Azure 国际版与中国版服务列表对(2020年6月版)

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我分别从国内/国际版Azure的后台管理 > 所有服务列表里复制整理出来以下数据,以便直观对比。为了保证公平,双方数据均以采用同样标准做去重、去错处理。

数据截至 2020年6月6日

国际版 Azure (共300项)

  1. Activity log    

  2. AD Connect    

  3. Advisor    

  4. Alerts    

  5. Analysis Services    

  6. API Connections    

  7. API Management services    

  8. App Configuration    

  9. App proxy    

  10. App registrations    

  11. App Service Certificates    

  12. App Service Domains    

  13. App Service Environments    

  14. App Service plans    

  15. App Services    

  16. AppDynamics    

  17. Application Change Analysis    Preview    

  18. Application gateways    

  19. Application groups    Preview    

  20. Application Insights    

  21. Application security groups    

  22. Aspera Server On Demand    

  23. Automation Accounts    

  24. Availability sets    

  25. Azure Active Directory    

  26. Azure AD Authentication methods    

  27. Azure AD B2C    

  28. Azure AD Conditional Access    

  29. Azure AD Connect Health    

  30. Azure AD Domain Services    

  31. Azure AD Identity Protection    

  32. Azure AD Identity Secure Score    

  33. Azure AD Named locations    

  34. Azure AD Password protection    

  35. Azure AD Privileged Identity Management    

  36. Azure AD Risk detections    

  37. Azure AD Risky sign-ins    

  38. Azure AD Risky users    

  39. Azure AD Security    

  40. Azure API for FHIR    

  41. Azure Arc    Preview    

  42. Azure Blockchain Service    Preview    

  43. Azure Cache for Redis    

  44. Azure Cosmos DB    

  45. Azure Data Explorer Clusters    

  46. Azure Database for MariaDB servers    

  47. Azure Database for MySQL servers    

  48. Azure Database for PostgreSQL servers    

  49. Azure Database Migration Services    

  50. Azure Databricks    

  51. Azure DevOps organizations    

  52. Azure Digital Twins    Preview    

  53. Azure Information Protection    

  54. Azure Lighthouse    

  55. Azure Maps Accounts    

  56. Azure Maps Creator Resources    Preview    

  57. Azure Migrate    

  58. Azure Monitor Private Link Scopes    

  59. Azure Monitors for SAP Solutions    Preview    

  60. Azure NetApp Files    

  61. Azure OSS    

  62. Azure Quantum    

  63. Azure Sentinel    

  64. Azure Spring Cloud    Preview    

  65. Azure SQL    

  66. Azure Stack Edge / Data Box Gateway    

  67. Azure Synapse Analytics (formerly SQL DW)    

  68. Azure Synapse Analytics (workspaces   preview)    Preview    

  69. Azure Workbooks    

  70. Bastions    

  71. Batch accounts    

  72. Batch AI    

  73. Bing Maps API for Enterprise    

  74. Blueprints    Preview    

  75. Bonsai    

  76. Bot Services    

  77. CDN profiles    

  78. Citrix Virtual Apps Essentials    

  79. Citrix Virtual Desktops Essentials    

  80. Classic Dev Services    

  81. Client apps    

  82. Cloud services (classic)    

  83. CloudAMQP    

  84. CloudMonix    

  85. CloudSimple Nodes    

  86. CloudSimple Services    

  87. CloudSimple Virtual Machines    

  88. Cognitive Services    

  89. Connections    

  90. Container instances    

  91. Container registries    

  92. Content Moderator    

  93. Cost Management + Billing    

  94. Crypteron    

  95. Customer Lockbox for Microsoft Azure    

  96. Data Box    

  97. Data Catalog    

  98. Data Collection Rules    Preview    

  99. Data factories    

  100. Data Lake Analytics    

  101. Data Lake Storage Gen1    

  102. Data Share Invitations    

  103. Data Shares    

  104. DDoS protection plans    

  105. Deep Security SaaS    

  106. Deployment Scripts    Preview    

  107. Device compliance    

  108. Device configuration    

  109. Device enrollment    

  110. Device Provisioning Services    

  111. Devices    

  112. DevOps Starter    

  113. DevTest Labs    

  114. Diagnostics settings    

  115. Disk Encryption Sets    

  116. Disks    

  117. Disks (classic)    

  118. DNS zones    

  119. eBooks    

  120. Education    

  121. Elastic Job agents    Preview    

  122. Enterprise applications    

  123. Event Grid Domains    

  124. Event Grid Partner Topics    

  125. Event Grid Subscriptions    

  126. Event Grid System Topics    

  127. Event Grid Topics    

  128. Event Hubs    

  129. Event Hubs Clusters    

  130. Exchange access    

  131. ExpressRoute circuits    

  132. Extended Security Updates    Preview    

  133. Firewall Manager    Preview    

  134. Firewall Policies    Preview    

  135. Firewalls    

  136. Free services    

  137. Front Doors    

  138. Function App    

  139. Genomics accounts    

  140. Groups    

  141. HDInsight clusters    

  142. Help + support    

  143. Hive Streaming    

  144. Host groups    

  145. Host pools    Preview    

  146. Hosts    

  147. HPC caches    

  148. Identity Governance    

  149. Image definitions    

