centos 初学者_初学者:如何在Outlook 2013中创建和管理任务

centos 初学者

centos 初学者

If you’re one of those people who has a whiteboard or notepad with an ever-evolving to-do list, or your desk and monitors are adorned with Post-its® reminding you of important events, then this the article for you.


Outlook will let you make to-do lists consisting of tasks, which you can do all sorts of things, such as setting due dates, reminders, categories, and more. The whole point is to create a more active kind of task list that you can interact with and will keep you honest.

Outlook将使您列出由任务组成的待办事项列表,您可以执行各种任务,例如设置到期日,提醒,类别等。 关键是要创建一种更活跃的任务列表,您可以与之交互并保持诚实。

在任务视图中工作 (Working in the Tasks View)

We’ve been discussing the various intricacies of Outlook 2013 recently, so if you’re new to it, we recommend you read our introduction.

我们最近一直在讨论Outlook 2013的各种复杂问题,因此,如果您不熟悉它,建议您阅读我们的简介。

Otherwise, open Outlook up to the Tasks view and have a look around. At first glance, you’ll notice it’s pretty empty and barren. That’s because we’ve yet to fill it up with the multitude of stuff we need to do and errands to run.

否则,请打开Outlook直至“任务”视图,然后四处看看。 乍一看,您会发现它非常空旷和贫瘠。 那是因为我们还没有用我们需要做的许多事情和要执行的差事来填补它。


Let’s go through and show you how to use Tasks like a pro and further organize your life with Outlook. With a little time and work, you will have a comprehensive set of tasks, which you can set up to remind you when they’re due, or you can even assign them to another person!

让我们逐步向您展示如何像Pro一样使用Tasks,并通过Outlook进一步组织生活。 只需一点时间和工作,您将拥有一套全面的任务,可以设置这些任务来提醒您何时到期,或者甚至可以将它们分配给其他人!

添加任务 (Adding Tasks)

To start, you’re going to want to add tasks. You’ll notice that there’s the familiar folder pane along the left-hand side. You can add new folders to this view, effectively then organizing your tasks into categories. You can even create a new folder group so you can again separate your tasks between your professional and personal life, if necessary.

首先,您将要添加任务。 您会注意到,左侧有熟悉的文件夹窗格。 您可以将新文件夹添加到此视图中,然后有效地将任务分类。 您甚至可以创建一个新的文件夹组,以便在必要时可以将工作和职业分开。

To start, you’ll notice that there’s one task folder group call My Tasks and two sub task folders: To-Do List and Tasks. If we right-click on the top-most folder, we can create a “New Folder Group” that we’ll name Work Tasks.

首先,您会注意到有一个名为“我的任务”的任务文件夹组和两个子任务文件夹:“任务列表”和“任务”。 如果我们右键单击最上面的文件夹,我们可以创建一个“新文件夹组”,我们将其命名为“工作任务”。

You can add a quick task by clicking on “Click here to add a new Task” or you can click “New Task” on the Home ribbon. Check out the following untitled task, to which you can apply a number of options, show the Task, its Details, as well as manage it.

您可以通过单击“单击此处添加新任务”来添加快速任务,也可以单击主页功能区上的“新任务”。 签出以下无标题任务,您可以对其应用多个选项,显示任务,其详细信息以及进行管理。


Let’s fill out our task a little bit with some basic details and then click “Save & Close.” You can choose your start date, end date (if applicable), the status, priority, and completion percentage. You can also check the “Reminder” box and have Outlook let you know when your task is coming due.

让我们用一些基本细节来完成我们的任务,然后单击“保存并关闭”。 您可以选择开始日期,结束日期(如果适用),状态,优先级和完成百分比。 您还可以选中“提醒”框,并让Outlook通知您任务何时到期。

查看,修改和更新任务 (Viewing, Modifying, and Updating Tasks)

After creating a few tasks, we can see them listed in our Tasks view. You can do some basic tinkering here such as changing the due date or assigning a category, but if you really want to view and edit, you need to double-click to open it.

创建一些任务后,我们可以在“任务”视图中看到它们。 您可以在此处进行一些基本的修改,例如更改截止日期或分配类别,但是如果您确实要查看和编辑,则需要双击以将其打开。


Here’s our task once again. We can make changes to it such as the status or priority, or we can click on the “Details” button.

这又是我们的任务。 我们可以对其进行更改,例如状态或优先级,也可以单击“详细信息”按钮。


If there are other details associated with the task, you can fill them in here. While this may not be pertinent to most people, if you deal with independent contractors or consultants, then this is a great place to keep track of how much they’re approximately costing you.

