

The software primarily consists of Computer Programs and the associated documentation. We all know that the computer program is the baseline of the entire software, but the documentation part is also as important as the programming part. This is because the program which is developed by the developer(s) is known only to them. To make it understandable to others, it must be explained how it functions. Now, the developer cannot explain the program code and the operating procedures to each person. So, to resolve this problem, the documentation of the program is done.

该软件主要由计算机程序和相关文档组成。 众所周知,计算机程序是整个软件的基础,但是文档部分与编程部分同样重要。 这是因为由开发人员开发的程序仅对他们是已知的。 为了使其他人理解它,必须说明它的功能。 现在,开发人员无法向每个人解释程序代码和操作过程。 因此,要解决此问题,请完成程序文档。

The documentation contains everything about the program code of the software. How it works, how the operations are being performed in it, how we can operate that software, everything. So, with the help of this, any person (user) who know nothing about that software can know how to operate it and work with it.

该文档包含有关软件程序代码的所有内容。 它是如何工作的,如何在其中执行操作,我们如何操作该软件等等。 因此,借助于此,对该软件一无所知的任何人(用户)都可以知道如何操作该软件以及如何使用该软件。

Documentation not only helps the users which are present at the final level of the software production, it is also very efficient in explaining the time to time developments in the software while its building and development process itself because a software is developed by so many people and not by a single person. So, each person that is involved in its development must know what and how much work has been done on the software. So, for this, the person can simply refer to the documentation that has been made. So, it is also important that a proper documentation of the software is prepared form time to time while the development phase of the project itself.

文档不仅在软件生产的最终阶段为用户提供了帮助,而且在解释软件开发和开发过程本身的时间方面也非常有效,因为软件是由许多人和许多人开发的。不是一个人。 因此,参与其开发的每个人都必须知道在该软件上进行了哪些工作以及完成了多少工作。 因此,为此,该人员可以简单地参考所制作的文档。 因此,在项目本身的开发阶段不时准备适当的软件文档也很重要。

There are mainly four types of documentations that are prepared for any software:


software documentation

Each of these manual is for the different phases of the Software,


  1. The analysis and specifications Manual:


    The analysis and specifications manual is for the Requirement analysis phase.


  2. The Design Manual:


    The Design manual involves all the details about the design of the project that is done after the requirement analysis has been done (i.e. in the Designing phase).


  3. The Implementation Manual:


    This manual involves each addition or modification that is done while the software is in the development phase. When different developers together work on any project, they refer the implementation manual time to time to keep track of all the final changes that have been made by the other developers in the software program.

    本手册涉及软件在开发阶段时所做的每次添加或修改。 当不同的开发人员一起从事任何项目时,他们会不时参考实施手册,以跟踪其他开发人员在软件程序中所做的所有最终更改。

  4. The Testing manual:


    The testing manual consists of the results that the software produces on providing specific inputs. The tester checks the software on different levels and notes the results as produced by the software. This testing manual is then referred before finalizing the software. If the results produced by the software are not satisfactory, then it is again sent for some modifications and improvements. Else, the project is finalized and released to the users.

    测试手册由软件在提供特定输入时产生的结果组成。 测试人员在不同级别上检查软件,并记录软件产生的结果。 在完成软件之前,请先参考本测试手册。 如果软件产生的结果不令人满意,则将其再次发送以进行一些修改和改进。 否则,该项目将最终确定并发布给用户。

After the software is released to the users, there are separate documentations for the users for understanding and operating the software. Those are included in the Operating Procedures.

在向用户发布软件之后,有单独的文档供用户理解和操作软件。 这些都包含在“操作程序”中。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/basics/the-software-documentation.aspx





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