  150. Image versions    

  151. Images    

  152. Import/export jobs    

  153. Instance pools    

  154. Integration accounts    

  155. Integration Service Environments    

  156. Internet Analyzer profiles    Preview    

  157. Intune    

  158. Intune App Protection    

  159. Intune for Education    

  160. IoT Central Applications    

  161. IoT Hub    

  162. IP Groups    Preview    

  163. Key vaults    

  164. Kubernetes services    

  165. Lab Services    

  166. LiveArena Broadcast    

  167. Load balancers    

  168. Local network gateways    

  169. Log Analytics workspaces    

  170. Logic Apps    

  171. Logic Apps Custom Connector    

  172. Machine Learning    

  173. Machine Learning Studio (classic) web   service plans    

  174. Machine Learning Studio (classic) web   services    

  175. Machine Learning Studio (classic)   workspaces    

  176. Machines - Azure Arc    Preview    

  177. Mailjet Email Service    

  178. Maintenance Configurations    

  179. Managed applications    

  180. Managed applications center (preview)    

  181. Managed databases    

  182. Managed Desktop    

  183. Managed Identities    

  184. Managed networks    Preview    

  185. Management groups    

  186. Marketplace    

  187. Media Services    

  188. Mesh applications    Preview    

  189. Metrics    

  190. Monitor    

  191. Multi-Factor Authentication    

  192. My customers    

  193. MyCloudIT - Azure Desktop Hosting    

  194. MyGet - Hosted NuGet, NPM, Bower and Vsix    

  195. NAT gateways    

  196. Network interfaces    

  197. Network security groups    

  198. Network security groups (classic)    

  199. Network Watcher    

  200. Notification Hub Namespaces    

  201. Notification Hubs    

  202. On-premises Data Gateways    

  203. OpenShift clusters    

  204. Operation log (classic)    

  205. OS images (classic)    

  206. Peering Services    

  207. Peerings    

  208. PokitDok Platform    

  209. Policy    

  210. Power BI Embedded    

  211. Power Platform    Preview    

  212. Private DNS zones    

  213. Private Link    Preview    

  214. Proximity placement groups    

  215. Public IP addresses    

  216. Public IP Prefixes    

  217. Quickstart Center    

  218. RavenHQ    

  219. Raygun    

  220. Recovery Services vaults    

  221. Relays    

  222. Remote Rendering Accounts    Preview    

  223. Reservations    

  224. Reserved IP addresses (classic)    

  225. Resource Explorer    

  226. Resource Graph Explorer    

  227. Resource Graph queries    

  228. Resource groups    

  229. RevAPM CDN    

  230. Roles    

  231. Rollouts    

  232. Route filters    

  233. Route tables    

  234. SAP HANA on Azure    Preview    

  235. Scheduler Job Collections    

  236. Search services    

  237. Security    

  238. Security Baselines    

  239. Security Center    

  240. SendGrid Accounts    

  241. Service Bus    

  242. Service catalog managed application   definitions    

  243. Service endpoint policies    

  244. Service Fabric clusters    

  245. Service Health    

  246. Service providers    

  247. Shared dashboards    

  248. Shared image galleries    

  249. SignalR    

  250. Signiant Flight    

  251. Snapshots    

  252. Software as a Service (SaaS)    

  253. Software updates    

  254. Solutions    

  255. SparkPost    

  256. Spatial Anchors Accounts    

  257. SQL databases    

  258. SQL elastic pools    

  259. SQL managed instances    

  260. SQL Server registries    Preview    

  261. SQL Server stretch databases    

  262. SQL servers    

  263. SQL virtual machines    

  264. Stackify    

  265. Static Web Apps (Preview)    

  266. Storage accounts    

  267. Storage accounts (classic)    

  268. Storage explorer    Preview    

  269. Storage Sync Services    

  270. StorSimple Data Managers    

  271. StorSimple Device Managers    

  272. Stream Analytics jobs    

  273. Subscriptions    

  274. Tags    

  275. Templates    Preview    

  276. Tenant properties    

  277. Tenant status    

  278. The Identity Hub    

  279. Time Series Insights access policies    

  280. Time Series Insights environments    

  281. Time Series Insights event sources    

  282. Time Series Insights reference data sets    

  283. Traffic Manager profiles    

  284. Troubleshoot    

  285. User privacy    

  286. User settings    

  287. Users    

  288. Virtual clusters    

  289. Virtual machine scale sets    

  290. Virtual machines    

  291. Virtual machines (classic)    

  292. Virtual network gateways    

  293. Virtual networks    

  294. Virtual networks (classic)    

  295. Virtual WANs    

  296. VM images (classic)    

  297. Web Application Firewall policies (WAF)    

  298. Windows 10 IoT Core Services    

  299. Windows Virtual Desktop    Preview    

  300. Workspaces    Preview    

Azure 中国版 (共 178 项)

