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If you have an Xbox One or Xbox 360, Microsoft’s Xbox Live Gold service is required to play multiplayer games online. A subscription costs $10 per month or $60 per year. Xbox Live Gold also includes additional benefits, like free games every month and discounts on some digital games.

如果您有Xbox One或Xbox 360,则需要Microsoft的Xbox Live Gold服务才能在线玩多人游戏。 订阅费用为每月10美元或每年60美元。 Xbox Live Gold还包括其他好处,例如每月免费游戏和某些数字游戏的折扣。

什么是Xbox Live Gold? (What Is Xbox Live Gold?)

Xbox Live Gold is Microsoft’s online gaming subscription service for the Xbox One and Xbox 360. It’s required to play online multiplayer games. Whether you’re playing a co-operative game with a single friend over the Internet, or you’re playing a competitive multiplayer game with a bunch of people you don’t know online, you need Xbox Live Gold to do it.

Xbox Live Gold是Microsoft针对Xbox One和Xbox 360的在线游戏订阅服务。玩在线多人游戏需要使用Xbox Live Gold 。 无论您是正在与Internet上的一个朋友一起玩合作游戏,还是正在与一群不认识在线的人一起玩具有竞争力的多人游戏,都需要Xbox Live Gold来完成。

Microsoft has also added some additional features to this service. Xbox Live Gold members get a few free games every month, and they also get access to members-only sales on some digital games.

Microsoft还向该服务添加了一些其他功能。 Xbox Live Gold会员每月都会获得一些免费游戏,而且他们还可以访问某些数字游戏的仅限会员销售。

您需要Xbox Live Gold才能进行多人游戏 (You Need Xbox Live Gold For Multiplayer Gaming)

If you want to play online multiplayer on your Xbox One or Xbox 360, you will need Xbox Live Gold. Your subscription also enables access to the party system and voice chat. If you try to use the online mutiplayer features within games without Xbox Live Gold, you’ll be stopped in your tracks and told you need Xbox Live Gold to continue.

如果要在Xbox One或Xbox 360上玩在线多人游戏,则需要Xbox Live Gold。 您的订阅还允许访问聚会系统和语音聊天。 如果您尝试在没有Xbox Live Gold的游戏中使用在线mutiplayer功能,您将停步不前,并告知您需要Xbox Live Gold才能继续。

This service isn’t necessary for playing single-player games, and it isn’t required when playing multiplayer games offline. For example, you don’t need to pay anything to play a split-screen game with two people in the same room on the same console.

玩单人游戏不需要此服务,而离线玩多人游戏则不需要此服务。 例如,您无需支付任何费用就可以在同一控制台的同一房间中与两个人一起玩分屏游戏。

Xbox Live Gold also isn’t required if you want to watch Netflix and Hulu, or use other media-streaming apps. For example, In the Xbox 360 days—and even when the Xbox One launched—you needed to pay both the Netflix subscription fee and the Xbox Live Gold subscription fee just to watch Netflix on your Xbox One, but Microsoft changed this. Xbox Live Gold is now only useful to gamers.

如果您想观看Netflix和Hulu或使用其他媒体流应用程序,则也不需要Xbox Live Gold。 例如,在Xbox 360时代(甚至在Xbox One推出时),您只需要支付Netflix订阅费和Xbox Live Gold订阅费,就可以在Xbox One上观看Netflix,但是Microsoft改变了这一点。 Xbox Live Gold现在仅对游戏玩家有用。

“黄金游戏”如何运作? (How Does “Games With Gold” Work?)

Every month, Microsoft offers several free games through its “Games With Gold” service. While these games are available—for the entire month or just for two weeks, depending on the game—you can choose to “redeem” them via the website or on your Xbox console. You can then download—and keep—the game for free.