如果还有与任务相关的其他详细信息,则可以在此处填写。 虽然这对大多数人而言可能无关紧要,但是如果您与独立承包商或顾问打交道,那么这是一个跟踪他们大概花费您多少钱的好地方。


There are a few other things we can mention before moving on to recurrences. While you’re nosing about in the task interface, take a moment to note that you can delete or forward the task if you decide it’s not worth pursuing, or you need input from someone else on it, respectively.

在继续进行递归操作之前,我们还需要提及其他一些内容。 在任务界面中打扰时,请花点时间注意,如果您认为不值得追求的任务或需要其他人提供的输入,则可以删除或转发任务。

You can also manage the task, such as marking it complete, assigning it, and sending a status report. We’ll talk more about that shortly. For now, let’s briefly check out how to set up recurring tasks.

您还可以管理任务,例如将其标记为完成,分配和发送状态报告。 稍后我们将详细讨论。 现在,让我们简要地检查一下如何设置重复任务。

处理重复任务 (Working with Recurring Tasks)

Creating a recurring task is the same as creating a recurring appointment or recurring meeting. The dialog you see when you click on the “Recurrence” button will likely look pretty familiar.

创建定期任务与创建定期约会或定期会议相同。 单击“重复发生”按钮时看到的对话框可能看起来很熟悉。

So here’s our “talk about work stuff” task, recurring every week on Wednesday, with no end in sight. Note also, that even if you do not complete the task by the time the task recurs, another one will still be generated.

因此,这是我们的“谈论工作内容”任务,该任务在每周三的星期三重复发生,没有尽头。 另请注意,即使您在任务再次出现时仍未完成任务,仍将生成另一个任务。

You can override this by selecting the “regenerate new task” option, which instead of automatically recurring on x day, won’t regenerate the task until the current one is marked complete.


将任务分配给其他人 (Assigning a Task to Someone Else)

We have our “talk about work stuff!” task all set up, now we just need to pawn it off on someone else! Click the “Assign Task” button in the Manage Task section of the Ribbon.

我们有“谈论工作内容!” 任务全部设置好了,现在我们只需要把它当做别人即可! 单击功能区“管理任务”部分中的“分配任务”按钮。

This will open the task as an e-mail, which you can then address to others. In this case we’re just going to assign the task to talk about work stuff to someone else, so we’ll e-mail it to them.

这将以电子邮件形式打开任务,然后您可以将其发送给其他人。 在这种情况下,我们只是将任务分配给其他人谈论工作,因此我们会将其通过电子邮件发送给他们。

If you want to type the address into the “To” field you can, or you can pluck the lucky name from your address book. Don’t have an address book set up? Read about how to create and manage contacts, including how to import your contacts from Gmail right into Outlook.

如果您想在“收件人”字段中输入地址,则可以,也可以从地址簿中提取幸运的名字。 还没有建立通讯录吗? 了解有关如何创建和管理联系人的信息,包括如何将Gmail中的联系人直接导入Outlook。

That recipient will get an e-mail then with the option to “Accept” or “Decline.” We don’t want to make the boss upset, so we’ll just go ahead and accept the task. Besides, talking about work stuff is never a bad idea!

该收件人将收到一封电子邮件,然后选择“接受”或“拒绝”。 我们不想让老板不高兴,所以我们就继续接受任务。 此外,谈论工作内容绝不是一个坏主意!

Finally, if the powers-that-be want to know the progress (or lack thereof) on your currently assigned task. You can send them a status report.

最后,如果有能力的人想知道您当前分配的任务的进度(或缺少进度)。 您可以向他们发送状态报告。

Overall, the average home Outlook user is more likely to use tasks as a means of getting errands done or ticking chores off at home, but it’s useful to know the full range of your task-making abilities. Let’s move on now to the rest of the Home ribbon and talk about what you can do to manage task from there.

总体而言,普通的家庭Outlook用户更可能使用任务来完成任务或在家完成琐事,但是了解全部任务制定能力很有用。 现在让我们继续执行Home功能区的其余部分,并讨论可以从那里管理任务的方法。

管理任务和按视图排序 (Managing Tasks and Sorting by View)

During the course of your week, some tasks will get done, and some won’t. The ones that you complete, you can mark as complete and forget about. But the ones that you don’t get to will need to be managed somehow or you’ll just have an ever-growing list of blown tasks.