  1. Activity log    

  2. AD Connect    

  3. Advisor    

  4. Alerts    

  5. Analysis Services    

  6. API Connections    

  7. API Management services    

  8. App proxy    

  9. App registrations    

  10. App Service Certificates    

  11. App Service Domains    

  12. App Service Environments    

  13. App Service plans    

  14. App Services    

  15. Application gateways    

  16. Application Insights    

  17. Application security groups    

  18. Automation Accounts    

  19. Availability sets    

  20. Azure Active Directory    

  21. Azure AD Authentication methods    

  22. Azure AD B2C    

  23. Azure AD Conditional Access    

  24. Azure AD Named locations    

  25. Azure AD Password protection    

  26. Azure AD Privileged Identity Management    

  27. Azure Cache for Redis    

  28. Azure Cosmos DB    

  29. Azure Data Explorer Clusters    

  30. Azure Database for MariaDB servers    

  31. Azure Database for MySQL servers    

  32. Azure Database for PostgreSQL servers    

  33. Azure Database Migration Services    

  34. Azure Synapse Analytics (formerly SQL DW)    

  35. Azure Workbooks    

  36. Bastions    

  37. Batch accounts    

  38. Blueprints    Preview    

  39. CDN profiles    

  40. Client apps    

  41. Cloud services (classic)    

  42. Cognitive Services    

  43. Connections    

  44. Container instances    

  45. Container registries    

  46. Cost Management + Billing    

  47. Data Collection Rules    Preview    

  48. Data factories    

  49. Device compliance    

  50. Device configuration    

  51. Device enrollment    

  52. Device Provisioning Services    

  53. Devices    

  54. Diagnostics settings    

  55. Disks    

  56. Disks (classic)    

  57. DNS zones    

  58. eBooks    

  59. Elastic Job agents    Preview    

  60. Enterprise applications    

  61. Event Grid Domains    

  62. Event Grid Subscriptions    

  63. Event Grid System Topics    

  64. Event Grid Topics    

  65. Event Hubs    

  66. Event Hubs Clusters    

  67. Exchange access    

  68. ExpressRoute circuits    

  69. Firewalls    

  70. Function App    

  71. Groups    

  72. HDInsight clusters    

  73. Help + support    

  74. Host groups    

  75. Hosts    

  76. Identity Governance    

  77. Image definitions    

  78. Image versions    

  79. Images    

  80. Import/export jobs    

  81. Instance pools    

  82. Integration accounts    

  83. Intune    

  84. Intune App Protection    

  85. Intune for Education    

  86. IoT Central Applications    

  87. IoT Hub    

  88. Key vaults    

  89. Kubernetes services    

  90. Load balancers    

  91. Local network gateways    

  92. Log Analytics workspaces    

  93. Logic Apps    

  94. Machine Learning    

  95. Maintenance Configurations    

  96. Managed applications    

  97. Managed applications center (preview)    

  98. Managed databases    

  99. Managed Identities    

  100. Management groups    

  101. Marketplace    

  102. Media Services    

  103. Metrics    

  104. Monitor    

  105. MySQL Database on Azure    

  106. NAT gateways    

  107. Network interfaces    

  108. Network security groups    

  109. Network security groups (classic)    

  110. Network Watcher    

  111. Notification Hub Namespaces    

  112. Notification Hubs    

  113. On-premises Data Gateways    

  114. Operation log (classic)    

  115. OS images (classic)    

  116. Policy    

  117. Power BI Embedded    

  118. Private DNS zones    

  119. Private Link    Preview    

  120. Proximity placement groups    

  121. Public IP addresses    

  122. Public IP Prefixes    

  123. Quickstart Center    

  124. Recovery Services vaults    

  125. Relays    

  126. Reserved IP addresses (classic)    

  127. Resource Explorer    

  128. Resource Graph Explorer    

  129. Resource Graph queries    

  130. Resource groups    

  131. Roles    

  132. Route filters    

  133. Route tables    

  134. Scheduler Job Collections    

  135. Search services    

  136. Security    

  137. Security Baselines    

  138. Security Center    

  139. Service Bus    

  140. Service catalog managed application   definitions    

  141. Service Fabric clusters    

  142. Service Health    

  143. Shared dashboards    

  144. Shared image galleries    

  145. SignalR    

  146. Snapshots    

  147. Software updates    

  148. Solutions    

  149. SQL databases    

  150. SQL elastic pools    

  151. SQL managed instances    

  152. SQL Server stretch databases    

  153. SQL servers    

  154. Storage accounts    

  155. Storage accounts (classic)    

  156. Stream Analytics jobs    

  157. Subscriptions    

  158. Tags    

  159. Tenant properties    

  160. Tenant status    

  161. Time Series Insights access policies    

  162. Time Series Insights environments    

  163. Time Series Insights event sources    

  164. Time Series Insights reference data sets    

  165. Traffic Manager profiles    

  166. Troubleshoot    

  167. User privacy    

  168. User settings    

  169. Users    

  170. Virtual clusters    

  171. Virtual machine scale sets    

  172. Virtual machines    

  173. Virtual machines (classic)    

  174. Virtual network gateways    

  175. Virtual networks    

  176. Virtual networks (classic)    

  177. Virtual WANs    

  178. VM images (classic)    

Azure 中国缺少的服务(123项)

