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ea 备份码是什么

ea 备份码是什么

EA’s Origin Access gives you access to more than 70 games, discounts, and new EA games before they’re released for a monthly (or yearly) subscription fee. But is it really worth it?

EA的Origin Access可让您访问70多种游戏,打折游戏和新的EA游戏,而无需每月(或每年)订阅费即可获得发行。 但这真的值得吗?

什么是原始访问? (What Is Origin Access?)

Origin is the game store run by Electronic Arts for PCs and Macs. It primarily—but not only—offers EA games. Origin Access is the subscription service attached to Origin.  You don’t need to pay for Origin Access to use Origin—you can buy games through Origin and play them normally without any subscription fee.

Origin是由Electronic Arts在PC和Mac上运营的游戏商店。 它主要(但不仅限于)提供EA游戏。 Origin Access是附加到Origin的订阅服务。 您无需为使用Origin支付使用Origin的费用,您可以通过Origin购买游戏并正常进行游戏,而无需支付任何订阅费用。

Origin Access costs either $5 per month, or $30 per year. At $30 per year, that’s $2.50 a month—although you’re locking your payment in and you won’t be able to get a refund if you decide you don’t want to stay subscribed for the entire year.

Origin Access的费用为每月$ 5,或每年$ 30。 每年30美元,也就是每月2.50美元,尽管您将付款锁定了,而且如果您决定不想全年订阅,将无法获得退款。

If you pay the subscription fee, you get all-you-can-play access to over 70 older games in EA’s “vault”. You also save 10% on every game or DLC purchase you make on Origin, and this discount applies even if the game is already on sale.

如果您支付订阅费,则可以在EA的“保险库”中畅玩70多种旧游戏。 您还可以在Origin上购买的每款游戏或DLC上节省10%,即使该游戏已经在销售中,此折扣也适用。

As an additional bonus, you’ll typically gain access to new EA games five days before they’re released, without paying extra. So, for example, Origin Access subscribers could play a 10-hour trial version of Mass Effect: Andromeda five days before the final version was released.

作为额外的奖励,您通常可以在新的EA游戏发布前五天访问它们,而无需支付额外费用。 因此,例如,Origin Access订户可以在发布最终版本前五天播放《质量效应:仙女座》的10小时试用版。

有多少种游戏可用? (How Many Games Are Available?)

More than 70 games are available in EA’s vault, including big-name games like The Sims 4, FIFA 17, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, Titanfall, Mass Effect 3, Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare, Battlefield 4, Crysis 3, Star Wars Battlefront, Dragon Age: Inquisition, SimCity 4, and more. In fact, the complete Dead Space, Dragon Age, and Mass Effect series are included. Scroll down and you’ll find that a good chunk of the games are older EA games that were created for MS-DOS, like the Ultima series.

EA的保险库中提供70多种游戏,包括《模拟人生4》 ,《 FIFA 17》 ,《镜之边缘催化剂》 ,《泰坦陨落》 ,《质量效应3》 ,《植物大战僵尸花园战》 ,《战地风云4》 ,《孤岛危机3》《星球大战前线》《龙腾世纪:审判》 ,《模拟城市4 》等。 实际上,其中包括完整的《死亡空间》 ,《龙腾世纪》和《质量效应》系列。 向下滚动,您会发现很大一部分游戏是为MS-DOS创建的较旧的EA游戏,例如Ultima系列。

Most of the games have one thing in common: They were created and published by EA. However, there are a few smaller indie games that weren’t published by EA in the library here.

大多数游戏都有一个共同点:它们是由EA创建和发布的。 但是,EA并未在此处的库中发布一些较小的独立游戏。

You can view a full list of included Vault games on the EA website.


怎么运行的 (How It Works)

Playing these games works just like playing any other game on Origin. If you subscribe to the service, you can download them to your PC and play them for free as if you purchased them. When your subscription expires, you won’t be able to play them anymore—even if they’re installed on your system. You’ll have to resubscribe or purchase the game to play it.

玩这些游戏就像在Origin上玩其他任何游戏一样。 如果您订阅了该服务,则可以将它们下载到PC上,并像购买它们一样免费播放。 订阅到期后,即使它们已安装在系统上,您也将无法再播放它们。 您必须重新订阅或购买游戏才能玩。

When you purchase anything on Origin, you’ll automatically get a 10% discount. And, when a new EA game is released, you’ll often be able to download and play it five days before everyone else.

