apple tv设置_如何设置Apple TV播放个人iTunes库

apple tv设置

apple tv设置

If you already have a lot of music and home videos in your iTunes library, you can easily stream it all to your Apple TV, and thus whatever output sources to which it is connected.

如果iTunes库中已经有很多音乐和家庭视频,则可以轻松地将它们全部流式传输到Apple TV,并由此将其连接到的任何输出源。

For a media streaming device that is relatively long in tooth, the Apple TV has a lot going for it and at $69 it’s a good deal if you have an Apple-centric home. If you don’t currently own an Apple TV, then we recommend you try to hold off until Apple announces its next version (hopefully sometime this year).

对于使用时间较长的媒体流设备,Apple TV有很多用途,如果您有一个以Apple为中心的家庭,则价格为69美元,这是一个很好的交易。 如果您目前还没有苹果电视,那么我们建议您推迟到苹果发布其下一版本之前(希望在今年某个时候)。

If you have already taken the leap, but you’ve never dug deeper into its capabilities then you’ll quickly discover that it actually does a great deal. You can connect it to your iCloud account and then use the device to display your photos as your screen saver or a slideshow, and such as with Chromecast, you can also do screen mirroring from your iOS device or your computer.

如果您已经取得了飞跃,但是您从未深入研究过它的功能,那么您会很快发现它实际上起了很大的作用。 您可以将其连接到您的iCloud帐户,然后使用该设备将照片显示为屏幕保护程序或幻灯片,例如,对于Chromecast ,还可以从iOS设备或计算机进行屏幕镜像。

One of Apple TV’s biggest features, is that it integrates with iTunes, which means you can view and purchase content directly from the device in the iTunes store. If you already have a sizable amount of content stored locally on your computer, however, you can enable home sharing and play all of that on your Apple TV as well.

Apple TV最大的功能之一就是它与iTunes集成在一起,这意味着您可以直接从iTunes商店中的设备查看和购买内容。 但是,如果您已经在本地计算机上存储了大量内容,则可以启用家庭共享并在Apple TV上播放所有内容。

在其他设备上检查家庭共享 (Checking Home Sharing on Your Other Devices)

At the heart of this is the Home Sharing feature, which can be enabled in iTunes from the “File” menu if you’re using a computer.


If you’re stuck on this part and want a more detailed treatment of the process, please read up on how to share your iTunes library with your iOS devices.


Apple TV上的家庭共享 (Home Sharing on Your Apple TV)

There are actually two aspects of iTunes integration in Apple TV. There’s the usual movies, music, and other content that you can purchase and play, and then there’s the “Computers” tile, which is actually your portal to Home Sharing and your private collection.

实际上,Apple TV中iTunes集成有两个方面。 您可以购买和播放通常的电影,音乐和其他内容,然后是“计算机”磁贴,它实际上是您进入家庭共享和私人收藏的门户。

If we maneuver over to the “Computers” tile, we see that we need to enable Home Sharing to access our personal iTunes library.

Click the “Settings” on the Apple TV’s main menu.

单击Apple TV主菜单上的“设置”。

To turn on Home Sharing, you need to click on “Computers” in the Settings menu.


On the next screen, click “Turn On Home Sharing”.


You have two options, you can use a different Apple ID, or the one you’re currently logged into on your Apple TV.

您有两种选择,可以使用其他Apple ID,也可以使用当前在Apple TV上登录的ID。

Remember, you need to connect to the same Apple ID account that all your other Home Sharing devices are using.
请记住,您需要连接到所有其他家庭共享设备正在使用的同一Apple ID帐户。

Once Home Sharing is enabled, you’ll be shown a confirmation message.


If at any point, you decide you don’t want to use Home Sharing on your Apple TV, or you want to log into a different Apple ID, then you will need to first turn it off and then redo the above procedure.

如果您决定在任何时候都不希望在Apple TV上使用家庭共享,或者要登录到其他Apple ID,则需要先将其关闭,然后重做上述过程。

With Home Sharing now enabled, we’re connected to the content stored on our computer(s).


If we click the Computers tile, we now see options to access this content, including music, home videos, and podcasts.


Here for example, you can search your music, access playlists, albums, and much more.


With so many people adding higher end sound systems to their HD televisions, it makes sense to want to play all your media on it. Thankfully, Apple TV allows you to do that easily through iTunes Home Sharing. Best of all, you can access your collections from anywhere, so you can listen to your favorite podcast in the bedroom, or jam out to your tunes in the living room.

如此众多的人在他们的高清电视中添加了高端音响系统,因此要在其上播放所有媒体是很有意义的。 值得庆幸的是,Apple TV允许您通过iTunes Home Sharing轻松做到这一点。 最重要的是,您可以从任何地方访问收藏,因此您可以在卧室听自己喜欢的播客,或者在客厅听音乐。

If you already own an Apple TV, and you have a computer running iTunes, you can set this is up and start playing your music, videos, and other local content on your TV right now.

如果您已经拥有Apple TV,并且有一台运行iTunes的计算机,则可以将其设置为启动并立即开始在电视上播放音乐,视频和其他本地内容。

Do you have any questions or comments you would like to contribute? We appreciate your feedback, so please leave it in our discussion forum.

您有任何问题或意见要发表吗? 感谢您的反馈,因此请留在我们的论坛中。


apple tv设置





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