通过上面两个列表对比,找出了以下 Azure 国际版存在,但国内版还未落地的服务。

  1. App Configuration

  2. AppDynamics

  3. Application Change Analysis    Preview

  4. Application groups    Preview

  5. Aspera Server On Demand

  6. Azure AD Connect Health

  7. Azure AD Domain Services

  8. Azure AD Identity Protection

  9. Azure AD Identity Secure Score

  10. Azure AD Risk detections

  11. Azure AD Risky sign-ins

  12. Azure AD Risky users

  13. Azure AD Security

  14. Azure API for FHIR

  15. Azure Arc    Preview

  16. Azure Blockchain Service    Preview

  17. Azure Databricks

  18. Azure DevOps organizations

  19. Azure Digital Twins    Preview

  20. Azure Information Protection

  21. Azure Lighthouse

  22. Azure Maps Accounts

  23. Azure Maps Creator Resources    Preview

  24. Azure Migrate

  25. Azure Monitor Private Link Scopes

  26. Azure Monitors for SAP Solutions    Preview

  27. Azure NetApp Files

  28. Azure OSS

  29. Azure Quantum

  30. Azure Sentinel

  31. Azure Spring Cloud    Preview

  32. Azure SQL

  33. Azure Stack Edge / Data Box Gateway

  34. Azure Synapse Analytics (workspaces preview)    Preview

  35. Batch AI

  36. Bing Maps API for Enterprise

  37. Bonsai

  38. Bot Services

  39. Citrix Virtual Apps Essentials

  40. Citrix Virtual Desktops Essentials

  41. Classic Dev Services

  42. CloudAMQP

  43. CloudMonix

  44. CloudSimple Nodes

  45. CloudSimple Services

  46. CloudSimple Virtual Machines

  47. Content Moderator

  48. Crypteron

  49. Customer Lockbox for Microsoft Azure

  50. Data Box

  51. Data Catalog

  52. Data Lake Analytics

  53. Data Lake Storage Gen1

  54. Data Share Invitations

  55. Data Shares

  56. DDoS protection plans

  57. Deep Security SaaS

  58. Deployment Scripts    Preview

  59. DevOps Starter

  60. DevTest Labs

  61. Disk Encryption Sets

  62. Education

  63. Event Grid Partner Topics

  64. Extended Security Updates    Preview

  65. Firewall Manager    Preview

  66. Firewall Policies    Preview

  67. Free services

  68. Front Doors

  69. Genomics accounts

  70. Hive Streaming

  71. Host pools    Preview

  72. HPC caches

  73. Integration Service Environments

  74. Internet Analyzer profiles    Preview

  75. IP Groups    Preview

  76. Lab Services