微软每个月都会通过其“黄金游戏”服务提供一些免费游戏。 虽然可以使用这些游戏(根据游戏的不同,整个月或仅两周),但是您可以选择通过网站或Xbox控制台“兑现”它们。 然后,您可以免费下载并保留游戏。

If you don’t redeem the game during its free time period, you don’t get it for free. This means you won’t get any of the previous “Games With Gold” for free when you subscribe. It also means that, if you don’t stay on top of the free game offers, you’ll miss some games and won’t get them for free. However, people who have been members for a long time may have libraries full of hundreds of games they got for free, if they’re diligent.

如果您没有在游戏的空闲时间赎回游戏,那么您就不会免费获得它。 这意味着您订阅时将不会免费获得任何以前的“ Games With Gold”。 这也意味着,如果您不紧随免费游戏产品的提供,您将错过一些游戏,并且不会免费获得它们。 但是,长期工作的人可能会很勤奋地拥有免费提供的数百本免费游戏的图书馆。

On an Xbox One, once you’ve redeemed a free game, you can download and play it whenever you like, forever—as long as you have an active subscription. If your subscription lapses, you won’t be able to play the game anymore. If you restart your subscription, you’ll regain access to all the games you previously redeemed.

在Xbox One上,兑换了免费游戏后,只要您有有效的订阅,就可以永久地下载和玩它。 如果您的订阅失效,您将无法再玩游戏。 如果重新开始订阅,您将重新获得以前兑换的所有游戏的访问权限。

On an Xbox 360, once you’re redeemed a free game, it’s yours to play forever—even if your subscription lapses.

在Xbox 360上,一旦您兑换了免费游戏,就可以永久使用它-即使您的订阅失效。

Games With Gold includes both Xbox One and Xbox 360 games. However, Microsoft has promised that all Xbox 360 games released through Games With Gold will be playable on the Xbox One via backwards compatibility. In other words, all Games With Gold games will work on an Xbox One.

黄金游戏包括Xbox One和Xbox 360游戏。 但是,微软已经承诺,通过向黄金游戏发行的所有Xbox 360游戏都可以通过向后兼容在Xbox One上播放。 换句话说,所有带有黄金游戏的游戏都可以在Xbox One上运行。

You can view the current games available through Games With Gold on Microsoft’s website, and a list of games Microsoft has previously given away on Wikipedia. As of August 2017, you’ll see quite a few indie games for Xbox One and older big-budget (at the time) games for Xbox 360. Microsoft also has given away some of the early big Xbox One games, including Watch Dogs and Ryse: Son of Rome. But don’t expect to see the latest blockbuster games on their release date—expect smaller indie games and older big budget games.

您可以通过Microsoft网站上的“黄金游戏”查看当前可用的游戏,以及Microsoft先前在Wikipedia上免费赠送的游戏列表。 截至2017年8月,您将看到很多Xbox One的独立游戏和Xbox 360的较早大型预算游戏(当时)。Microsoft还放弃了一些早期的Xbox One大型游戏,包括Watch Dogs雷塞:罗马之子。 但是不要期望在发行日期看到最新的大片游戏-期望较小的独立游戏和较旧的大型预算游戏。

“黄金交易”如何运作? (How Does “Deals With Gold” Work?)

In addition to the free games, Microsoft offers a variety of exclusive deals on digital Xbox One and Xbox 360 games to members. You can view the current deals on the Deals With Gold website and in the Store on your Xbox. These deals change every week. And as with the free games, you won’t see the latest big-name games here as soon as they’re released.

除免费游戏外,Microsoft还向会员提供各种数字Xbox One和Xbox 360游戏独家优惠。 您可以在“与黄金交易”网站和Xbox上的商店中查看当前交易。 这些交易每周更改一次。 与免费游戏一样,一旦发布,您将不会在这里看到最新的知名游戏。

Once you’ve purchased a game, it’s yours to play all you like, even if your subscription ends.


那么,值得吗? (So, Is It Worth It?)