在一周的过程中,有些任务会完成,有些则不会。 完成后,您可以将其标记为完成而忘记。 但是,您需要以某种方式管理那些您不熟悉的任务,否则您将拥有越来越多的繁琐任务列表。

There’s a few ways to manage them. Let’s look at that area of the Ribbon and then show you how to make the most of these tools.

有几种方法可以管理它们。 让我们看一下功能区的那个区域,然后向您展示如何充分利用这些工具。

Clicking the “Remove from List” button will mark it as complete and remove it from the list. If Outlook encounters a problem, such as if the task is recurring, or it is incomplete, it will ask you what you want to do about it.

单击“从列表中删除”按钮会将其标记为完成并将其从列表中删除。 如果Outlook遇到问题(例如重复执行任务或任务不完整),它将询问您要执行的操作。

You can also work directly with the tasks you see in your task list. Check out the following screenshot for more details. You see that you can simply click the flag icon to mark it as complete, or you can right-click to see your follow-up options.

您也可以直接处理在任务列表中看到的任务。 请查看以下屏幕截图以获取更多详细信息。 您会看到您可以简单地单击标记图标将其标记为已完成,或者可以右键单击以查看后续选项。

You see here in the next screenshot, that our task “sit around watching football with our feet up” is due tomorrow, but we’ve also marked it for follow-up next week as well. Creating a follow-up task basically duplicates it for the time that best suits you to possibly complete it. In this case, we could mark tomorrow’s task as complete or remove it, but that duplicate task would still be due next week.

您可以在下一个屏幕截图中看到,我们的任务“坐在脚上看足球”将在明天到期,但我们也已将其标记为下周的后续行动。 创建后续任务基本上会在最适合您完成任务的时间内复制它。 在这种情况下,我们可以将明天的任务标记为已完成或将其删除,但是重复的任务仍将在下周到期。

Note, you can follow-up tasks from one of five preset intervals, or you can create a custom follow-up.


Finally, changing your view can help slice through a large body of tasks. If it isn’t shown on the Ribbon, you can click the “Change View” button and you will see these options.

最后,更改视图可以帮助分解大量任务。 如果功能区上未显示它,则可以单击“更改视图”按钮,您将看到这些选项。

Here’s what a simple list might look like. The view doesn’t discriminate between states of completion or categories, or anything else. It just presents all your past, present, and future tasks in one simple view.

这是一个简单的列表。 该视图不会区分完成状态或类别,或其他任何状态。 它仅以一个简单的视图显示您过去,现在和将来的所有任务。

On the other hand, if we sort our view by active tasks, we see things are narrowed down a great deal for us.


Always remember to change your task view so you quickly sort through or hide them for maximum productivity potential!


任务选项 (Tasks Options)

Lastly, let’s acquaint or reacquaint ourselves with task options. The task options will let you change settings and alter their behavior and appearance. You can reach them from the File menu, by clicking “Options -> Tasks.”

最后,让我们熟悉或重新认识任务选项。 使用任务选项,您可以更改设置并更改其行为和外观。 您可以通过单击“选项->任务”从“文件”菜单访问它们。

You can set options for reminders on tasks with due dates, overdue and completed task colors, work hours, and other simple tweaks. So now, if you want overdue tasks to be bright blue or you want default reminders at the end of the day instead of beginning, you can make the changes here.

您可以为具有到期日,过期和已完成任务的颜色,工作时间以及其他简单调整的任务设置提醒选项。 因此,现在,如果您希望过期的任务变为亮蓝色,或者希望在一天的末尾而不是开始时使用默认提醒,则可以在此处进行更改。

As you can tell, Outlook is revealing itself to be a very well-rounded application, and we haven’t even talked yet about calendaring and notes yet! We hope you’re able to use Tasks to rev up your organization skills a couple notches. They’re really easy to set and assign, and it’s nice to have those reminders and to watch all the things on your list slowly get checked off.

如您所知,Outlook正在展示自己是一个非常全面的应用程序,而我们甚至还没有谈论日历和便笺! 我们希望您能够使用“任务”提高您的组织技能几个等级。 它们真的很容易设置和分配,很高兴收到这些提醒并观看列表中的所有内容,然后慢慢检查。

In the meantime, we’re interested in hearing from you. Have a question or comment you’d like to leave with us? Drop in on our discussion forum and fire away.

在此期间,我们很高兴收到您的来信。 您有什么问题想发表评论吗? 进入我们的讨论论坛,然后开除。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/203262/beginner-how-to-create-and-manage-tasks-in-outlook-2013/

centos 初学者





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