在Origin上购买商品时,您将自动获得10%的折扣。 而且,当发布新的EA游戏时,您通常可以比其他所有人提前五天下载并玩游戏。

这值得么? (Is It Worth It?)

Whether this is worth it or not is up to you. At $5 per month—or $2.50 per month, if you commit for an entire year—this subscription is inexpensive compared to similar services. In comparison, Microsoft’s Xbox Game Pass costs a whopping $10 a month, doesn’t offer any discounts, primarily offers older Xbox 360 games, and doesn’t offer prerelease access. Worse yet, it’s competing with the used Xbox games market—whereas you can’t buy used PC games.

这是否值得取决于您。 每月订阅费用为5美元(如果您全年付钱,则为每月2.50美元),与类似服务相比,该订阅价格便宜。 相比之下,微软的Xbox Game Pass每月费用高达10美元,不提供任何折扣,主要提供较旧的Xbox 360游戏,并且不提供预发行版本。 更糟糕的是,它正在与二手Xbox游戏市场竞争,而您却无法购买二手PC游戏。

If you tend to buy a lot of EA games on Origin, you may even save money by going with the subscription. Getting 10% off on a $60 game means you’ll save $6, which is more than the cost of a month’s subscription if you’re paying monthly or two months if you’re paying yearly.

如果您倾向于在Origin上购买很多EA游戏,则甚至可以通过订阅来省钱。 在60美元的游戏中享受10%的折扣意味着您将节省6美元,这比一个月订阅的费用(如果您每月支付)或两个月(如果您每年支付)要高。

The subscription also offers access to quite a few games. Unlike on console, where it’s usually possible to pick up a used copy of these games, it’s not possible to buy inexpensive used copies of these games. You’ll have to either wait to get them on sale or purchase them at full price. For example, if you wanted to play Mirror’s Edge Catalyst right now, you could either purchase it for $20 and play it forever, pay $5 to play it for a month, or pay $30 to play it for a year. And that subscription fee will get you access to many other games, too. However, after your subscription expires, you’ll lose access to the games.

该订阅还提供对相当多游戏的访问。 与主机上通常可以获取这些游戏的二手副本的游戏机不同,它不可能购买廉价的这些游戏的二手副本。 您将不得不等待将它们出售或以全价购买。 例如,如果您现在想玩Mirror's Edge Catalyst,则可以花20美元购买并永久使用它,花5美元租用一个月,或花30美元租用一年。 订阅费将使您也可以访问许多其他游戏。 但是,订阅到期后,您将无法访问游戏。

Take a look at the library and consider which games you want to play, and how much it would cost to pay the subscription versus buying them outright. Origin Access is an amazing deal if you have a lot of time for games and want to tear through the library, while it’s a worse deal if you have little time for games and find yourself only getting through a few games a year.

看一下图书馆,考虑一下您想玩哪些游戏,以及与直接购买订阅相比需要支付多少费用。 如果您有很多时间来玩游戏并想突破资料库,那么Origin Access是一个了不起的交易,而如果您没有时间去玩游戏并且发现自己一年只玩几局游戏,这是一个更糟糕的交易。

However, Origin Access does offer a week-long free trial you so you can try it out. Even if you’re not interested in Origin Access, you can use this trial to play a game or two for free, or get a discount on a game you were about to buy anyway. Just make sure you cancel the subscription afterwards if you don’t want to keep paying for it, or they’ll begin charging you.

但是,Origin Access会为您提供为期一周的免费试用,因此您可以尝试一下。 即使您对Origin Access不感兴趣,您也可以使用此试用版免费玩一两个游戏,或者以某种方式获得您打算购买的游戏的折扣。 如果您不想继续付费,只需确保之后取消订阅即可,否则他们会开始向您收费。

I personally used the Origin Access trial to play Mirror’s Edge Catalyst for free—the only catch was I had to finish the game in a week—and was happy with it. If there were other games I wanted to play that I hadn’t played yet in the vault, I might have stuck with it rather than paying the upfront cost to buy each game.

我个人使用Origin Access试用版免费玩Mirror's Edge Catalyst ,唯一的收获是我必须在一周内完成游戏,并对此感到满意。 如果还有其他我想玩但还没有玩的游戏,我可能会坚持使用它,而不是支付购买每款游戏的前期费用。


ea 备份码是什么





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