  77. LiveArena Broadcast

  78. Logic Apps Custom Connector

  79. Machine Learning Studio (classic) web service plans

  80. Machine Learning Studio (classic) web services

  81. Machine Learning Studio (classic) workspaces

  82. Machines - Azure Arc    Preview

  83. Mailjet Email Service

  84. Managed Desktop

  85. Managed networks    Preview

  86. Mesh applications    Preview

  87. Multi-Factor Authentication

  88. My customers

  89. MyCloudIT - Azure Desktop Hosting

  90. MyGet - Hosted NuGet, NPM, Bower and Vsix

  91. OpenShift clusters

  92. Peering Services

  93. Peerings

  94. PokitDok Platform

  95. Power Platform    Preview

  96. RavenHQ

  97. Raygun

  98. Remote Rendering Accounts    Preview

  99. Reservations

  100. RevAPM CDN

  101. Rollouts

  102. SAP HANA on Azure    Preview

  103. SendGrid Accounts

  104. Service endpoint policies

  105. Service providers

  106. Signiant Flight

  107. Software as a Service (SaaS)

  108. SparkPost

  109. Spatial Anchors Accounts

  110. SQL Server registries    Preview

  111. SQL virtual machines

  112. Stackify

  113. Static Web Apps (Preview)

  114. Storage explorer    Preview

  115. Storage Sync Services

  116. StorSimple Data Managers

  117. StorSimple Device Managers

  118. Templates    Preview

  119. The Identity Hub

  120. Web Application Firewall policies (WAF)

  121. Windows 10 IoT Core Services

  122. Windows Virtual Desktop    Preview

  123. Workspaces    Preview

细心的读者会发现 300 - 178 = 122,差了一个哪去了?其实差的是Azure中国版的 “MySQL Database on Azure”,这项在国际版上已重新归并到其他服务,并不是国际版缺这项功能。同样道理,虽然数量差距总体反应了Azure中国版服务落地慢,但由于有些服务会重新合并、拆分,因此不能单纯从数量上下定论国内版一定缺了什么服务,本文的数据仅供参考,请根据自己的需求查找资料或联系客服详细了解。


列表内已经在国内落地的服务,和国际版上也是有差别的。为了避免不必要的麻烦,只举一例,中国版和国际版 Azure 都有 Web App,界面虽然长得一样,但中国版点不了 Linux 及 Docker Container:




国内使用Azure服务必须遵守中国相关法律法规。比如开网站需要备案,一旦有法律问题就会被关停订阅,甚至发生一些法律后果。特别是有些不可描述的事情国际版经常做的,中国版最好别去尝试。程序员千万要注意遵纪守法,不要以为 GitHub 上某些东西所谓防识别的就真的不能识别了,时刻记住,国内版的服务不是微软运维的,法律法规不一样,别Azure从入门到入狱

图 | 网络



  1. 访问速度明显快于国际版。

  2. 价格上比国际版便宜。

  3. 某些行业符合敏感数据不出境的规定




.NET | Azure | 微软MVP






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一、 实验目的与要求 1.练习使用单例模式。设计相关的模拟场景并进行实施&#xff0c;验证模式特性&#xff0c;掌握其优缺点。 2.实验结束后&#xff0c;对相关内容进行总结。 二、实验内容 1.模式应用场景说明 在山区或者边远地区火车站往往只有一个窗口在买票&#xff0c;但…

