
网站优化具体怎么做,信息发布平台推广有哪些,wordpress数据库,开发小程序商城多少钱笑话生成器(If you’re just here for the generated jokes, scroll down to the bottom!)(如果您只是在这里生成笑话,请向下滚动到底部!) I thought: what is super easy to build, yet would still get an approving chuckle if someone found it on …


(If you’re just here for the generated jokes, scroll down to the bottom!)


I thought: what is super easy to build, yet would still get an approving chuckle if someone found it on my github page? Obviously, a Dad Joke generator.

我以为:什么是超级容易构建的,但是如果有人在我的github页面上找到它,仍然会发出欢笑吗? 显然,是爸爸的笑话发生器。

The first thing I did, was think: how exactly do dad jokes work? Let’s make up a few random dad jokes (these are pretty good, right?):

我做的第一件事是想:爸爸的笑话到底是如何工作的? 让我们弥补一些随机的父亲笑话(这些都很好,对吧?):

What do you call a greedy animal living in the sea?
A selfish.Which australian animal is known for it’s southern hospitality?
A koalabamaWhat do you call a freezing, chicken-like creature?
A cold turkey.

Alright, so let’s try to create three types of jokes that follow this pattern.


第1部分:数据集 (Part 1: The dataset)

I first tried to create a dataset of words and their definitions. My first instinct was to take a dictionary, but dictionary results are much too technical and, frankly, confusing. Look at this example for fish:

我首先尝试创建单词及其定义的数据集。 我的第一个本能是拿一本字典,但是字典的结果太技术性了,坦率地说,令人困惑。 看一下这个鱼的例子:

fishany of various cold-blooded, aquatic vertebrates, having gills, commonly fins, and typically an elongated body covered with scales.(loosely) any of various other aquatic animals.the flesh of fishes used as food.(Informal) a person.a long strip of wood, iron, etc., used to strengthen a mast, joint, etc.

捕捞各种冷血,水生脊椎动物中的任何一种,具有g,通常为鳍,并且通常是被鳞片覆盖的细长体。(疏松地)其他各种水生动物中的任何一种。 (非正式)一个人。 用来加固桅杆,接头等的长条木头,铁等。

Alright, so how about wikipedia?


Fish are gill-bearing aquatic craniate animals that lack limbs with digits


Okay, so then my “selfish” joke would become something like:


What is greedy and are gill-bearing aquatic craniate animals that lack limbs with digits?
A sel-fish

That’s still a bit too technical for me. So where could I find descriptions of words that even a child would understand? Well, by using a children’s dictionary of course!

对我来说,这仍然有点技术性。 那么我在哪里可以找到甚至是孩子都能理解的单词描述呢? 好吧,当然要使用儿童词典 !

Fish: an animal that lives in water and has fins for swimming and gills for breathing


That’s just perfect! That would turn my joke into:

太完美了! 那会把我的笑话变成:

What is greedy and an animal that lives in water and has fins for swimming and gills for breathing?
A sel-fish

Alright, that’s good enough. I created a dataset of words by scraping about 2000 words from that children’s dictionary to generate something like this:

好吧,这已经足够了。 我通过从该儿童字典中抓取大约2000个单词来生成单词的数据集,以生成如下内容:

length:noun:the distance from one end of a thing to the other.
good:adjective:having qualities that are desired.
dog:noun:a furry animal with four legs, a pointed nose, and a tail.
prisoner:noun:a person who is held in a jail or prison while on trial or after being sentenced for a crime.
Image for post
What do you call a greedy animal living in the sea?

第2部分:捉到一条小鱼 (Part 2: Catching a sel-fish)

Okay, so now that we have a dataset, the first type of joke was pretty simple: looking at all possible pairs of our words, find words that end or start with the other word.


for word1,desc1 in words:
for word2,desc2 in words:
if word2.startswith(word2):
print(f"What do you call a kind of {word1} that is {desc2}?")
print(f"a {word1+word2}")

Which generated something like this:


What do you call a kind of leg that is a group of people within a government that has the power to make or change laws?
A legislature

This wasn’t really working for me, and I also suddenly realized that joke 1 and joke 2 actually followed the same pattern: overlap between the words (whether whole or partial). So instead I wrote something that combined both.

这对我来说并不是真正的工作,我也突然意识到笑话1和笑话2实际上遵循相同的模式:单词之间重叠(无论是整体还是局部)。 因此,我写了一些结合了两者的东西。

第3部分:去koalabama (Part 3: Going to koalabama)

Alright, so both for “koalabama” and for “selfish”, the key is that they have overlapping parts of the words. The only difference is that for selfish, the word “fish” is entire part of the word “selfish”, whereas “koala” and “alabama” both have characters that are not in the other word.

