windows10访客_如何在Windows 10中创建访客帐户




If you find that your guests are asking fairly often to use your computer temporarily to check their email or look something up on the web, you don’t have to let them use your personal account or create a special account for each guest.


Windows used to have a dedicated Guest account you could enable that would allow someone to temporarily use your computer, while ensuring they wouldn’t see your private data. Guest accounts also had limited access, so anyone logged in as a guest couldn’t install software or change system settings.

Windows曾经有一个专用的来宾帐户,您可以启用该帐户,以允许某人临时使用您的计算机,同时确保他们看不到您的私人数据。 来宾帐户的访问权限也受到限制,因此以来宾身份登录的任何人都无法安装软件或更改系统设置。

This option is no longer easily accessible in Windows 10—but you can still create a guest account using the Command Prompt.

在Windows 10中不再可以轻易访问此选项,但是您仍然可以使用命令提示符创建来宾帐户。

To open a Command Prompt window, press the Windows key+X to access the Win+X menu and select “Command Prompt (Admin)”. You must select the administrator version of the Command Prompt to create a new user account.

要打开命令提示符窗口,请按Windows键+ X进入Win + X菜单,然后选择“命令提示符(管理员)”。 您必须选择命令提示符的管理员版本才能创建新的用户帐户。


Note: If you see PowerShell instead of Command Prompt on the Power Users menu, that’s a switch that came about with the Creators Update for Windows 10. It’s very easy to switch back to showing the Command Prompt on the Power Users menu if you want, or you can give PowerShell a try. You can do pretty much everything in PowerShell that you can do in Command Prompt, plus a lot of other useful things.

注意:如果您在Power Users菜单上看到PowerShell而不是Command Prompt,那是Windows 10的Creators Update附带的开关。 如果需要,可以很容易地切换回在“高级用户”菜单上显示命令提示符,或者可以尝试使用PowerShell。 您可以在PowerShell中完成几乎可以在命令提示符中执行的所有操作,以及许多其他有用的操作。

If the User Account Control dialog box displays, click “Yes” to continue.


Note: You may not see this dialog box, depending on your User Account Control settings. We don’t recommend disabling UAC entirely, however.

注意:根据用户帐户控制设置,您可能看不到此对话框。 但是,我们不建议您完全禁用UAC 。


First, we’ll create a guest account called Visitor (you can call it whatever you want). The name “Guest” is a reserved account name in Windows, even though you can’t access the built-in guest account anymore, so you’ll need to choose a name other than “Guest”. To create the account, type the following command at the prompt and press Enter.

首先,我们将创建一个名为“访客”的访客帐户(您可以随意命名)。 即使您无法再访问内置来宾帐户,名称“ Guest”也是Windows中的保留帐户名称,因此您需要选择“ Guest”以外的其他名称。 要创建帐户,请在提示符下键入以下命令,然后按Enter。

net user Visitor /add /active:yes

Because the Visitor account is so limited, it doesn’t really need to be protected. So, we’re going to apply a blank password to it, or no password at all. To do this, type the following command at the prompt. The last character is an asterisk.

由于访客帐户非常有限,因此实际上并不需要对其进行保护。 因此,我们将对其应用空白密码,或者完全不输入密码。 为此,在提示符下键入以下命令。 最后一个字符是一个星号。

net user Visitor *

When asked for the password, press Enter without typing one. Then, just press Enter again when asked to retype the password.

当要求输入密码时,按Enter键而不输入密码。 然后,在要求再次输入密码时再次按Enter。


By default, new users are placed in the users group so they have the permissions for standard users. However, we want the account to more limited than that. So, we’re going to put the Visitor user in the guests group. To do this, we must first delete the Visitor user from the users group. To do this, enter the following command at the prompt.

默认情况下,新用户位于users组中,因此他们具有标准用户的权限。 但是,我们希望该帐户的数量更多。 因此,我们将把Visitor用户放在guests组中。 为此,我们必须首先从“ users组中删除“访客” users 。 为此,请在提示符下输入以下命令。

net localgroup users Visitor /delete

Then, type the following command at the prompt to add the Visitor user to the guests group.


net localgroup guests Visitor /add

Close the Command Prompt window either by typing exit at the prompt or by click the “X” button in the upper-right corner of the window.

通过在提示符下键入exit或单击窗口右上角的“ X”按钮,关闭命令提示符窗口。


Now, the Visitor user displays in the list of users in the lower-left corner of the logon screen. Guests can simply select the Visitor user and click “Sign in” to log in to the Visitor account and have the use of basic functions like running a browser to surf the web.

现在,“访问者”用户显示在登录屏幕左下角的用户列表中。 访客只需选择访客用户,然后单击“登录”即可登录访客帐户,并使用基本功能(如运行浏览器浏览网络)。


Multiple users can be logged in at once in Windows, so you don’t even have to sign out of your account to let a guest log in to the Visitor account. There are two ways you can access the Visitor account. If you’re currently using your account on the computer, you can select the Visitor account on the Start menu to log into that account for your guest.

Windows中可以一次登录多个用户,因此您甚至不必退出帐户即可让访客登录到访客帐户。 您可以通过两种方式访问​​访问者帐户。 如果您当前正在计算机上使用帐户,则可以在“开始”菜单上选择“访客”帐户,以为访客登录该帐户。

If the screen is locked, the guest can click on the Visitor account on the logon screen, as shown above.



While the guest is logged into the Visitor account, they can see that you’re logged in, but if they try to get to your account, they will be asked for your password on the login screen.



If you find you don’t need it anymore, you can delete the Visitor account just like you can any other user account.








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