.params.x;
res.render("user.ejs", {
x: data
app.listen(3000, function() {
console.log("server is listening!!!");
Now, let's create our ejs file.
Open a text editor and type the following code, Save as user.ejs
打开文本编辑器,然后输入以下代码, 另存为user.ejs
<h1><%= message%><h1>
Create a folder in your app.js directory called views as usual.
Cut and paste the ejs file in the views folder.
将ejs文件剪切并粘贴到views文件夹中 。
Take Note: The folder name views is not a random word I selected but it's the reserved folder name where express checks for template engine by default.
In our express server we used app.set () and passed in our template engine unlike our other examples.
Finally, initiate the app.js file with node app.js in a terminal and view the port in a browser. localhost:3000
最后,在终端中使用节点app.js初始化app.js文件,并在浏览器中查看端口。 本地主机:3000
Or for those using nodemon, use
In our browser, we realize that whatever we type after that /user route is used by the ejs template.
在我们的浏览器中,我们意识到ejs模板使用在/ user路由之后键入的任何内容。
We can also add, some basic JavaScript functionalities such as the toUpperCase() method.
Thanks for coding with me! Feel free to drop a comment or question.
感谢您与我编码! 随意发表评论或问题。
appweb ejs