Overall, the big benefit to Xbox Live Gold is the multiplayer access. Xbox Live Gold is absolutely worth it if you want to play multiplayer games on your Xbox One. This is now pretty standard. Sony’s PlayStation 4 requires its similar PlayStation Plus service for online multiplayer, and even Nintendo will soon begin charging a subscription fee for online multiplayer features  on the Nintendo Switch. Every game console has started charging for this feature, so the only way to play online games for free is to switch to a PC.

总体而言,Xbox Live Gold的最大好处是多人访问。 如果您想在Xbox One上玩多人游戏,Xbox Live Gold绝对值得。 现在这是相当标准的。 索尼的PlayStation 4需要针对在线多人游戏提供类似的PlayStation Plus服务,甚至任天堂也将很快开始对Nintendo Switch上的在线多人游戏功能收取订阅费。 每个游戏机都已开始为此功能收费,因此免费玩在线游戏的唯一方法是切换到PC。

The other features are designed to be a bonus. Microsoft does offer quite a few games through Games With Gold, and you can get access to a steady stream of games to play if you’re patient. However, you’re limited to the handful of games Microsoft chooses for you. Sales are also nice, but only if you actually end up buying the older digital games that are on sale. If you primarily buy used physical games, those may be cheaper on sale than the deals you’ll find through Games With Gold.

其他功能旨在作为奖励。 微软确实通过Games With Gold提供了很多游戏,如果您耐心等待,您可以访问源源不断的游戏。 但是,您只能使用Microsoft为您选择的少数游戏。 销量也不错,但前提是您最终购买了正在销售的旧版数字游戏。 如果您主要购买二手物理游戏,那么这些二手游戏可能会比通过Games With Gold提供的交易便宜。

注意免费试用 (Keep an Eye Out for Free Trials)

If you’re still on the fence, Microsoft sometimes offers free trials of Xbox Live Gold with new consoles and some games. You may see a “Try Gold For Free” promotion for some free Xbox Live Gold time on your console, or you may have received a prepaid code you can redeem for trail time bundled with a game or console. However, there’s no simple way to get a trial if your console doesn’t offer one to you and you don’t have a prepaid code. You’ll need to sign up for the paid subscription instead.

如果您仍然束手无策,Microsoft有时会提供带新游戏机和一些游戏的Xbox Live Gold免费试用版。 您可能会在控制台上看到一些免费的Xbox Live Gold时间的“免费试用黄金”促销活动,或者您可能已经收到了预付费代码,可以兑换游戏或控制台捆绑的追踪时间。 但是,如果您的控制台没有为您提供试用版并且您没有预付费代码,则没有简单的方法来进行试用。 您需要注册付费订阅。

When purchased from Microsoft, Xbox Live Gold costs $10 per month, $25 per three months ($8.33 per month), or $60 per year ($5 per month). If you plan on sticking with it for the long haul, the yearly subscription is the best deal—although you can’t cancel it and get your money back during the year you’ve paid for. That’s the catch.

从Microsoft购买时,Xbox Live Gold的费用为每月10美元,每三个月25美元(每月8.33美元)或每年60美元(每月5美元)。 如果您打算长期使用它,那么按年订购是最好的选择,尽管您不能取消它并在已付款的那年取回您的钱。 这就是陷阱。

Overall, Xbox Live Gold certainly seems like a more valuable service than Microsoft’s separate Xbox Game Pass subscription, which costs $10 per month. It offers no discount for buying more time, still requires a paid Xbox Live Gold subscription to play games offline, and offers access to a library of games that includes many games that were previously offered for free via Games for Gold in the past.

总体而言,与微软单独的Xbox Game Pass订阅(每月10美元)相比,Xbox Live Gold当然似乎是一项更有价值的服务。 它不提供购买更多时间的折扣,仍然需要付费的Xbox Live Gold订阅才能离线玩游戏,并且可以访问游戏库,其中包括以前通过Games for Gold免费提供的许多游戏。







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