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Overall, the Wink hub works extremely well…but sometimes the devices you have connected to it can act a little wonky. Here are some things you can do in order to fix any connection issues with all of those Z-Wave sensors and devices connected to the hub.

总体而言,Wink集线器的运行情况非常好……但是有时您连接到它的设备可能会有点不稳定。 您可以采取以下措施来解决所有与集线器相连的Z-Wave传感器和设备的连接问题。

刷新Z-Wave连接图 (Refresh the Z-Wave Connection Map)

The great thing about Z-Wave is that it uses mesh networking to connect all of your devices and sensors together. In other words, each individual sensor doesn’t just connect straight to the hub, but rather they can connect to one another before connecting to the hub. This not only allows for each device to transmit a better signal, but the wireless range can be much wider than regular Wi-Fi.

Z-Wave的伟大之处在于它使用网状网络将所有设备和传感器连接在一起。 换句话说,每个传感器不仅可以直接连接到集线器,还可以在连接到集线器之前相互连接。 这不仅允许每个设备传输更好的信号,而且无线范围可以比常规Wi-Fi宽得多。

However, when you add on new Z-Wave sensors over time, they sometimes don’t search out for the best possible route to the hub. So it’s possible that some of your devices and sensors aren’t connecting optimally to nearby devices in order to establish the best connection.

但是,随着时间的推移添加新的Z-Wave传感器时,有时它们不会搜索出通往集线器的最佳路线。 因此,您的某些设备和传感器可能无法最佳地连接到附近的设备以建立最佳连接。

To fix this, the Wink hub has a setting available in the Wink app that you can use to refresh the Z-Wave connection map. This essentially resets the connection of all the devices and sensors connected to the hub that use Z-Wave and has them reconnect, automatically figuring out the best possible route to take in order to have the strongest signal.

为了解决这个问题,Wink集线器在Wink应用程序中提供了一个可用设置,您可以用来刷新Z-Wave连接图。 这实际上将重置所有连接到使用Z-Wave的集线器的设备和传感器的连接,并使它们重新连接,从而自动找出最佳路径,以产生最强的信号。

To do this, open up the Wink app and tap on the menu button in the top-left corner of the screen.


Next, tap on “Hubs”.


Tap on the settings gear icon in the top-right corner.


Select your Wink hub.


Scroll down and tap on “Z-Wave”.

向下滚动并点击“ Z-Wave”。

Tap on “Z-Wave Network Rediscovery”.

点击“ Z-Wave网络重新发现”。

It will take a few seconds for it to do it’s thing, but you’ll soon see a “Success” alert.


From there, you’re good to go and hopefully your Z-Wave devices and sensors all have better connections now.


使用设备作为信号中继器 (Use a Device as a Signal Repeater)

If the above steps still haven’t fixed your connection issues, take a closer look at where all of your Z-Wave sensors and devices are placed. If you discover that one is farther away than the rest, it’s possible that it might not be getting a good signal from the next-closest device.

如果上述步骤仍不能解决您的连接问题,请仔细查看所有Z-Wave传感器和设备的放置位置。 如果您发现一个比其他设备距离更远,则可能是它无法从最近的设备获得良好的信号。

A quick fix for this is to place another device halfway between the sensor on the outskirts and its closest sensor. This new device will act as a signal repeater of sorts, allowing the problem sensor to finally get the connection it needs. This can also be done on other smarthome hubs that use Z-Wave.

一个快速的解决方法是将另一个设备放置在郊区传感器与其最接近的传感器之间的中间位置。 这款新设备将充当各种信号中继器,使问题传感器最终获得所需的连接。 这也可以在使用Z-Wave的其他智能家居集线器上完成。

Keep in mind, though, that battery-powered sensors will not act as repeaters; only plugged-in modules or powered outlets and switches will work.

但是请记住,电池供电的传感器不会充当中继器。 只有插入的模块或带电的插座和开关才能工作。

In any case, you can either put this new device to good use on something around your house, or just place it wherever and have it solely being used as a signal repeater. If that’s the case, it’s always a good idea to get the cheapest Z-Wave device you can find, like this outlet. Or you can get an actual signal repeater for a bit more.

无论如何,您都可以将这种新设备很好地用在房屋周围的任何地方,也可以将其放置在任何地方,仅用作信号转发器。 如果是这种情况,总是最好的办法就是找到您能找到的最便宜的Z-Wave设备,例如此插座。 或者,您可以获得更多的实际信号中继器。

Of course, be sure to perform a network rediscovery again on your Wink hub so that the new device can be optimally placed in the Z-Wave map.


远离金属 (Stay Away from Metal)

If you have a lot of door and window sensors (a two-part sensor with a magnet) and are constantly experiencing issues with a few of them, it might be because you have them placed near some kind of metal.


A few inches away from metal is fine, but it’s usually when you place door and window sensors right on a metal part that you start experiencing issues. That’s because the metal on the door or window is interfering with the magnet system that’s used on the sensors.

距离金属几英寸远是很好的选择,但是通常是将门窗传感器恰好放在金属零件上时,您才开始遇到问题。 这是因为门或窗户上的金属干扰了传感器上使用的磁铁系统。

The good news is that there are ways to get around this, and it usually comes down to McGyvering a mount for the sensor in order to keep it a few inches away from the nearest metal.


更新集线器的固件 (Update the Hub’s Firmware)

As a last resort, you can always update the hub’s firmware if an update is available and hope that it fixes any connection issues, even after you’ve tried all of the above steps.


If you’re vigilant about keeping all of your devices updated in the first place, you likely already have this taken care of, but if not, it’s likely there’s a hub update waiting for you.


To update the Wink hub, follow the steps further above to access the hub’s settings in the app. Eventually you’ll come across a small banner at the bottom letting you know of a firmware update.

要更新Wink集线器,请按照上面的步骤操作,以在应用程序中访问集线器的设置。 最终,您会在底部看到一个小横幅,让您知道固件更新。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/310788/how-to-fix-z-wave-connection-issues-with-the-wink-hub/






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