Sql Server之旅——终点站 nolock引发的三级事件的一些思考



一、 实验目的与要求 1.练习使用单一模式。设计相关的模拟场景并进行实施&#xff0c;验证模式特性&#xff0c;掌握其优缺点。 2.实验结束后&#xff0c;对相关内容进行总结。 二、实验内容 1.模式应用场景说明 原型模式&#xff1a;在需要一个类的大量对象的时候&#xff0c;…


2020年.NET Core逆袭冲榜&#xff0c;多榜直接冠军&#xff01;Build2020&#xff0c;发布多款产品赋能.NET开发者&#xff01;截止5月&#xff0c;腾讯&#xff0c;阿里&#xff0c;特斯拉等大厂都在招聘.NET&#xff01;这些征兆&#xff0c;都预示着.NET的春天即将到来&…


&#xff08;Ant Design of Blazor为努力而生&#xff09;书接上文&#xff0c;上次我们说到了最终选用Blazor.Server来实现了我们的MVP项目&#xff0c;额其实就是博客的增删改查&#xff0c;不过运行还是很爽的&#xff0c;不过是一个小demo&#xff0c;脑子里一直有个声音&a…


一、 实验目的与要求 1.练习使用桥接模式。设计相关的模拟场景并进行实施&#xff0c;验证模式特性&#xff0c;掌握其优缺点。 2.实验结束后&#xff0c;对相关内容进行总结。 二、实验内容 1.模式应用场景说明 相信大家都看过罗老师买奶茶的情节&#xff0c;现实生活中也是一…




一、 实验目的与要求 1.练习使用适配器模式。设计相关的模拟场景并进行实施&#xff0c;验证模式特性&#xff0c;掌握其优缺点。 2.实验结束后&#xff0c;对相关内容进行总结。 二、实验内容 1.模式应用场景说明 现在喜欢上网的年轻人越来越多&#xff0c;而家里面的电脑满足…

[号外] Blazor wasm 其实也挺快!


WinUI 3 试玩报告

1. 什么是 WinUI 3#在微软 Build 2020 开发者大会上&#xff0c;WinUI 团队宣布可公开预览的 WinUI 3 Preview 1&#xff0c;它让开发人员可以在 Win32 中使用 WinUI。WinUI 3 Preview 1 包含新的 VisualStudio 项目模板&#xff0c;可以创建面向 .NET 5 的 C# 和 C/Win32 项目…

记一次EF Core连接MySql、Oracle

点击上方“Dotnet9”添加关注哦上上个月写的一篇文章&#xff0c;今天有同事问我使用EF Core连接MySql和Oracel的问题&#xff0c;我把这篇文章直接甩给了他。下面是正文&#xff1a;这几天研究了EF Core对MySql、Oracle的操作&#xff0c;包括连接、简单查询等&#xff0c;操作…

基于 abp vNext 和 .NET Core 开发博客项目 - 博客接口实战篇(五)

系列文章使用 abp cli 搭建项目给项目瘦身&#xff0c;让它跑起来完善与美化&#xff0c;Swagger登场数据访问和代码优先自定义仓储之增删改查统一规范API&#xff0c;包装返回模型再说Swagger&#xff0c;分组、描述、小绿锁接入GitHub&#xff0c;用JWT保护你的API异常处理和…

Codeforces Round #719 (Div. 3)/ Codeforces Round #720 (Div. 2)

A. Do Not Be Distracted! 题意&#xff1a; 一件事情一但开始&#xff0c;只能做完才能做别的事&#xff0c;当出现一件事不连续出现时&#xff0c;教师会怀疑 题目&#xff1a; Polycarp has 26 tasks. Each task is designated by a capital letter of the Latin alphab…

dotNET Core 3.X 使用 Autofac 来增强依赖注入

在上一篇《dotNET Core 3.X 依赖注入》中简单介绍了 dotNET Core 框架本身的依赖注入功能&#xff0c;大部分情况下使用框架的依赖注入功能就可以满足了&#xff0c;在一些特殊场景下&#xff0c;我们就需要引入第三方的注入框架。为什么要使用 Autofac&#xff1f;如果您在之前…