
做网站的艰辛,市场调研报告范文大全,国内时事新闻2021最新,wordpress怎么仿站之前一般做自动化测试用的是unitest框架,发现pytest同样不错,写一个例子感受一下 test_sample.py import cx_Oracle import config from send_message import send_message from insert_cainiao_oracle import insert_cainiao_oracledef test_cainiao_mo…



import cx_Oracle
import config
from send_message import send_message
from insert_cainiao_oracle import insert_cainiao_oracledef test_cainiao_monitor():"""查询数据库信息对比数据是否满足要求,如不满足则发送短信通知,并写入数据库。:return:"""sql = "select COUNT(*) from AVGINDEX t WHERE t.STATDATE = '2019-09-11'"conn = cx_Oracle.connect(config.name, config.password, config.host_port_sid)cursor = conn.cursor()cursor.execute(sql)data = cursor.fetchall()print(data)print(data[0][0])conn.commit()cursor.close()  # 关闭游标conn.close()  # 关闭数据库连接try:assert data[0][0] == 18# 如断言失败,则会抛出AssertionError异常,将此异常捕获,继续执行下面的发送短信和插入数据库操作,# 如果不捕获则断言失败后不继续执行下方代码except AssertionError as e:print('断言失败了')print(e)content = '查询结果为%s条,不等于18条!' % data[0][0]# 发短信方法send_message(content, [18*********])# 信息入库方法insert_cainiao_oracle(1, content)


pytest test_sample.py --html=report.html









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Docker 入门(4)镜像与容器

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原文:https://www.cnblogs.com/peiminer/p/9376352.html  之前我写的unittest的setup和teardown,还有setupClass和teardownClass(需要配合classmethod装饰器一起使用),接下来就介绍pytest的类似于这类的固件。 &#…

如何开始使用任何类型的数据? - 第1部分

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iHealth基于Docker的DevOps CI/CD实践



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leetcode 938. 二叉搜索树的范围和

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For many people, the idea of ​​staying home actually sounded good at first. This process was really efficient for Netflix and Amazon. But then sad truths awaited us. What was boring was the number of dead and intubated patients one after the other. We al…

iOS 开发一定要尝试的 Texture(ASDK)

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1 命名规范 1.1 Go是一门区分大小写的语言。 命名规则涉及变量、常量、全局函数、结构、接口、方法等的命名。 Go语言从语法层面进行了以下限定:任何需要对外暴露的名字必须以大写字母开头,不需要对外暴露的则应该以小写字母开头。 当命名&#xff08…


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css flexbox模型_如何将Flexbox后备添加到CSS网格

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