
Unlike Facebook, Twitter has never insisted people user their real names. In fact, there’s a long tradition of people changing their names to a joke or pun because it’s Christmas or Halloween, or just for no reason at all.
与Facebook不同,Twitter从未坚持人们使用真实姓名。 实际上,人们有一个很长的传统,就是因为圣诞节或万圣节,或者根本就没有原因,所以将名字改成玩笑或双关语。
Just this week, half the How-To Geek staff changed their name to Justin Pot, just to annoy the real Justin Pot. Even The Geek himself got in on the act.
就在本周,一半的How-To Geek工作人员将他们的名字更改为Justin Pot,只是为了惹恼真正的Justin Pot。 即使是极客本人也参与进来。

So let’s look at how to change your name on Twitter so you can take part in awful collective jokes (or change it for any other much better reason).
Log in to Twitter and head to your profile page.

Click the button in the top right where it says Edit Profile.

Select the text box with your name.

Enter a new one.

Click Save Changes.

Your profile will update.

And that’s it. From now on, people will see your Twitter name as whatever you want it to be, but your actual @ handle won’t change—just the name that displays next to it.
就是这样。 从现在开始,人们将看到您的Twitter名称,无论您希望使用什么名称,但是您的实际@句柄不会改变-只是旁边显示的名称。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/309690/how-to-change-your-display-name-on-twitter/