
紫外线:紫外线 (UV: Ultraviolet)

UV is an abbreviation of Ultraviolet. In RO water purifiers, the bacteria or germs which are present in the water cannot get killed by reverse osmosis process but this process can banish the dissolved solids and ions. These types of bacteria and germs can be killed by the UV rays. Therefore, in almost all of the RO water purifiers, the water is made to proceed through the UV radiation source tube. It reveals the water to UV radiation that destroys the injurious bacteria and germs.

UV是紫外线的缩写 。 在RO净水器中 , 水中存在的细菌或细菌无法通过反渗透过程杀死,但是该过程可以清除溶解的固体和离子。 这些类型的细菌和细菌可以被紫外线杀死。 因此,在几乎所有的RO净水器中,使水流过UV辐射源管。 它向紫外线揭示了水,这些水可以消灭有害的细菌和细菌。

UV full form

Image source: https://www.arpansa.gov.au/sites/default/files/legacy/images/basics/uvabc.gif


紫外线的优点 (Advantages of UV)

  • The human body requires UV from the Sun to produce vitamin D. Vitamin D aids make stronger bones, muscles and immune system of the body.


  • The cure for skin conditions is done by using UV such as psoriasis. The shedding of cells too rapidly and the development of itchy and scaly patches by the skin occur in this condition. The expansion of the skin cells slows down and relieves the symptoms due to revelation to UV.

    通过使用紫外线(如牛皮癣)来治愈皮肤疾病。 在这种情况下,细胞脱落得太快,皮肤发痒和鳞片化。 由于暴露于紫外线,皮肤细胞的扩张减慢并缓解症状。

  • To produce certain chemicals called 'tryptamines', the sunlight stimulates the pineal gland in the brain suggested by the research. Enhancement of a person's mood is happened by these chemicals.

    为了产生某些称为“色胺”的化学物质,阳光刺激了研究表明的大脑中的松果体。 这些化学物质会增强人的情绪。

  • To trace many ripe fruits, flowers, and seeds that emerge out more strongly from the background, few animals comprising birds, bees and reptiles are capable of to observe into the near UV light.


  • As a reference for navigation in flight, lots of insects use UV emissions from celestial objects. This is the reason; a light at times attracts flying insects by making troublesome in their navigation process.

    作为飞行中的参考,许多昆虫都利用天体的紫外线辐射。 这就是原因; 一盏灯有时会使飞行过程中的麻烦事吸引飞行中的昆虫。

紫外线的缺点 (Disadvantages of UV)

  • UV is an ecological human carcinogen. It's the most significant and widespread cancer-causing agent in our surroundings.

    紫外线是一种生态人类致癌物。 它是我们周围环境中最重要,最广泛的致癌剂。

  • When skin cells are damaged then there is a burn occurs which is called Sunburn. The absorption of energy from UV rays is caused by damage to the skin.

    当皮肤细胞受损时,会发生灼伤,称为晒伤。 紫外线对能量的吸收是由于皮肤受损引起的。

  • On the immune system, over-exposure to UV radiation has a detrimental suppressing outcome.


  • Damaging of the tissues of eyes occurs due to extended revelation to UV or high intensities of UV and can become a reason for a 'burning' of the eye surface, which is called as 'snow blindness' or photokeratitis.


  • UV destroys the collagen and connective tissue under the top layer of the skin which speeds up the aging of the skin.


  • Lots of polymers used in consumer items comprising plastics, nylon, and polystyrene are wrecked down or be unable to find strength due to revelation to UV light.


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/uv-full-form.aspx




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