好吧,所以对于“ koalabama”和“自私”来说,关键是它们的单词具有重叠部分。 唯一的区别是,为了自私,“鱼”一词是“自私”一词的整个部分,而“考拉”和“阿拉巴马”都具有另一个词中没有的字符。

Regardless, I rewrote the logic a little bit to something like this:


for word1,desc1 in words:
for word2,desc2 in words:
if overlap(word1, word2):
print(f"What do you call a kind of {word1} that is {desc2}?")
print(f"a {combine(word1, word2)}")

Which yielded this:


What do you call a kind of energy that is a tiny section of a chromosome?
A genenergyWhat do you call a kind of tail that is a small item; a particular?
A detailWhat do you call a kind of anniversary that is a polite and honorable man?
A gentlemanniversaryWhat do you call a kind of era that is a play in which all or most of the words are sung and the music is played by an orchestra?
An opera

Alright, that’s working! the jokes are pretty lame, but that’s what dad jokes are supposed to be.

好吧,那很好! 这些笑话很la脚,但这就是爸爸的笑话。

Image for post
What do you call a freezing, chicken-like creature?

第四部分:去火鸡 (Part 4: Going cold turkey)

So that's two of our first jokes tackled, let's tackle the third one. The funny thing about a “cold turkey” is that, aside from being “cold” and a “turkey”, it’s also something else entirely. So what we’re looking for is a set of words which together have another, third meaning.

这是我们解决的第一个笑话,其中两个是我们解决的第三个笑话。 关于“冷火鸡”的有趣之处在于,除了“冷”和“火鸡”外,它还完全是另外一回事。 因此,我们正在寻找的是一组具有另一种第三种含义的单词。

Given our limited dataset, let’s see what words we can combine to find a third word that is also in the data:


cat fish catfish
door way doorway
life time lifetime
share holder shareholder
frame work framework
cup board cupboard
fire wood firewood
mess age message
pass age passage
work shop workshop
percent age percentage
bed room bedroom
car pet carpet
rail way railway
cover age coverage
class room classroom
land lord landlord
sea lion sea lion
sea son season
blue whale blue whale
birth day birthday
rain forest rain forest
bath room bathroom
week end weekend

Okay, not so many combinations there, but we can create jokes with them, and increase the size of the dataset later. This is the pseudocode that I used to create the next jokes:

好的,那里没有太多组合,但是我们可以用它们创建笑话,并在以后增加数据集的大小。 这是我用来创建下一个笑话的伪代码:

for word1,desc1 in words:
for word2,desc2 in words:
for mix in [word1+word2, word1+"-"+word2, word1+" "+word2]:
if mix in words:
print(f"What do you call {combined_desc(desc1, desc2)}?")
print(f"a {mix}")

Which resulted in:


What do you call a small, furry mammal with whiskers, short ears, and a long tail that lives in water and has fins for swimming and gills for breathing?
A catfishWhat do you call an opening through which one enters or leaves a room or building and a road or path leading from one place to another?
A doorwayWhat do you call the state of being that can never be turned back?
A lifetime

The catfish one is funny to me, but the others are not. Still, it works pretty well.

fish鱼对我很有趣,而其他人则不那么有趣。 尽管如此,它仍然运行良好。

第五部分:强迫的笑声 (Part 5: Forced chuckles)

Alright, so putting everything together, let’s generate a bunch of dad jokes:


What do you call a kind of infant that is a soft, light gray metal that is one of the chemical elements?
A tinfant (tin+infant)What do you call a kind of attendance that is a white or yellow oily substance found in some parts of animals or plants?
A fattendance (fat+attendance)What do you call the color of a clear sky which lives in the water?
A blue whale (blue+whale)What do you call a kind of airplane that is to put in good condition again after damage has been done; fix?
A repairplane (repair+airplane)What do you call a kind of mountain that is measure; quantity?
An amountain (amount+mountain)What do you call the solid part of the earth's surface and a person who rules?
A landlord (land+lord)What do you call a kind of plaintiff that is an act of complaining?
A complaintiff (complaint+plaintiff)What do you call an automobile and a tame animal people keep in their homes as a companion or for pleasure?
A carpet (car+pet)What do you call a kind of intervention that is the season of the year between autumn and spring?
A wintervention (winter+intervention)What do you call a kind of cancer that is great value; importance?
A significancer (significance+cancer)What do you call a kind of spectrum that is the state or condition of being thought of with honor or admiration; such admiration itself?
A respectrum (respect+spectrum)

I mean, they’re not as good as my own jokes, but they’re pretty close ;)Next steps could include: — making use of the part-of-speech of a word, such as noun or verb. — expanding the dataset with more words. — setting up a simple website that shows random dad jokes. — applying NLP to turn sentences like “What do you call an automobile and a tame animal people keep in their homes as a companion or for pleasure?” into “What do you call an automobile which people keep in their homes as a companion or for pleasure?”

我的意思是,他们还不如我自己的笑话,但他们非常接近;)接下来的步骤可能包括: -利用部分的词性的单词,如名词或动词。 —用更多的单词扩展数据集 。 —建立一个显示随机父亲笑话的简单网站 。 -用NLP来转述诸如“您如何称呼汽车和驯服的动物,人们作为伴侣或为了娱乐而留在家中?”这样的句子 变成“您所说的人们作为伴侣或出于娱乐目的而在家中保管的汽车?”

You can find the code (and all 1710 generated jokes) here:

您可以在这里找到代码(以及所有1710个生成的笑话): https : //






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